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         Opium Wars History:     more books (100)
  1. The Opium War (History of Modern China)
  2. The Opium War (History of Modern China Series) by Chung-kuo chin tai shih tsung shu pien hsieh tsu, 1976
  3. Commissioner Lin and the Opium War: A review (History critique) by Sai-chun Lam, 1984
  4. Changing China: Readings in the History of China from the Opium War to the Present
  5. The Opium War by Compilation Group, 1976
  7. Zhongguo wai jiao shi: Ya pian zhan zheng zhi Xin hai ge ming shi qi, 1840-1911 = A diplomatic history of China from the opium war to the 1911 revolution (Mandarin Chinese Edition) by Shaofang Wang, 1988
  8. The Opium War by the Compilation Group for the History of Modern China Series by Anonymous, 1976
  9. The Opium Wars by W. Travis Hanes, Frank Sanello, 2004-02-01
  10. The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes by Arthur Waley, 1958-06-01
  11. Commissioner Lin and the Opium War by Hsin-pao Chang, 1970-01-01
  12. The Chinese Opium Wars by Jack Beeching, 1977-04-06
  13. Opium War, 1840-1842: Barbarians in the Celestial Empire in the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century and the War by Which They Forced Her Gates by Peter Ward Fay, 1998-03-16
  14. Deadly Dreams: Opium and the Arrow War (1856-1860) in China (Cambridge Studies in Chinese History, Literature and Institutions) by J. Y. Wong, 2002-11-07

1. A Short History Of The Opium Wars
Own your ow legal marijuana business Your guide to making money in the multibillion dollar marijuana industry
Own your ow legal marijuana business
Your guide to making money in the multi-billion dollar marijuana industry
A Short History of the Opium Wars
From: Civilizations Past And Present Book: Chapter 29: South And East Asia, 1815-1914 Author: Wallbank;Taylor;Bailkey;Jewsbury;Lewis;Hackett Date: 1992 See also Frequently Asked Questions About Heroin, Morphine, and the Opiates - Heroin/Morphine FAQ The Central Kingdom At the end of the 1800s China's four million square miles held 450 million people, up from 200 million a century earlier. The ruling dynasty was the Ching, established by Manchus from Manchuria, who in 1644 had superseded the Ming. These descendants of the Tatars appreciated Chinese civilization and adopted a conciliatory attitude toward their subjects. They refused, however, to allow intermarriage with the Chinese, for they realized that only their blood difference kept them from being assimilated and conquered. By and large, however, the Manchus gradually became Chinese in their attitudes and habits. The Manchu emperors were remarkably successful. The reign of Chien-lung (1736-1795) was a time of great expansion. The Manchus gained Turkestan, Burma, and Tibet. By the end of the eighteenth century Manchu power extended even into Nepal, and the territory under the Ching control was as extensive as under any previous dynasty.

2. Chinadaily BBS
Author middlekingdo Time 20075-11 1210 PM Subject The Opium Wars Everyone knows that the Opium Wars were immoral wars waged to get money by addicting people to drugs.

3. Opium Wars - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
The Opium Wars (simplified Chinese 鸦片战争; traditional Chinese 鴉片戰爭; pinyin Yāpi n Zh nzhēng), also known as the AngloChinese Wars, were the climax of trade
Opium Wars
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search "Opium War" and "Opium Wars" redirect here. For other uses, see Opium War (disambiguation) This article may contain wording that merely promotes the subject without imparting verifiable information . Please remove or replace such wording, unless you can cite independent sources that support the characterization. Opium Wars
Combat at Guangzhou (Canton) during the Second Opium War Date Location China Result Victory of the Western powers over China, resulting in the Treaty of Nanking and the Treaty of Tientsin Territorial
changes Hong Kong Island and southern Kowloon ceded to the United Kingdom Belligerents British Empire
French Empire
United States (1856 and 1859 only) Qing Dynasty v d e Opium Wars First Second The Opium Wars simplified Chinese traditional Chinese pinyin Yāpiàn Zhànzhēng ), also known as the Anglo-Chinese Wars , were the climax of trade disputes and diplomatic difficulties between China under the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire after China sought to restrict illegal British opium trafficking. It consisted of the

4. Short List Of Indexed Books(page 2472) - EBooks Search Engine
Opium Wars History; Advanced Listening; mp3 Opium Wars The Opium Wars between Britain and China in the 19th century forced China to open its doors to trade with the western world.

