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41. Logan Co. Genealogy Society Nonprofit educational organization that exists to collect, preserve, publish and maintain genealogical material and assist members with research. Includes information about http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~oklcgs/ | |
42. Payne, Oklahoma Genealogy Resources Genealogy Search in Payne. Vital Records for Payne, Oklahoma Vital records information, coming soon http://www.gendir.com/locales/2752 | |
43. Oklahoma Genealogy - Looking 4 Kin Genealogy & Family History Network & Chat This group is dedicated to helping people with researching their ancestors in Oklahoma. Can you help by offering tips, suggestions or lookups? Do you have the… http://looking4kin.ning.com/group/oklahomagenealogy | |
44. Alfalfa County Oklahoma Genealogy Cherokee CityCounty Library 602 S Grand Street Cherokee, OK 73728 Phone (580) 596-2366 Oklahoma Public Libraries PublicLibraries.com http://www.kindredtrails.com/OK_Alfalfa.html | |
45. Beckham, Oklahoma Genealogy Resources Genealogy Search in Beckham. Vital Records for Beckham, Oklahoma Vital records information, coming soon http://www.gendir.com/locales/965 | |
46. Oklahoma Genealogy Societies Oklahoma Genealogy Society Directory. Links for all the genealogy societies and historical societies in Oklahoma. Find the Oklahoma Historical or Genealogical society in the http://www.censusfinder.com/oklahoma-genealogy-society.htm | |
47. Oklahoma Genealogy Forum Next Page Page Listings All Messages. Marriage and Divorce date Beckham county ? Okla Help please Fred Gilchrist 10/23/10. Re Marriage and Divorce date Beckham county ? http://genforum.genealogy.com/ok/ | |
48. Oklahoma Genealogy - Oklahoma Birth Records. Oklahoma Family Search Page. Oklahoma Genealogy, Oklahoma Birth Records, Oklahoma Marriage Records, Oklahoma Death Records, Oklahoma Census Records and Oklahoma Genealogy Databases. Genealogy for Oklahoma http://www.genealogy.org/state.asp?state=OK |
49. Oklahoma Genealogy Search online databases for your ancestors* * Subscription may be required. Free trial available in some cases. Search Oklahoma State Records on Footnote.com http://www.mycinnamontoast.com/perl/results.cgi?region=1039&sort=n |
50. Oklahoma Genealogy This page contains categorized links to genealogy sources for Oklahoma. http://www.cyberpursuits.com/gen/state-OK.asp |
51. Muskogee County, Oklahoma Genealogy Links - Geneology genealogy links for Muskogee County, Oklahoma including census records,military records, cemetery.. http://www.genealogylinks.net/usa/oklahoma/Muskogee.htm | |
52. Cleveland County, Oklahoma Genealogy - USGenWeb Cleveland County, Oklahoma Genealogy Part of the U.S. and Oklahoma USGenWeb Project. About the Oklahoma USGenWeb Project; Cleveland County Research Helps http://home.telepath.com/~dataman/okcleveland.html | |
53. Stephens County, Oklahoma Genealogy Stephens County, Oklahoma Genealogy site, part of the USGenWeb and OKGenWeb projects. http://stephenscogen.org/~okstephe/stephens.htm | |
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