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         Oklahoma Government:     more books (101)
  1. A Survey of Tribal Records in the Archives of the United States Government in Oklahoma by Grant Foreman, 1933-01-01
  2. Oklahoma Politics and Policies: Governing the Sooner State (Politics and Governments of the American States) by David R. Morgan, Robert E. England, et all 1991-08-01
  3. In Search of Smaller Government: The Case of State Finance in Oklahoma
  4. The Oklahoma State Constitution: A Reference Guide (Reference Guides to the State Constitutions of the United States) by Danny M. Adkison, Lisa McNair Palmer, 2001-05-30
  5. Oklahoma Politics: A History by James Scales, 1982-11
  6. Agrarian Socialism in America: Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside, 1904-1920 by Jim Bissett, 2002-04
  7. Shaping Oklahoma: Boundaries; Culture; Government; Economy by Geneva Hudson, 2003-10-29
  8. Oklahoma Government Today, How We Got There by Carl Reherman and Bob Burke George Nigh, 2004
  9. The Fus Fixico Letters: A Creek Humorist in Early Oklahoma by Alexander Lawrence Posey, Daniel F. Littlefield, et all 2002-02
  10. Oklahoma Government & Politics: An Introduction --2000 publication. by Christopher Markwood, 2000-01-01
  11. Oklahoma Government Today by George Nigh, Carl Reherman, et all 2005
  12. Government of Oklahoma
  13. Government of Oklahoma: Governor of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Legislature, List of Oklahoma State Agencies
  14. The operation of the council-manager plan of government in Oklahoma cities by Jewell Cass Phillips, 1935

21. Oklahoma Department Of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma Department Of Wildlife Co
Agency in charge of managing the state s wildlife, fish, and outdoor resources.

22. Oklahoma Government Offices. Directory Of Government Offices In OK.
Oklahoma Government Offices Directory. Find addresses and contact information for Government Offices in Oklahoma.
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Oklahoma Government Offices
Welcome to the 50States Oklahoma government offices directory. Find Oklahoma Government Office addresses, phone numbers and more contact info.
Yellow Pages - Find government offices in your state Category: Name: City: State: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D.C. Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Oklahoma Government Offices
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179th Infantry Co More Info
2222 SW 44th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73119
Able Commission More Info
106 Monroe St
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Agriculture Experiment Sta More Info E Of City Chickasha, OK 73018 Agriculture Experiment Station More Info E Of City Chickasha, OK 73018

23. Gateway To Oklahoma - By Snowhawk
Oklahoma personal Web page of Oklahoma info and resources by an 'Okie'
"Trail of Tears"
Painting by Robert Lindneux
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Oklahoma, also called "The Sooner State," is smack dab in the middle of the Heartland, USA. The name Oklahoma is from the Choctaw Nation words "okla" meaning people, and "humma" meaning red... "Red People." The largest population (250,000) of Native American Indians in the United States, with Tribal Headquarters for 39 Tribes, are in Oklahoma. The state was known as Indian Territory when the 5 civilized Tribes were forced to relocate here, during 1838-1839, from their homes in the southeast as ordered by President Jackson in what is known as the " Trail of Tears ." A treaty then swore this would be the Indians' Promised Land, "for as long as the grass grows and the water flows." However, in 1889 a choice portion of Indian Territory in Oklahoma was opened up for white settlement in one of the most bizarre events known to American History. Over 100,000 people lined up along 165 miles of the Kansas border ready to take off and stake their claims in the Land Rush . Those Federal Marshals, railroad personnel, and others who were legally allowed in the territory before the shot fired at noon, starting the race into "

24. Driver Licenses And ID Cards
Provides vehicle licensing, titling, and registration information as well as forms and contact information.

