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21. Oklahoma Genealogy | Genealogy Soup Births/Deaths Cemeteries Fort Gibson National Cemetery Census Records Churches/Registers City/County Records 1895 Indian Nations City http://genealogysoup.com/blog/oklahoma-genealogy/ |
22. Discover Oklahoma Genealogy WebRings Join The Discover Oklahoma Genealogy Ring! The Discover Oklahoma Ring was set up to bring together all those searching for information in Oklahoma. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/rings/ok/index.htm |
23. Oklahoma Genealogy Records Find genealogy records of your Oklahoma ancestors and relatives using this easy to use genealogy research guide. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~xander/oklahoma-genealogy.htm |
24. Oklahoma Free Genealogy Look Ups From GeneaSearch Lookup Volunteers Oklahoma genealogy look ups for Oklahoma census, marriage records, cemetery records and other offline resources from our volunteers http://www.geneasearch.com/lookups/ok.htm | |
25. Oklahoma Genealogy Genealogy Forms Reduce the confusion with the Color Track Systemâ„¢ color coordinated Genealogy Research System http://www.kindredtrails.com/oklahoma.html | |
26. Oklahoma Genealogy And Family History Resources Welcome to Oklahoma Genealogy and Family History Resources at DistantCousin. Below is a list of links to genealogy resources covering Oklahoma records including links to databases on http://www.distantcousin.com/States/OK.html | |
27. State Of Oklahoma State of Oklahoma Home Page A Free genealogical information on records and links fo Oklahoma Including information on courthouse records, churches, cemeteries, societies http://www.myoklahomagenealogy.com/index.htm | |
28. Oklahoma State Genealogy Links - OK StateGenSites Search for Genealogy in Oklahoma State. The StateGenSites database gives visitors websites in 27 different categories. http://www.genealogytoday.com/genealogy/states/oklahoma.html | |
29. Oklahoma Genealogy Queries Search and post genealogy queries for Oklahoma 1. GARDNER WYSONG I am in search of my son who was put up for adoption in between 1994 and 1995. http://cousinconnect.com/p/a/1039 | |
30. Oklahoma Genealogy Links - Over 400 Links - OK Geneology over 400 genealogy links for Oklahoma including censuses, military records, cemetery transcriptions for http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/oklahoma/index.html | |
31. Lawton Library - Oklahoma Collection Oklahoma/Southwest Oklahoma Genealogy Collection. Early day family, S.W. Oklahoma, possibly Anadarko. We are proud of the fact that we have an extensive collection of material http://www.cityof.lawton.ok.us/Library/oklahoma.htm | |
32. Oklahoma Genealogy Records | Search Genealogy Record Information Online Oklahoma Genealogy Records search and collaborative resource for state genealogy record information online http://recordsproject.com/genealogy/oklahoma.asp |
33. Oklahoma Genealogy Resources To Find Ancestors In Oklahoma State Genealogy Oklahoma Genealogy Resources. Oklahoma became the 46th state on November 16, 1907. Prior to statehood it was two territories, Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory. http://www.surnamesite.com/states/oklahoma.htm | |
34. Barbara Becker Meehan Barbara Becker Meehan, MLIS, CG, Certified Genealogical Record Specialist in Tulsa, OK. http://oklahomagenealogy.info/ | |
35. Oklahoma Genealogy Resources / Surnames......Oklahoma Genealogy Resources http://distantcousin.com/States/OK/ | |
36. Oklahoma Genealogy, Vital Records, Cemeteries, More - GenealogySpot.com Explore the best Oklahoma genealogy resources on the Web. http://www.genealogyspot.com/state/ok.htm |
37. This page was last updated January 16, 2008 You are visitor since January 16, 2008 Today's date. Texas County, Oklahoma. Genealogy and History. Texas County Pioneer Days http://bobbyebeer.com/ | |
38. McCurtain County, Oklahoma Genealogy Welcome to the McCurtain County Genealogy Site. This site provides genealogical information and resources for McCurtain County, Oklahoma and a forum where researchers http://users.ap.net/~chenae/mccurtain.html | |
39. Choctaw County Oklahoma GenWeb updated 01/14/2010. OKCHOCTA Choctaw County Oklahoma Genealogy. email your County Coordinator Ron Henson http://www.okgenweb.org/~okchocta/ | |
40. Muskogee County Oklahoma Genealogy And History History and Genealogy of Muskogee County Oklahoma including cemetery readings, locations and maps. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ok/county/muskogee/ | |
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