5. England And China: The Opium Wars, 1839-60
England and China The Opium Wars, 183960 Philip V. Allingham, Contributing Editor, Victorian Web; Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario
England and China: The Opium Wars, 1839-60
Philip V. Allingham , Contributing Editor, Victorian Web; Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Victorian Web Home Victorian Political History Victorian Social History The British Empire ... Opium Wars
The Opium Trade, Seventh through Nineteenth Centuries
he Anglo-Chinese Opium Wars were the direct result of China's isolationalist and exclusionary trade policy with the West. Confucian China's attempts to exclude pernicious foreign ideas resulted in highly restricted trade. Prior to the 1830s, there was but one port open to Western merchants, Guangzhou (Canton) and but one commodity that the Chinese would accept in trade, silver. British and American merchants, anxious to address what they perceived as a trade imbalance, determined to import the one product that the Chinese did not themselves have but which an ever-increasing number of them wanted: opium. Before 1828, large quantities of the Spanish silver coin, the Carolus , flowed into China in payment for the exotic commodities that Europeans craved; in contrast, in the decade of the 1830s, despite an imperial decree outlawing the export of yellow gold and white silver, "only $7,303,841 worth of silver was imported, whereas the silver exported was estimated at $26,618, 815 in the foreign silver coin, $25,548,205 in sycee, and $3,616,996 in gold" (Kuo, p. 51). although the Chinese imperial governed had long prohibited the drug except for medicinal use, the "British Hong" (companies such as Dent, Jardine, and Matheson authorized to operate in Canton) bought cheaply produced opium in the Begal and Malwa (princely) districts under the auspices of the

6. Katia Verber
influence after the opium wars history of auburn prison lutron security war of1812 making sparkler bombs porcha arab hustler history of russia ppt
sije�anj, 2009 P U S P S N Sije�anj 2009 (1)
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Katia Verber
17.01.2009., subota
Dog Experts to Obama: Plenty to Choose From
Among the offices Barack Obama has yet to fill, one has a special importance to his family: first dog.
At his first post-election news conference on Friday, the president-elect called choosing a dog a "major issue" in the Obama household and a hot topic on his Web site.

7. Ch'ing China: The Opium Wars
The Opium War, also called the AngloChinese War, was the most humiliating defeat China ever suffered. In European history, it is perhaps the most sordid, base, and vicious event
tons of opium into Canton which it traded for Chinese manufactured goods and for tea. This trade had produced, quite literally, a country filled with drug addicts, as opium parlors proliferated all throughout China in the early part of the nineteenth century. This trafficing, it should be stressed, was a criminal activity after 1836, but the British traders generously bribed Canton officials in order to keep the opium traffic flowing. The effects on Chinese society were devestating. In fact, there are few periods in Chinese history that approach the early nineteenth century in terms of pure human misery and tragedy. In an effort to stem the tragedy, the imperial government made opium illegal in 1836 and began to aggressively close down the opium dens.
The War
The Illustrated Gazatteer of Maritime Countries
Illustrated Gazatteer of Maritime Countries Gazatteer Gazatteer that the Europeans had developed technologies and methods of warfare in their ceaseless and barbaric quest for power, profit, and material wealth. Civilization, represented by China, was in danger of falling to the technological superiority of the Western powers. Because China is a peaceful and civilized nation, it can overcome the West only if it learns and matches the technology and techniques of the West. The purpose of the Gazatteer
�1996, Richard Hooker

8. Chinese History
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9. History Of The Opium Trade In China
Own your ow legal marijuana business Your guide to making money in the multibillion dollar marijuana industry
Own your ow legal marijuana business
Your guide to making money in the multi-billion dollar marijuana industry The Opium Monopoly
The China Year Book makes no mention of the traders who carried these chests of opium into China. The opium came from India, however, and the increase in importation corresponds with the British occupation of India, and the golden days of the East India Company. "Opium was now contraband, but that fact had no effect on the quantity introduced into the country," smuggled in wholesale by the enterprising British traders. After this atrocity, followed the first Opium War, when British ships sailed up the river, seized port after port, and bombarded and took Canton. Her ships sailed up the Yangtsze, and captured the tribute junks going up the Grand Canal with revenue to Peking, thus stopping a great part of China's income. Peace was concluded in 1843, and Great Britain came out well. She recompensed herself by taking the island of Hongkong; an indemnity Of 21 million dollars, and Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo and Shanghai were opened up as "treaty ports"-for the importation of opium and the "open-door" in general. Mr. Wells, in his "Middle Kingdom" describes the origin of this first war with England: "This war was extraordinary in its origin as growing chiefly out of a commercial misunderstanding; remarkable in its course as being waged between strength and weakness, conscious superiority and ignorant pride; melancholy in its end as forcing the weaker to pay for opium within its borders against all its laws, thus paralyzing the little moral power its feeble government could exert to protect its subjects. . . . It was a turning point in the national life of the Chinese race, but the compulsory payment of six million dollars for the opium destroyed has left a stigma upon the English name."

