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21. FAQ : HURRICANES, TYPHOONS, AND TROPICAL CYCLONES Dr. Chris Landsea's TC FAQ, NOAA's Atlantic hurricane outlook, hurricane shutter info., AOML climotological archive, NWS current weather conditions, and hurricane preparedness info http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/tcpubs1992.html | |
22. Ocean Science Bedford Institute Of Oceanography - Publications Reprints are available upon request to LiB@mar.dfompo.gc.ca Li, WKW, Lewis MR and Harrison WG 2010. Multiscalarity of the nutrient–chlorophyll http://www.mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/ocean/BedfordBasin/publications.htm | |
23. Oceanography - Publications SELECTED PUBLICATIONS This section contains our archive of selected publications dating back to 2002. There is also a thesis library housing a list of some of the outstanding http://oceanography.dal.ca/publications/ | |
24. The EnviroLink Network - Oceanography Displaying 1 1 of 1 resources in Oceanography and Publications 1. Underwater Times castro valley, CA, USA All wet, All news. The daily journal of life in and around water. http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topic=Oceanography&topicsku=2002109192 |
25. Oceanography At The Northeast Fisheries Science Center Northeast Fisheries Science Center Oceanography Branch. Oceanography Publications (Last Updated Feb 2006) http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/epd/ocean/MainPage/Publications.html | |
26. American Society Of Limnology And Oceanography: Welcome Page Promoting limnology (the scientific study of lakes), oceanography and related sciences and fostering the exchange of information in aquatic science. http://www.aslo.org/ | |
27. For Sale : Hawaiian Geology And Oceanography Publications For Sale 2Neat Books Geology and Natural History publications for sale, USGS Professional Papers, Water Supply Papers, Bulletins, State Geological surveys, International and more. http://www.woodenski.com/2neat/state/hawaii.htm | |
28. Publications - Sciences, Earth Space, Oceanography, Publications, (Publications)StudySphere Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_4419.html |
29. Journal Of Physical Oceanography Articles | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial a href= http//www.highbeam.com/Journal+of+Physical+Oceanography/publications.aspx title= Articles and back issues from Journal of Physical Oceanography Journal of Physical http://www.highbeam.com/Journal of Physical Oceanography/publications.aspx | |
30. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Publications - UCSD Libraries SIO Publications. SIO eSCHOLARSHIP REPOSITORY. SIO eScholarship Repository provides a central location for SIO personnel to deposit any research or scholarly output relevant to http://libraries.ucsd.edu/locations/sio/services/sio-publications.html | |
31. KNMI: Climate Research: Oceanography: Accepted And Submitted Publications This page has moved http://www.knmi.nl/onderzk/oceano/publ/recent.html | |
32. Oceanography - Publications - 2003 Publications Archive 2003. Blanchard, J.L., Frank, K.T. and Simon, J.E. - 2003 - Effects of condition on fecundity and total egg production of eastern Scotian Shelf haddock http://oceanography.dal.ca/publications/2003.html | |
33. Ocean Physics University Of Otago, New Zealand Ocean Physics Oceanography Publications Marine Science Mathematics Physics Recent Oceanography/Fluid Mechanics Journal Publications, student authors in http://www.otago.ac.nz/marinescience/po/publications.htm | |
34. Www.grdl.noaa.gov Selected Physical Oceanography Publications. Sin ad Farrell. John Kuhn. Richard Legeckis. Eric Leuliette. John Lillibridge. Laury Miller. Remko Scharro. Carl Wagner http://www.grdl.noaa.gov/SAT/pubs/ocean_pubs.html | |
35. Publications Publications . Klimatilpasning 5 centrale forskningstemaer (Koordineringsenhed for Forskning i Klimatilpasning, KFT, May 2009) Impacts of Climate Change on the http://www.dancore.dk/oceanography/publications.asp | |
36. Publications - Education Resource - StudySphere AMS Online Journals Journal - Select a Volume Votes0 Sign in AMS Journals Online AMS Home Journals Home Journal Archive Subscribe For Authors Help Advanced Search Search Article http://www.studysphere.com/education/Oceanography-Publications-4419.html |
37. Library Holdings - IAMSLIC Union List Of Serials Translated Tables Of Contents Of Current Foreign Fishery And Oceanography Publications ISSN 10542140 Owning Library Dra. Ma. Elena Caso Munos Library of the Mazatlan http://library.csumb.edu/iamslic/unionlist/alphahold.php?lib_abbr=all&j_titl |
38. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Publications - UCSD Libraries SIO Publications. SIO eSCHOLARSHIP REPOSITORY. SIO eScholarship Repository provides a central location for SIO personnel to deposit any research or scholarly output relevant to http://libraries.ucsd.edu/locations/sio/sio-pubs.html | |
39. OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH. - Storming Media and refraction Gravity Magnetism Heat flow Marine geology and biology Structure and sediments Marine ecology and biology Physical and chemical oceanography Publications Future http://www.stormingmedia.us/02/0218/0021804.html |
40. Research Papers And Refereed Articles | The UCT Department Of Oceanography Department of Oceanography Publications 2009 Backeberg, B. C., L. Bertino and J.A. Johannessen (2009). Evaluating two numerical advection schemes in HYCOM for eddyresolving http://sea.uct.ac.za/department-publications/research-papers-and-refereed-articl | |
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