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61. The Industrial Commission Of Ohio The IC serves injured workers and Ohio employers through expeditious and impartial resolution of issues arising from workers compensation claims and through establishment of adjudication policy. http://www.ic.state.oh.us/ |
62. Clinton County Welcomes You! — Clinton County Commissioners Web Site A growing community answering the challenges of merging rural and urban ideals. Includes list of county agencies. http://co.clinton.oh.us/ | |
63. Welcome To The Ohio Department Of Development A state funding source that provides affordable housing opportunities and improves housing conditions for low-income Ohioans. Includes history and list of beneficiaries by county. http://www.odod.state.oh.us/cdd/htf/ |
64. The Shelby County, Ohio Web Site Homepage Official site providing links to county departments, elected officials, annual report, and job opportunities. http://www.co.shelby.oh.us/ | |
65. Office Of The Ohio Consumers' Counsel Represents the interests of Ohio s residential utility customers in proceedings before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, other regulatory agencies and in the courts. http://www.pickocc.org/ | |
66. City Hall - Lima, Ohio Official site providing history, government, and economic information. http://www.cityhall.lima.oh.us/ | |
67. ODJFS Online | Helping Ohioans, Develops and oversees programs that provide health care, employment and economic assistance, child support, and services to families and children. http://jfs.ohio.gov/ | |
68. Ohio Government - Ohio State Resources - AllLaw Links to every aspect of Ohio State Government. Find A Lawyer Finding a lawyer couldn't be easier! To locate a lawyer in your area choose your state, then your city and http://www.alllaw.com/state_resources/ohio/government/ | |
69. ODJFS Online | Child Support Provides resources and information to assist state residents in understanding, complying with, and benefiting from child support regulations. http://jfs.ohio.gov/ocs/ | |
70. Resources - Ohio Government And Rules Links Ohio Government Links Rules and Codes. Ohio Government Links. State of Ohio Home Page includes links to all other State of Ohio agencies Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and http://opd.ohio.gov/Resources/RC_Gov_Rules.htm | |
71. Capitolimpact Government Gateway Provides information on the political infrastructure of the state. http://www.capitolimpact.com/gw/statepage.asp?state=oh&stname=Ohio&stfips=39 |
72. Ohio Government Plays Whack-a-Mole With Pharmacist Ohio government plays Whacka-Mole with pharmacist. From the August 27, 2009 issue. On August 14, 2009, Ohio pharmacist Eric Cropp was sentenced to 6 months in prison, 6 months http://www.ismp.org/Newsletters/acutecare/articles/20090827.asp | |
73. Welcome To The Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission Works in partnership with people with disabilities to assist them in achieving greater community participation through opportunities for employment and independence. http://www.rsc.state.oh.us |
74. Brown County Ohio Government Web Portal The official site of the County of Brown, Ohio with key topics as well as news and information about Brown County Ohio government. http://www.browncountyohio.gov/ |
75. The Ohio Military Reserve Web Site A component of the state s uniformed forces organized and maintained as trained cadres of volunteer soldiers. http://ohmr.ohio.gov/ | |
76. Home - Ohio Government - Research Quick Start At Wright State University Research Quick Start. Ohio Government. Historical Ohio Publications. http://guides.libraries.wright.edu/content.php?pid=66012&sid=600480 |
77. Ohio Air National Guard - Home Lists missions, the people and the benefits of participation in the Ohio Air Guard. http://www.oh.ang.af.mil/ | |
78. Ohio Government - A To Z Teacher Stuff Forums TeacherChat Forums Ohio Government Fourth Grade A to Z Teacher Stuff ~ Teacher Resources, Lesson Plans, Themes, Tips, Printables, and more http://forums.atozteacherstuff.com/showthread.php?t=54391 |
79. Congressman Michael Turner - Proudly Serving Ohio’s 3rd District Official web site for Representative Mike Turner (R - OH). http://turner.house.gov/ | |
80. Columbiana County, Ohio - Government Links And Information The official portal contains information about elected officials, courts, and townships. http://columbianacounty.org/ | |
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