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         Opossums:     more books (101)
  1. Opossums (Pebble Books) by Ripple, William J., 2006-01-01
  2. Opossum at Sycamore Road (Smithsonian Backyard) by Sally M. Walker, 1997-09-01
  3. Opossums (Backyard Animals) by Christine Webster, 2007-07-30
  4. Opossums (Naturebooks) by Sandra Lee, 1998-02
  5. There's an Opossum in My Backyard by Gary Bogue, 2007-08-01
  6. Opossum & The Great Firemaker - Pbk (Legends of the World) by Mike, 1998-01-01
  7. The Myths of the Opossum: Pathways of Mesoamerican Mythology by Alfredo Lopez Austin, 1993-04
  8. Opossum by Kazue Mizumura, 1974-05
  9. Opossums (New True Books) by Emilie U. Lepthien, 1994-09
  10. A Preliminary Study Of The South American Opossums Of The Genus Didelphis (1902) by Joel Asaph Allen, 2010-05-23
  11. Walt Disney's Bambi Opossum Problem (Little Super Shape Book) by Mary Packard, 1997-10
  12. Pokey Opossum: I'm Kinda Slow (Animal Pride Set 1) by Sue Rogers, Pat Sargent, 2002-02
  13. The Logical Opossum by Tien Huang, 2010-01-21
  14. Meet the Opossum by Leonard Lee Rue III, William Owen, 1983-10

1. Opossums
Informational site with pictures, and links to breeders and people who have opossums as pets.
Opossums Pictures
Puppies for Sale, Dogs for Sale, Dog Pictures, Dog Breeds, Cats for Sale, Kittens for Sale. Advertise here
Opossums - Habitat
Virginia Opossums (Didelphis virginiana) inhabit the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, Central America, and Pacific coastal North America. The Virginia Opossum is the only marsupial found in the North America. In South America and Australia there are about 80 species of Opossums. Opossums lived during the era of dinosaurs - fossil remains have been found from 70 million years ago. Picture courtesy of
Beartracker's Animal Tracks Den
Kim A. Cabrera
Opossums - Taxonomy
  • Class: mammalia Order: didelphimorphia Suborder: marsupials Family: didelphinae (Opossum) Genus: didelphis Species: didelphis virginiana.
Opossums - Reproduction
The breeding season for Opossums begins in December and may continue through October with most of the infants born between February and June. Like all marsupials, Opossum females have a well-developed pouch. They produce an average of 7 young, once or twice a year (litters of 17 kids have been reported). At birth, the infants are hairless, embryonic-looking, and weigh about 0.1 grams because the period of gestation is 12-13 days and because they are born at a very early stage in their development. Young Opossums have to make a long and difficult journey from the birth canal into the pouch and latch onto a teat. The mother helps by licking the hair leading into the pouch. There are only 13 teats in the pouch and not all may be functional, so the excess infants will not survive. The young open the eyes at around 60-70 days and are weaned at about 100 days of age. Then they are often carried as they cling onto the mother's back. After separation from the mother, littermates may share common dens for some time. Very few young Opossums survive to become adults.

2. National Opossum Society
The National Opossum Society is a notfor-profit charity, dedicated to educating ourselves and sharing knowledge with others on all aspects of the proper care of opossums.
The National Opossum Society welcomes you to the world of the Virginia opossum! If you are visiting us because you have found orphans, or an injured opossum, please see our ORPHAN PAGE.
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What animal goes on a honeymoon, and 13 days later gives birth? It lived during the age of dinosaurs: fossil remains have been found from 70 million years ago. It can eat almost anything. It loves to eat insects (beetles, cockroaches, and so forth).
It eats snails and slugs.
It catches and eats roof rats. It also eats cat food, dog food, people food. It has thumbs on its hind feet! It is very quiet, although it can make some sounds. Learning and discrimination tests rank it above dogs, and more on the level of pigs.
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It does not have a territory, but is always on the move, going to wherever the food is. Females stay in a smaller area while they care for their young. It puts up a terrific bluff if cornered and can give the appearance of being really good at defending itself. NOTE: it is