25. Oklahoma Government State Capital Oklahoma City Governor Brad Henry Oklahoma Sta
Oklahoma state government Information about the Oklahoma state capitol, Oklahoma City, the capital city, state motto, Governor Brad Henry, Oklahoma Senators and






Oklahoma State Government
Indian Territory 1820-1907 Get closer STATEHOOD: The land called Oklahoma was purchased from France, in 1803, as part of the Louisiana Purchase. From 1803 to 1819, Oklahoma was part of several territorial districts as the United States reorganized its land holdings due to boundary disputes and treaties. By 1819, Oklahoma, minus the panhandle, was part of the Arkansas Territory. In the early 1800's, there was intense pressure to remove Indians from the settled east. In response, the U.S. Government reserved Oklahoma for Native Americans and, in 1828, required all settlers to withdrawn from the area. Between 1830 and 1842, a sad chapter of U.S. history, the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Indians ( The Five Civilized Tribes ) were compelled to give up their homelands and move to Oklahoma. The Cherokee people referred to this migration as the " Trail of Tears Oklahoma / Indian Territory Get closer Soon, settlers looking for more property and the railroads looking for revenue coveted the reserved Indian Territory. By the late 1880s, Native Americans were pressured again as Indian Territory was divided into two parts. In 1889, the western half of Indian Territory, including the panhandle, was opened for settlement. On March 2, 1890 this land, plus an additional 3,681,000 acres, was established as Oklahoma Territory by the U.S. Congress and Guthrie was designated as the Territorial Capital.

26. Oklahoma Department Of Agriculture, Food, And Forestry
regulates agricultural activities.
Home Blog State Board Hall of Fame Quick Links

Welcome to Oklahoma Government Custer Died for Your Sins An Indian Manifesto by Jr. Vine Deloria Amazon Price $16.47 Customer Review I picked up this book for

28. Claremore, Oklahoma Government Directory
City of Claremore, Oklahoma government courtesy of City of Claremore. Ambulance - Fire - Police Emergency 911
Claremore, Oklahoma Government Directory
courtesy of
City of Claremore
Ambulance - Fire - Police Emergency: 911
Ambulance: Pafford EMS

817 N. J.M. Davis
Claremore, OK
Phone: (918) 341-4747
Animal Control
815 Ramm Road
Claremore, OK 74017
Phone: 341-1260
City Hall
104 S Muskogee PO Box 249 Claremore, OK 74017 Phone: 341-8842 Brant Shallenburger, Mayor 104 South Muskogee Claremore, OK Phone: 341-3010 City Manager 104 S Muskogee Claremore, OK Phone: 341-2365 Fax: 341-0955 City Manager Assistant Phone: 341-2365 Fax: 341-0955 City/Court Clerk 104 S Muskogee Phone: 341-1325 Fax: 341-7705 City Treasurer 104 S Muskogee Phone: 341-3622 Fax: 341-7705 Electric Department 724 S Ramm Rd Claremore, OK Phone: 341-2895 (Outages after 5pm, 341-1212) Fax: 342-0296 Environmental Services 724 S Ramm Rd Claremore, OK Phone: 341-1889 Fire Department - Emergency: 911 Emergency Outside City Limits: 341-1313 121 N Weenonah Ave Claremore, OK Phone: 341-1477 Fax: 341-1318 Phone: 341-1477 Lake Department E Blue Starr Phone: 341-1238 Will Rogers Library 1515 N Florence Claremore, OK 74017

29. OKDHS 404 Page
Offers information for parents on procedures, guidelines, and available services.
Skip to main content Oklahoma Department of Human Services Stronger Families Grow Brighter Futures ... Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Sequoyah Memorial Office Building, 2400 N. Lincoln Blvd. • Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 521-3646 • Fax (405) 521-6684 • Internet: Looking for Something at OKDHS? Sorry, but the page you've requested is not available.You may have selected an outdated link or typed the page address (URL) incorrectly. You might find the information that you are seeking by using the OKDHS Search tool or by performing one of the other actions listed below: If you are looking for a particular document and cannot find it, please try one of the following:
  • Click your browser's Refresh button and wait for the page to reload. Check the spelling of the Web address to make sure the address is correct; put the cursor in the Address Bar and then press the Enter key on your keyboard. Click your browser's Back button to return to the previous page, and then try the link again.

30. Oklahoma Government Jobs & Employment - FlipDog Job Search
Find new Oklahoma Government jobs, careers, and employment opportunities at FlipDog. Visit for Oklahoma Government job listings posted today!