10. �������� clarinex decongestant /a the crusaders almost achieving off without a href=http// opium wars history /a

11. YouTube - The Opium Wars (history Project)
Windows Movie Maker sucks. P

12. 9 단계 | 리틀팍스,1999blog620033997567463526. 2010-09-27T152716.188+1000. The Michael Duffy Files . dorothy parker. . Blogger

13. Frontline: The Opium Kings: Opium Throughout History | PBS
c.3400 B.C. The opium poppy is cultivated in lower Mesopotamia. The Sumerians refer to it as Hul Gil, the 'joy plant.' The Sumerians would soon pass along the plant and its
var loc = "../../../"; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://sb" : "http://b") + "' %3E%3C/script%3E"));
c.3400 B.C.
The opium poppy is cultivated in lower Mesopotamia. The Sumerians refer to it as Hul Gil, the 'joy plant.' The Sumerians would soon pass along the plant and its euphoric effects to the Assyrians. The art of poppy-culling would continue from the Assyrians to the Babylonians who in turn would pass their knowledge onto the Egyptians. c.1300 B.C.
In the capital city of Thebes, Egyptians begin cultivation of opium thebaicum,grown in their famous poppy fields.The opium trade flourishes during the reign of Thutmose IV, Akhenaton and King Tutankhamen. The trade route included the Phoenicians and Minoans who move the profitable item across the Mediterranean Sea into Greece, Carthage, and Europe. c.1100 B.C.
On the island of Cyprus, the "Peoples of the Sea" craft surgical-quality culling knives to harvest opium, which they would cultivate, trade and smoke before the fall of Troy. c. 460 B.C.

14. The Michael Duffy Files: Piers Akerman, The Chinese, Barbarians At The Gate, The
Piers Akerman, the Chinese, barbarians at the gate, the opium wars, history and a hammer for a head
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Piers Akerman, the Chinese, barbarians at the gate, the opium wars, history and a hammer for a head
And so we come to the strange and disturbing case of Piers Akerman's fear and loathing of the Chinese.
His latest rant - Rudd stymied as the barbarians shut the gate - would be worthy of a digger on the Australian goldfields in the nineteenth century. Indeedy, he even manages to revive the term celestial, a word you don't find being used outside the muckraking that inspired the Lambing Flat riots in 1861.
As Peng discovered and Hu is now learning, after 177 years the Chinese are still adhering to the established laws of the Celestial Empire and ignoring international covenants which apply in the more civilised modern nations.
Peng is of course James Peng, who spent six years in a Chinese prison, and Hu is the latest Chinese-born Australian businessman to find himself in trouble in the Middle Kingdom (see, I can do the Sons of Heaven gibberish as well as Piers).
But enough of that, let's get back to the history lesson that Piers provides us so we can better understand the fiendish nature of the Chinese:

15. Opium Wars, History_Other, College Term
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16. How did The British Trade With China Trigger The Opium Wars? - History - Questi
History How did the British trade with China trigger the Opium Wars?

17. The Chinese Opium Wars
History of the Wars. England and China The Opium Wars, 183960; The Principle of Extraterritoriality and the Opium Wars, 1839-60; The Nemesis — Great Britain's Secret Weapon in the
The Chinese Opium Wars
Victorian Web Home Victorian Political History Victorian Social History The British Empire ... Opium Wars
History of the Wars
Opium, Its Medicinal Uses, and Addiction
Illustrations (from the 1842 and 1843 The Illustrated London News unless otherwise noted)

18. Links To Other Sites For Chinese Studies
A Short History of the Opium Wars; History House Stories Christ's Brother Goes to China; Pacific Century China; Pacific Century - Asia
Chinese Cultural Studies:
Web Sites

19. The British Empire: An Internet Gateway By Dr. Jane Samson
Ch'ing China The Opium Wars History of Hong Kong covers up to pretakeover Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of the HKSAR a government of Hong Kong information
The British Empire
An Internet Gateway by Dr. Jane Samson
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1. Centres of Commonwealth studies:
Centre for Commonwealth Studies , Stirling Centre for Commonwealth, United Nations and International Affairs

20. The Somni-Store: Opium Poppy Seeds, Papaver Somniferum Seeds, And Opium Poppies.
The Chinese Opium Wars History of the Opium Wars in China. Opium Regimes China, Britain, and Japan, 18391952 Opium is more than just a
Gallery Community Poppy FAQ ...
The Opium Poppy Bookstore
Welcome to the Book Store, where you can find a variety of titles relating to all aspects of the Opium Poppy. The proceeds from the store help fund the continued maintenance and operation of
Please Note : The Book Store is made possible through partnership with As such, you will be taken off-site to complete your purchases.
Essential Reading :
A Guide to the Poppy Family in the Wild and in Cultivation
A comprehensive monograph on the classification, propagation, and cultivation of poppies. Data on genera and species are arranged by subfamilies and well indexed. Landscaping and planting suggestions and often-hard-to-find historical data are included. Illustrated with line drawings and photographs. An organized and comprehensive source of information heretofore available only in scattered resources.
Opium For The Masses

Considered the definitive resource on cultivation and use. Buy it now, you won't regret it. Nuff said.
Opium: A Portrait of a Heavenly Demon

This is a gorgeous cloth bound book, that will guide you through the poppy fields of India to the smokey opium dens of Asia, Europe, and North America. 'Opium' offers an intriguing illustrated history that is filled with evocative images from antique postcards, rare engravings, and hollywood stills.

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