3. Opossum
opossums are a member of the order Marsupialia, a primitive group of mammals found most commonly in Australia. Kangaroos, koalas and wombats are other wellknown marsupials.
Opossums are a member of the order Marsupialia, a primitive group of mammals found most commonly in Australia. Kangaroos, koalas and wombats are other wellknown marsupials. The Virginia opossum is among the most primitive and generalized of marsupials. Its closest relative is the Centra] American opossum. An adult opossum is 2 to 3 feet long and weighs between 4 and 12 pounds. It has an elongated snout, a pink nose, black eyes and prominent, naked black ears. Its head is usually white and its coarse body fur is mostly grayish white but tends to be darker on its legs. An opossum is well-adapted for climbing. Its feet are plantigrade (shaped so the opossum walks of the sole of its foot with the heel touching the ground) and its toes are dexterous (skillful, like fingers). Its hind feet have a toe that resembles a thumb and makes them look somewhat like human hands. Its naked, scaly tail is able to wrap around and grasp limbs and can support the animal's full weight for short penods. The opossum's skull has 50 teeth, the highest number found in any mammal.

4. Opossum - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
opossums (Didelphimorphia) are the largest order of marsupials in the Western Hemisphere. They are also commonly called possums, though that term is also applied to Australian
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search For the Eastern Hemisphere marsupial, see possum Didelphimorphia
Fossil range: Late Cretaceous–Recent PreЄ O S D ... Virginia Opossum Didelphis virginiana Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Infraclass: Marsupialia
Order: Didelphimorphia
Family: Didelphidae
Genera Several; see text Opossums (Didelphimorphia, pronounced /daɪˌdɛlfɨˈmɔrfi.ə/ ) are the largest order of marsupials in the Western Hemisphere . They are also commonly called possums , though that term is also applied to Australian fauna of the suborder Phalangeriformes . The Virginia Opossum was the first animal to be named an opossum ; usage of the name was published in 1610. The word opossum comes from the Algonquian aposoum , meaning "white beast". Opossums probably diverged from the basic South American marsupials in the late Cretaceous or early Paleocene Their unspecialized biology, flexible diet and reproductive strategy make them successful colonizers and survivors in diverse locations and conditions. citation needed

5. The Virginia Opossum In Southern Ontario
• Adult opossums can reach 30.5 centimetres (12 inches) in height and about 81 centimetres (32 inches) in length including the 30.5 centimetre (12 inch) hairless tail.
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The Virginia Opossum in Southern Ontario
Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
Most people associate this mammal with the southern United States. Although native to the southeastern U.S., these marsupials have progressively moved northward and are now common through most of southern Ontario.
In Ontario, cold winters can be a limiting factor to expanding opossum populations but some have linked global warming with their northern expansion. This report supplies some basic information on the opossum and offers suggestions to help property owners reduce any possible conflicts with these animals. Facts about the common opossum Human Conflicts with Opossums Local peaks in opossum numbers occur throughout southern Ontario when food sources are high, shelter is abundant and predators are few. Therefore, in some instances opossums may create conflicts near homes where they may get into garbage, bird feeders, composters or pet food. In rural areas they may also destroy poultry, game birds, and their nests. Opossum proofing your residential or farm property may not be a sure thing, but the following steps will help. Preventing Conflicts Respect wildlife from a distance. It has been reported that opossums are more resistant to rabies than other mammals such as skunks, bats or raccoons, however as with all mammals, they are still capable of being infected with rabies and other wildlife diseases.

6. Opossums
A few methods are implemented by Critter Control to control opossums, including opossum proofing areas of the home and live opossum cage trapping.
SEARCH Call Your Local Office: Protecting People, Property and Wildlife Home Facts Animals / Opossums
The opossum is the only marsupial (with pouch) located in North America. Distribution is from the east to west coast and their northern range is limited only by severe weather.
Opossum Biology and Habits
The Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginia, is an extremely unique mammal with many distinguishing physical and behavioral attributes. The opossum is the only marsupial (with pouch) located in North America. Distribution is from the east to west coast and their northern range is limited only by severe weather. This animal is quite shy and inoffensive, but will often hiss and bear its teeth when threatened. The opossum has 50 teeth, which is more than any other mammal in North America. One extraordinary display is "playing possum", which is a defensive strategy against a threat or predator (it plays dead). This act is achieved by rolling over, shutting its eyes, opening its mouth, and going limp; the animal may even hang out its tongue and drool. The definite mechanism behind this is still unknown, but it seems to be a temporary paralysis brought on by shock that can last from a few minutes up to several hours. Opossums are opportunistic omnivores. Their diet consists primarily of carrion, insects, amphibians, earthworms, small mammals, vegetables, fruits and berries, while apples and corn are favorites. Rattlesnakes are also a part of their diet, as opossums have an immunity to the deadly snake venom.

