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         Opossums:     more books (101)
  1. Reassessment of muscle homologies and nomenclature in conservative amniotes: The echidna, Tachyglossus; the opossum, Didelphis; and the tuatara, Sphenodon by Adelaide Heidi Frost Ellsworth, 1974
  2. Opossums, Shrews and Moles of British Columbia (The Mammals of British Columbia, V. 2) by David W. Nagorsen, 1996-05
  3. Opossum (Wildlife : Habits & Habitat) by Emily Crofford, Julie S. Bach, 1990-05
  4. The World of the Opossum by james keefe, 1967-01-01
  5. La Zarigueya / Opossums (Que Esta Despierto) (Spanish Edition) by Patricia Whitehouse, 2002-08
  6. La zarigueya / Opossums (Heinemann Lee Y Aprende/ Heinemann Read and Learn: Que Esta Despierto? / What's Awake?) (Spanish Edition) by Patricia Whitehouse, 2010-09
  7. The Opossum's Tale (Grandmother Stories) by Deborah L. Duvall, 2005-12-01
  8. Tigers and Opossums: Animal Legends by Marcos Kurtycz, Ana Garcia Kobeh, et all 1984-03
  9. Why Opossum is Gray: A Story from Mexico (First-Start Legends) by Janet Palazzo-Craig, 1999-04
  10. Lucy: A Virginia Opossum (Cover-to-Cover Chapter Books: Animal Adv.-Land) by Bonnie Highsmith Taylor, 2001-08
  11. The Trapped Opossum by P. Fulton, Fran Fulton, 2004-10-11
  12. Opie the Opossum Wakes Up (Animal Underdogs) by Carl Emerson, 2007-07-01
  13. Development of the Digestive System in the North American Opossum (Didelphis Virginiana) by W.J. Krause, Cutts J.H., 1992-08
  14. An Atlas of Opossum Organogenesis: Opossum Development by William J. Krause, 2008-03-18

21. Opossums - Davis Wiki
One of the more robust backyard visitors is the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Often in search of cat food left out, they are often noticed by the volume with which they chew dry cat
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Info Search: One of the more robust backyard visitors is the opossum Didelphis virginiana ). Often in search of cat food left out, they are often noticed by the volume with which they chew dry cat food. Opossums will establish a territory and a route that they will follow. They are not frightened easily and will stand their ground and hiss loudly if cornered. Opossum literally means "white animal". Opossums very rarely carry rabies because of their unusually low (for mammals) body temperatures. However, they are known to carry diseases like leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, and trichomoniasis. They are generally not particularly dangerous compared to most wild animals. Having an opossum about is actually a very effective way to eliminate the snails from one's garden. Opossums can be domesticated and potty trained. It is recommended that you do not try this with an adult opossum, but if one finds an injured baby opossum, nursing it back to health and either keeping it as a pet or shleffing it off to someone else as a pet (your benevolent attention may have rendered it unqualified for the rough life of the Davis urban wilds) might be a larf. Once you run out of snails to feed them, they also like hardboiled eggs. Kris Fricke once had a pet opossum.

22. Opossums - EXtension
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Last Updated: February 15, 2008 View as web page
Opossums Opossum Overview Opossum Damage Assessment Opossum Damage Management Opossum Acknowledgements ... Wildlife Species Information
Figure 1. Opossum, Didelphis virginiana
  • Identification General Biology, Reproduction, and Behavior
    An opossum ( Didelphis virginiana ) is a whitish or grayish mammal about the size of a house cat (Fig. 1). Underfur is dense with sparse guard hairs. Its face is long and pointed, and ears are rounded and hairless. Maximum length is 40 inches (102 cm); the rat-like tail is slightly less than half the total length. The tail may be unusually short in northern opossums due to loss by frostbite. Opossums may weigh as much as 14 pounds (6.3 kg); males average 6 to 7 pounds (2.7 to 3.2 kg) and females average 4 pounds (6.3 kg). The skull is usually 3 to 4 inches (8 to 10 cm) long and contains 50 teeth; more than found in any other North American mammal. Canine teeth (fangs) are prominent.

23. Opossums -
Learn about opossums on Find info and videos including How to Feed opossums, How to Trap opossums, How to Bathe a Pet Opossum and much more.
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Opossums Featured Articles
  • Adaptation of an Opossum Opossums, like kangaroos, are marsupials, mammals with pouches in which mothers nurse and transport their young. In fact, they are North America's only indigenous marsupials. As a species, they also date back to the era of dinosaurs. With such a long history, opossums have adapted to survive on many environments through a variety of... Homemade Opossum Repellent Opossums are creatures that usually only come out at night. They eat birds, insects, fruits, berries and dead animals in your yard. Although they are generally harmless to humans, the sight of an opossum in your yard or hanging from your trees can be disturbing. You could contact a professional to trap and remove these pests from your... How to Get Rid of Opossums Opossums can wreak havoc on a garden, backyard and lawn. While opossums almost never carry rabies, you never want to get too close or allow one or more to take shelter outside your home. If opossums have taken over your property, you can humanely get rid of them using a few simple techniques. None will harm or kill the opossums, but... How to Get Rid of an Opossum Opossums hiss, feign death and almost never carry rabies. They get into the garbage, the bird feeders, the pet food, the hen house and will stink up the places that they occupy. The mess and the smell is more than enough of a reason to humanely get rid of an opossum resident. There are several different ways to get rid of these...

