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21. OPLIN | Ohio Public Library Information Network Oversees Internet access for Ohio public libraries. Comprehensive intro for information on all things Ohio News, government, history, statistics, travel. Access to some http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/ | |
22. Save Ohio Libraries - Rodman Public Library - Alliance, Ohio Save Ohio Libraries Update. The Ohio General Assembly's conference committee on the 2010-2011 state budget today accepted a proposal to cut Ohio's Public Library Fund (PLF) $ http://www.rodmanlibrary.com/savelibrary.htm | |
23. Save Ohio Libraries Thank you for supporting North Canton Library! From the article Directors of the North Canton Area Chamber of Commerce have endorsed levies helping the North Canton City Schools and http://saveohiolibraries.com/ | |
24. Daily Kos: Ohio Libraries Under Siege I'm a librarian for a rural library system in Ohio and we just received word today that the Governor's proposed budget will cut funding for Ohio public libraries by 50%. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/6/21/745304/-Ohio-libraries-under-siege |
25. Audible.nolanet.org ListenOhio provides patrons from participating Ohio libraries with a large collection of digital audiobooks- the first collection of its kind. http://www.listenohio.org/ | |
26. Ohio Libraries Share: MORE | State Library Of Ohio Statewide Resource Sharing. State Library of Ohio patrons Click here for how to use OLS MORE. Ohio Libraries Share MORE (OLS MORE) consists of nearly 100 participating libraries http://www.library.ohio.gov/IT/MORE | |
27. Greene County Public Library - Home Greene County Public Library serving Greene County Ohio with locations in Beavercreek, Bellbrook, Cedarville, Fairborn, Jamestown, Xenia, and Yellow Springs., Library Links http://www.greenelibrary.info/ | |
28. Ohio Libraries See Increased Demand Amid Tough Economy - The Herald Dispatch CLEVELAND (AP) — Libraries are lending more books, DVDs and other materials as patrons turn to free entertainment offerings during tough economic times. http://www.herald-dispatch.com/news/x1226082956/Ohio-libraries-see-increased-dem | |
29. Ohio Library Council-->Government Relations Save Ohio Libraries! Questions? General Doug Evans Media Lynda Murray. Why are Ohio public libraries in trouble? What can I do to help Save Ohio Libraries? http://olc.org/SaveOhioLibraries.asp | |
30. Kaubish Memorial Library - Fostoria, Ohio - Libraries On Waymarking.com Used to be The Fostoria Publeic Library. Now it is called The Kaubish Memorial Public Library. http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMHYA |
31. WebJunction - ARRA Funds For Ohio Libraries ARRA funds The federal stimulus package known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) was enacted February 17, 2009 in order to jumpstart the economy, create http://oh.webjunction.org/oharra |
32. Ohio Libraries Articles | Find Articles At BNET Ohio Libraries is a trade publication providing coverage and analysis of library and information science. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3978/ | |
33. March « 2010 « Save Ohio Libraries If you’re concerned about the continuation of library services across the United States, I encourage you to take a look at our new sister site http//savelibraries.org/ http://saveohiolibraries.com/2010/03/ | |
34. MORE - Moving Ohio Resources Everywhere Ohio Libraries Share MORE Statewide Resource Sharing. Submission Deadline to join Ohio Libraries Share MORE first semester June 9th Submission Deadline to join Ohio http://www.infohio.org/LibraryStaff/MORE.html | |
35. Save Ohio Libraries | Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112430631411 |
36. Dayton Metro Library - Default Reference Desk Ohio Libraries Share MORE When you can't find a book, CD or DVD in the Dayton Metro Library catalog, try searching the Ohio Libraries Share - MORE service. http://old.daytonmetrolibrary.org/more.cfm | |
37. Flickr: Save Ohio Libraries' Photostream Save Ohio Libraries' photostream Sets Galleries Tags People Archives Favorites Profile. Slideshow. pretty lat/long. Columbus Rally. Columbus Rally http://www.flickr.com/photos/saveohiolibraries/ | |
38. WebJunction - Ohio Libraries The State Library of Ohio maintains a directory database of multiple library types including public, academic, institution, state agency, and speical libraries. http://oh.webjunction.org/ohlibs |
39. Read Reviews & Get Cheap Book Deals » Ohio Libraries | CheapBookDeals.com Cheap Book Deals Ohio Libraries. From thrillers, romance and classic novels to selfhelp, true crime and reference, CheapBookDeals has reviews and deals for everyone. http://cheapbookdeals.com/libraries/ohio-libraries/ | |
40. Ohio Libraries Face Crisis After Governor Reveals State Budget Cuts | Cleveland Facing a projected $3.2 billion revenue shortfall in the next two years, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland called a press conference Friday to outline his plan to balance the budget. http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/10409 | |
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