7. Opossums
Home What's New? Wildlife Health News OWREN Courses OWREN Conferences Publications Wildlife Rehabilitation Wildlife Help Pages Find a Rehabilitator About OWREN

Wildlife Health News OWREN Courses OWREN Conferences ... Links Opossums Being North America’s only marupials, baby opossums remain in the mothers’ pouch or travel on her back by clinging to her fur until they are 3 months of age. Opossums that are about 6-7 inches in length are pretty much on their own and independent. If the opossum you’ve found is smaller than that, and there is no sign of a mother nearby, it’s likely become separated from her and may be in need of assistance. Adult opossums frequently are hit by cars, so should you find one that is dead, and only if it is absolutely SAFE for you to do so, carefully check to see if it has a pouch on the belly and whether there are any babies in the pouch that may still be alive. You can remove them or scoop the mothers body up into a box and take her and the babies to the nearest authorized wildlife custodian or wildlife centre. Be certain that when you check and move the opossum you are wearing gloves. Again, if road traffic is not safe, do not place your own life in jeopardy. Opossum babies that are very tiny, and weigh under 15 grams generally cannot be saved, at that age they require a mother to feed them. Up Birds Fawns Foxes [Opossums] Rabbits Raccoons Raptors Reptiles ... Links
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8. Opossums | The Humane Society Of The United States
The Humane Society of the United States Yes, please send me action alerts, updates, and special offers to help animals.
  • Pets Wildlife Yes, please send me action alerts, updates, and special offers to help animals. Receive action alerts, tips, news, and special offers via email. First Name Last Name Email Address Zip Code The Humane Society
    of the
    United States
    2100 L Street, NW
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    Wildlife A Closer Look at Wildlife
    Opossums Didelphis virginiana ) is the only marsupial found north of Mexico. Marsupials are distinguished by their unique mode of reproduction: The young are born in an almost embryonic form and make their way to the pouch in their mother's abdomen, where they are nourished for what in other mammals would be most of the gestational period. Opossums are omnivorous and consume an amazing variety of plant and animal foods. Invertebrates, such as insects, slugs, snails, and worms, can comprise a large part of their diet, and they're not above scavenging carrion. Contrary to popular folklore, opossums very rarely raid garbage cans, poultry coops, or gardens. They are most active at night, and they have a habit of ceaselessly moving along the ground in search of food, without following trails or travel routes to places of known food sources. In fact, adult male opossums may wander continuously. Females spend their lives in more defined areas, but still move around almost randomly. Most opossums seen in yards and neighborhoods are likely to move on without human encouragement or intervention if given enough time. Problems and Solutions Opossums are undoubtedly more beneficial to humans as consumers of undesirable insects, snails, and slugs than they are harmful to people for any damage they cause. If you see an opossum in your yard and wonder what, if anything, you should do, the best reaction is patience. The animal will likely move on in short order and should not be a threat or concern. Where an opossum is known to den under a porch or patio, the eviction strategy is much the same as for skunks (click on "Solving Problems with Skunks" below). While it is unlikely that they'll plunder your garden or trash cans, the most effective methods for discouraging visits by opossums or other urban wildlife are to secure trash containers with tight-fitting lids, secure pet doors at night, and pick up food bowls at night if pets have been fed outdoors.

