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21. Ontario Public Service Careers - Search For Jobs NOTICE The OPS Careers job alert service has been restored; to signup for job posting notifications through the OPS Careers job alert service please access the job alert http://www.gojobs.gov.on.ca/Search.aspx | |
22. Ministry Of The Attorney General - Divorce And Separation Separation agreements and court orders can resolve some family matters when you separate but they do not legally end your marriage. The only way to legally end your marriage http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/family/divorce/ | |
23. Office Of The Premier, Dalton McGuinty | Cabinet Lists ministers of provincial government departments and Cabinet officers, with links to related sites. http://www.premier.gov.on.ca/team/default.asp | |
24. Newsroom - Ontario.ca The Ontario government released its seventh annual Progress Report highlighting how the Open Ontario Plan is delivering results for Ontario families. http://www.news.ontario.ca/newsroom/en/ | |
25. Ministry Of Energy And Infrastructure: Home Energy : What Is The Retrofit Rebate Official public site of the Government of Ontario, Canada's Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure http://www.mei.gov.on.ca/en/energy/conservation/homeenergyon/?page=homeenergy-re |
26. Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund - Home A multi-level government partnership working together to improve and renew public infrastructure across the province. http://www.comrif.ca/ | |
27. Summer Jobs Programs Whether you want to find a job, start your own business, or come and work for the Government of Ontario this summer, there's lots of work available through Ontario's summer jobs http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/brochure/summejbe.html | |
28. Ontario Government To Help Professional Immigrants Dianne Cunningham, Ontario Minister for Colleges and Universities, seated left, during a media briefing on academic credentials of new immigrants in Toronto on Nov. 2. http://webhome.idirect.com/~sluna/profimmig.htm | |
29. Ministry Of Education / Ministère De L'Éducation Governmental authority regarding education in the province. http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/ | |
30. Ontario Government Combines Land Registry Offices In The Niagara Region - Govern Welland Land Registry Office to relocate to the St. Catharines Land Registry Office http://www.gov.on.ca/mgs/en/News/052952.html | |
31. Ministry Of Municipal Affairs And Housing / Ministère Des Affaires Municipales E Includes program information, ministerial contacts, research programs, guidelines, and links. http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/ | |
32. Webnames.ca Canadian Domain Name Registration And Domain Management Services CIRA Certified Registers of Canadian Domain names through Webnames.ca, including .ca (Canada) level domain registrar, domain management services, .com .net .org names and http://www.ontariogovernment.ca/ |
33. Ministry Of Tourism Ministère Du Tourisme Serves the province s tourism industry. http://www.tourism.gov.on.ca/ | |
34. Ontario - Government A selection of articles related to Ontario Government Ontario, Ontario - Agriculture, Ontario - Demographics, Ontario - Economy, Ontario - From 1867 to 1896, Ontario http://www.experiencefestival.com/ontario_-_government |
35. Ministry Of The Environment (MOE) / Ministere De L'Environnement Information, news and related links about the Ministry charged with maintaining a clean environment. http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/ | |
36. Archives Of Ontario Assignment to Archives Recognizing the Work of Ontario Government Photographers . Throughout the 20th century Government of Ontario photographers recorded the development of http://www.archives.gov.on.ca/english/on-line-exhibits/index-ontario-government. |
37. ONTERM Entry Page/Page De Garde D’ONTERM ONTERM - provides official English/French translation of government publications, statutes, and regulations. http://www.onterm.gov.on.ca/ | |
38. Ontario Library Service Support service of the Ministry of Culture for library services in the province. http://www.library.on.ca/ | |
39. Ontario Government — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress Councilor Lead, follow or get out of the way, Carol Mitchell! — 4 comments. WCO wrote 4 days ago Hi Carol, I understand that you received a PDF file of the location http://en.wordpress.com/tag/ontario-government/ |
40. WSIAT | Workplace Safety And Insurance Appeals Tribunal - Ontario Describes the tribunal and its function, outlining appeals procedures and resources for appellants. http://www.wsiat.on.ca/ | |
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