31. Oklahoma Department Of Veterans Affairs - Home
state agency providing health and financial assistance programs for Oklahoma veterans.
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Contact Central Office
Employment Opportunities ... War Veterans Commission Meeting Schedules Home The state veterans program administered by the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs, under the direction of the War Veterans Commission as the controlling board, provides a complete service to the State's veterans. This service includes nursing and domiciliary care, financial assistance in emergencies, and field service counseling in the filing of claims for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and state benefits. Oklahoma is one of the top two states in the nation with seven veterans centers providing intermediate to skilled nursing care and domiciliary care for its wartime veterans. These centers are located in Ardmore, Claremore, Clinton, Lawton, Norman, Sulphur, and Talihina. The Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs also has a Claims and Benefits Division. This division has offices at the V.A. Regional Office in Muskogee; V.A. Medical Center, Oklahoma City; V.A. Medical Center, Muskogee; V.A. Outpatient Clinic, Tulsa; and the Lawton/Fort Sill Oklahoma Veterans Center. For further convenience of Oklahoma's veterans, the Claims and Benefits Division has Veterans Service Representatives who travel on an itinerant basis offering assistance in all counties throughout the state.� Schedules may be obtained by this link:
Veterans Service Representatives' Itineraries

32. Oklahoma Government News - Topix
Local, regional, and statewide news continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

33. OSDH Home - Oklahoma State Department Of Health
Links to programs and services provided by the Dept of Health.
@import "/triton/assets/css/print.css"; Contact A-Z Health Index
Birth and Death Certificates
Forms, Regulations, Licensing ... HIPAA OSDH Home
Current Features
Influenza Facts, Updates, Resources
The most reliable source of influenza information. Surveillance summary updates are posted weekly...... Oklahoma Children's Health Plan Public input sought on the Oklahoma Children's Health Plan through Nov. 26th...... Lead Poisoning Prevention General information and resources for lead poisoning prevention...... Rodeo Medicine Referral System Rodeo athletes now have the ability to access medical providers across the United States and Canada.... Preparing for a Lifetime Public Health in Action Public health impacts the life of every person in Oklahoma every day....
Online Services How Do I... At Least Not Because of the Flu! State Health Department Announces Long Term Care Survey Results Now Available Online State Board of Health to Meet more... ...
A-Z Health Index Top Searches State of Oklahoma Help Desk Policies About Oklahoma's Web Portal Feedback

34. Oklahoma Government Jobs & Employment - FlipDog Job Search
Find new Oklahoma Government jobs, careers, and employment opportunities at FlipDog. Visit for Oklahoma Government job listings posted today!

35. OSTA - Welcome
site contains History and Program Information concerning OSTA.

36. Oklahoma State Government Grant, Free Money, Government Funds
The State of Oklahoma has many government grants and scholarships available for residents of Oklahoma. Find out which ones you are eligible for.

37. Index
Official homepage of the tribe, with history and culture information.

38. Oklahoma Government Contractors (Oklahoma City, OK) - Meetup
Tired of the disconnect? Running from place to place to meet companies in Oklahoma who do federal contracting? Join our Oklahoma Government Contractors's Group as we identify

39. Oklahoma Department Of Labor - ODOL Homepage
ensures fairness, equity and safety in Oklahoma workplaces through ethical behavior, conscientious guidance and loyal service to Oklahoma s employers and employees.

40. Oklahoma Government
Voters ratified the state constitution in 1907 and Oklahoma became the 46th star in the American flag. The state is represented in the U.S. Congress by two senators and
Key to Oklahoma Help Table of Contents Biographies Oklahoma Today ... Quizzes
Oklahoma Government
State Government Voters ratified the state constitution in 1907 and Oklahoma became the 46th star in the American flag. The state is represented in the U.S. Congress by two senators and five representatives . It has seven votes in the Electoral College that elects the president. Oklahoma City is the state capital. The state government has three branches: the executive , the legislative and the judicial . The three branches create a system of " checks and balances " which prevents any one branch from dominating the government. The Oklahoma State Capitol at the dedication of the newly completed dome in November 2002. (Photo courtesy of Legislative Services Bureau) The Oklahoma legislature makes the laws for the state. It has two chambers: the house of representatives with 101 members and the senate with 48 members. Representatives serve two-year terms. Senators serve four-year terms. The political party that has a majority of members elects the leaders of each house. In Oklahoma, the Democrats have always been in the majority. Any senator or representative can propose a bill that becomes a law if a majority of both houses vote for it and if the governor signs it. If the governor disagrees with the legislature, he can veto the bill. The Legislature can override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote of both houses.

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