9. Pet Opossums - How To Information |
Pet opossums how to articles and videos including How to Get Rid of an Opossum, Mazuri Omnivore Diet, How to Build a Possum Trap … and much more!
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Pet Opossums
  • Diet of Opossums Opossums have an extremely varied diet. They are omnivores and will eat a wide variety of different animals as well as various types of plants, depending on what is available to them. How to Get Rid of an Opossum Opossums hiss, feign death and almost never carry rabies. They get into the garbage, the bird feeders, the pet food, the hen house and will stink up the places that they occupy. The mess and the... Mazuri Omnivore Diet Omnivores can be difficult to care for in captivity. In their natural environment, they get nutrients from plant and animal matter, and it can be challenging to re-create this balance for an... How to Build a Possum Trap Possums can pose a problem in or around a home. Possums will turn a trash can into a buffet and can ultimately litter the entire yard with garbage. Building a possum trap can help to resolve these... How to Help an Orphaned Baby Opossum Baby opossums are so well protected in their mother’s pouch that when she suffers a fatal trauma, such as getting hit by a car, the baby possums often remain unharmed. If you come across an... How to Feed Opossums Opossums roamed the earth before humans. They feed on just about anything including plants and animals, which may explain their longevity. Wild opossums get their groceries from nature or garbage...

10. Frequently Asked Questions - Opossum Problems And Solutions
opossums serve an important role by controlling the unwanted, harmful pest population around our neighborhoods. So now we should ask you a question.
LINKS Found an orphaned or injured opossum? General Information Frequently Asked Questions
(Opossum Problems and Solutions)

Shop while help opossums! Click on the Image. Frequently Asked Questions
(Opossum Problems and Solutions) Have questions? Search the following frequently asked questions to determine if your question has already been answered. If your question has not been answered or you would like more information then send an email. But please check here first! Click on the Question to get the Answer Question: I found an orphaned or injured opossum. What should I do? Answer:
First, we would like to thank you for helping the opossum. Second, please read the section titled Found an Orphaned or Injured Opossum?

11. Short Tailed Opossums As Pets - Care Of Pet Opossums
Information keeping opossums as pets, especially short tailed opossums, including what to expect from a short tailed opossum, care of pet opossums, and photos.
zWASL=1 zGL='0';zGR='ca-about-radlink'; zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0
  • Home Exotic Pets
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  • Information keeping opossums as pets, especially short tailed opossums, including what to expect from a short tailed opossum, care of pet opossums, and photos.
    Short Tailed Opposum Pictures
    Short tailed opossum pictures (and information on submitting your own exotic pet pictures).
    Short Tailed Opossums
    A look at keeping short tailed opossums as pets. zSB(3,3)
    Know your STO - Short-Tailed Opossums
    A very thorough site with many neat photos, from Molly Joy Kalafut.
    Short Tailed Opossum
    Information on short tailed opossums as pets at Central Pets.
    Short Tailed Opossum - Exotic Small Pets
    By Dale Cozort, an interesting and useful account of experiences with a short tailed opossum, Maya.
    Treasure Ranch / R-Zu-2-U FAQ
    Not really a FAQ, but a good introduction to short tailed opossums as pets nonetheless, from Treasure Ranch. Free Exotic Pets Newsletter!

    12. Raising Orphaned Opossums
    Article gives techniques for raising orphaned opossums.
    Taking Care of Orphaned Wild Opossums Ron Hines DVM PhD Lots of my articles are plagiarized and altered on the web to market products and services. There are never adds running or anything for sale with my real articles - other than my time. Try to stay with the ones with in the URL box or find all my articles at ACC.htm
    Furry opossums are quite easy to raise, if given the proper diet and care. Smaller infants are quite a challenge. Try to find a wildlife rehabilitator in your area with experience with very young opossums. Should you decide to attempt to raise the orphan(s) yourself, this is how I do it:
    Opossums that are cold, dehydrated and nearly dead when you get them often make miraculous recoveries with subcutaneous fluids. Giving fluids intravenously or intraperitoneally is a last ditch effort and is best left to a veterinarian if done at all. Only inject sterile saline (PSS), Ringer's solution or 5% dextrose solution.
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    13. OPOSSUMS
    Please be kind, humane education, help animals, educate children to be aware of animals rights
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    Opossums are solitary, reclusive animals that often are not understood or appreciated and the result can be traumatic and disastrous for them. Because they are basically defenseless, despite giving the appearance of being able to defend themselves, they have often been the target of unnecessary cruelty, especially in urban areas. A better knowledge and understanding of opossums and the benefits of having them as neighbors are essential to a peaceful coexistence. Listed below is some opossum information that may not be widely known. Opossums are exceptionally non-aggressive and non-destructive. They will not harm people or pets. However, they are wild animals and should not be handled. A opossum will use its 50 pointy teeth to defend itself if necessary. Opossums do not dig into the soil nor do they destroy property.

    14. NSiS: Florida Wildlife - Opossums
    species info opossums The Virginia opossum is the only opossum (Didelphidae) and the only marsupial in North America.
    Opossums The Virginia opossum is the only opossum ( Didelphidae ) and the only marsupial in North America. Female marsupials have an external abdominal pouch.
    The Virginia Opossum Didelphis virginiana , is found in areas with trees, including large cities, throughout Florida. Color varies widely from almost white to almost black, though most commonly it is gray. It has a long (11-14"), hairless, prehensile tail. It has a pointed pink nose, prominent whiskers, and small, black, hairless ears with white tips. It has opposable thumbs on its hind feet. Overall body length is 27-33".
    The opossum has a slow, ambling gait, yet is an excellent climber. It forages both on the ground and in the trees, primarily at night. It is omnivorous and opportunistic, eating frogs, mice, rattlesnakes (it's immune to pit viper venom), fish, worms, insects, eggs, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Food plants include cedars persimmons grapes mulberries ... tupelos , and pawpaws
    Opossums have two litters each year, breeding from December through midsummer. The gestation period is only 13 days. A litter of 18-25 is born but because there are only 13 teats in the pouch, no more than 13 can survive. The actual number leaving the pouch at 70-80 days old is usually 6 or 7. Once the young do leave the pouch, they hang onto the mother's back or tail. They move on when they are about 4 months old.
    The opossum is shy and solitary. When threatened it will often hiss or growl, but will rarely attack. It may "play possum", going limp and appearing to be dead.

    15. Opossum Control - Opposum Trapping, Removal, And Prevention
    Opossum control, prevention, removal, and trapping services by United Wildlife Animal Control.

    Animals Other Animals
    Opossum Trapping, Removal, and Prevention
    Call us now at or contact us online.
    General Opossum Facts
    View our Opossum Photo Gallery Opossums can wreak havoc on your garden and sod. These rat-tailed mammals may hit even closer to home by causing damage to your house as they try to gain entry.
    Opossums will raid garbage cans in search of food. In cities and suburban areas, a chimney, attic, wall void or crawlspace may serve as a comfy substitute for a hollow tree as an opossum den site. At this point especially, the opossum control experts at United Wildlife Control need to be called for safe and humane removal of the opossums.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Q-1. Where do opossums live? Q-2. I have an opossum in my house, wall, garage, crawlspace, or attic. Why is an opossum in my house? Q-3. When are opossums active? Q-4. What foods do opossums eat? Q-5. Why is it important to hire United Wildlife Control to remove an opossum from my attic, walls, or garage? Q-6. I have an opossum in my attic. How did it get there? Q-7. I have an opossum in my chimney. Why is it there?

    16. Opossums | Master Gardeners Of Santa Clara County
    Last updated Feb2004. opossums are nocturnal scavengers and eat anything, rarely causing damage. They are beneficial to us by eating mice, snail, slugs and insects.
    @import "/modules/book/book.css"; @import "/modules/node/node.css"; @import "/modules/system/defaults.css"; @import "/modules/system/system.css"; @import "/modules/user/user.css"; @import "/sites/all/modules/cck/content.css"; @import "/sites/all/modules/event/event.css"; @import "/sites/all/modules/cck/fieldgroup.css"; @import "/sites/all/modules/jstools/activemenu/activemenu.css"; @import "/themes/mgtheme/css/layout4_setup.css"; @import "/themes/mgtheme/css/layout4_text.css"; @import "/themes/mgtheme/css/style.css"; @import "/themes/mgtheme/css/site.css"; @import "/themes/mgtheme/css/mg.css";

    17. Opossum Society Of The United States
    Non-profit wildlife rehabilitation and educational organization dedicated to providing care for injured and orphaned Virginia opossums for return to the environment.
    LINKS Found an orphaned or injured opossum?
    General Information

    Frequently Asked Questions

    (Opossum Problems and Solutions)
    Shop while help opossums! Click on the Image.
    As development of once rural land increases, the opossum continues to be pushed out of its natural habitat and forced into closer proximity to people, often with injurious consequences to the opossum. This is where the Opossum Society of the United States comes in. The Opossum Society of the United States is a non-profit, wildlife rehabilitation and educational organization dependent entirely upon volunteers, membership dues and donations. Our goals are to:
    • Provide for the care and treatment of injured and orphaned wild opossums for release back into the environment. Educate the public about the misunderstood opossum and the benefits the opossum provides. Network and share knowledge and experiences with fellow wildlife rehabilitators and others in the wildlife health field.
    We do not condone nor encourage the keeping of opossums as pets.

    18. Opossums | Define Opossums At
    –noun, plural sums, ( especially collectively ) -sum. 1. a prehensile-tailed marsupial, Didelphis virginiana, of the eastern U.S., the female having an abdominal pouch in

    19. Opossums By Suburban Wildlife Control
    opossums and Opossum removal by Suburban Wildlife Control opossums are common and found throughout Illinois. They are abundant in cities and suburbs, often making their homes in
    Opossums and Opossum removal by Suburban Wildlife Control:
    Opossums are common and found throughout Illinois. They are abundant in cities and suburbs, often making their homes in our homes. Opossums are especially fond of making their homes under porches, decks, concrete stoops, garages, sheds, barns, and outbuildings, and will often take over dens dug by previous inhabitants like raccoons and skunks. An adult opossum is about the same size as a house cat, but with shorter legs. Total length ranges from 24 to 33 inches. Adults weigh from 6 to 15 pounds. Males are usually larger than females. The opossum has a narrow, tapered head with a pointed muzzle, pink nose, black eyes and bluish-black ears that lack hair and look leathery. The long, scaly tail is black near the base and fades to a yellowish white or pale pink about one fourth of the way to the tip. Both the front and hind feet have five white or pink toes. The inner toe of each hind foot is clawless and thumb-like. The dense, woolly underfur of most opossums is creamy white with grayish tips. The long outer hairs are dark gray or black. This combination gives most opossums a grizzled gray appearance. A few are almost black while others are very pale gray or nearly white. One common complaint of intrusive opossoms is the awful scent of rotting carcasses, and there are two reasons for this. Both are because the opossum is an opportunistic predator and scavenger. One reason is because the opossum will take over the dens of other animals that may have died within the dwelling (they don't seem to mind the smell) but they also may drag the dead bodies of other animals (we've pulled out birds and rabbits to name a couple) back to its den within your home. The opossum is also the most likely animal to be found dead itself under stoops, decks, etc. because of it's habit of eating diseased dead animals.

    20. Virginia Opossum - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    The word comes from Algonquian 'wapathemwa' meaning white animal , not from Greek or Latin, so the plural is opossums. Colloquially, the Virginia Opossum is frequently called simply
    Virginia Opossum
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Virginia opossum Jump to: navigation search Virginia Opossum Conservation status
    Least Concern
    IUCN 3.1 Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Mammalia
    Infraclass: Marsupialia
    Order: Didelphimorphia
    Family: Didelphidae
    Subfamily: Didelphinae
    Genus: Didelphis
    Species: D. virginiana
    Binomial name
    Didelphis virginiana Kerr The Virginia Opossum Didelphis virginiana ), commonly known as the North American Opossum , is the only marsupial found in North America north of Mexico . A solitary and nocturnal animal about the size of a domestic cat, and thus the largest opossum , it is a successful opportunist. It is familiar to many North Americans as it is often seen near towns, rummaging through garbage cans, or lying by the road, a victim of traffic
    • Name Range Description
      edit Name
      The Virginia Opossum is the original animal named " opossum ". The word comes from Algonquian 'wapathemwa' meaning "white animal", not from Greek or Latin , so the plural is opossums . Colloquially, the Virginia Opossum is frequently called simply

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