24. Living With Wildlife | Washington Department Of Fish & Wildlife
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife provides information on the Virginia opossum and its interactions with humans.
For more information on the Living With Wildlife series, contact the WDFW Wildlife Program

WDFW offers safety tips as bear sightings increase
With temperatures rising, hungry black bears have emerged from their dens and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is reminding citizens that they can do their part to avoid problems with the animals. Ten bears removed from Long Beach Peninsula town Preventing Conflict with Bears Karelian Bear Dog Program
Attract wildlife to your landscape by providing shelter and food with these basic construction projects for bats, birds and squirrels. CROSSING PATHS

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wildlife sanctuary? Learn more about the
Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Program
From bats to woodpeckers, Living with Wildlife in the Pacific Northwest is all about coexisting with the animals commonly found in gardens, ponds, attics, and other places where humans and wildlife cross paths throughout Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

25. Opossum Control And Management Information
Opossum Didephis virgininanus control and management information. Jeffrey J. Jackson Extension Wildlife Specialist Warnell School of Forest Resources University of Georgia
Home Ask the Expert Contact Site Map ... FAQ
Jeffrey J. Jackson
Extension Wildlife Specialist
Warnell School of Forest Resources University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602 Additional Opossum Resources Fig. 1. Opossum, Didelphis virginiana
An opossum ( Didelphis virginiana ) is a whitish or grayish mammal about the size of a house cat (Fig. 1). Underfur is dense with sparse guard hairs. Its face is long and pointed, its ears rounded and hairless. Maximum length is 40 inches (102 cm); the ratlike tail is slightly less than half the total length. The tail may be unusually short in northern opossums due to loss by frostbite. Opossums may weigh as much as 14 pounds (6.3 kg); males average 6 to 7 pounds (2.7 to 3.2 kg) and females average 4 pounds (6.3 kg). The skull is usually 3 to 4 inches (8 to 10 cm) long and contains 50 teeth — more than are found in any other North Fig. 2. Opossum sign and characteristics: (a) tracks, (b) droppings, and (c) skull. American mammal. Canine teeth (fangs) are prominent. Tracks of both front and hind feet look as if they were made by little hands with widely spread fingers (Fig. 2). They may be distinguished from raccoon tracks, in which hind prints appear to be made by little feet. The hind foot of an opossum looks like a distorted hand. Fig. 3. Range of the opossum in North America.

26. Opossums
An introduction to the opossum I f you live anyplace in the U.S. other than the far north or the western states' mountain or plateau region, and if you're in a small town
I f you live anyplace in the U.S. other than the far north or the western states' mountain or plateau region, and if you're in a small town or even a big one with some scattered natural or semi-natural areas, there's a fair chance that eventually a gray, cat-sized, long-haired, long-snoutted, long-tailed animal will lumber across your backyard, or poke its pink nose at you over the edge of a garbage can. At first you may think you're seeing a super-huge rat, but it's none other than the opossum, sometimes known as the Virginia Opossum, Didelphis virginiana. Elsewhere we've spoken of those "living fossils," the Duck-billed Platypus and Spiny Anteater of Australia and New Zealand. Here in America our opossum is nearly as curious despite its being fairly common.
If you open just about any field guide to North American mammals, the opossum will probably be the very first of the 380 or so mammal species described. That's because opossums are our only marsupial , and marsupials are considered very ancient forms of mammals. Field guides typically place the "primitive" organisms first. The vast majority of the world's marsupials occur mainly in Australia, where kangaroos are the best known of the group.

27. WEC28/UW026: Opossums
The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is an interesting animal , though it can be a nuisance to man, a detriment to some wildlife, and has a name difficult to spell.

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Publication #WEC28
Ruthe Smith and Joe Schaefer The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is an interesting animal ( Figure 1 ), though it can be a nuisance to man, a detriment to some wildlife, and has a name difficult to spell. True, they are not the cutest critters to ever visit our backyards, but believe it or not, they are closely related to the adorable koala.
The opossum ranges in size from 4 to 13lb (2 to 6kg), about the size of a house cat. The body is 15 to 20in (37 to 50cm) long, with a tail 9 to 20 in (24 to 50cm) long. Opossums have a cone-shaped head and a pointed snout ( Figure 1 ). Their overall color is graywith slight variations. Opossums have a scaly, rat-like, prehensile tail they use with their opposable thumbs ( Figure 2 ) to grasp small branches and other objects. Opossums also have more teeth (50) than any other North American mammal. Figure 1.

28. Coexisting With Wildlife: Opossums
opossums are catsized marsupials. Like the kangaroo, their young are born as embryos and make their way to a pouch on the stomach where they continue to develop.
  • Home Found an Animal? Coexisting ... Coexisting with Our Wild Neighbors Opossums
    Virginia Opossum
    Opossums are nocturnal, roaming at night, and looking for a dark, secluded place to sleep during the daylight hours. They are scavengers and eat anything. Since opossums are quiet and rarely cause damage, most people are unaware that they are around. Like all scavengers they sometimes predate on smaller mammals, birds or reptiles. Pet food left out at night often attracts them to our yards. They benefit us by eating mice, rats, snails, slugs and insects. How Can I Prevent Inviting a Problem with Opossums?
    • Pick up pet food at night Cover garbage cans tightly Keep fallen fruit picked up Close off under decks, sheds, etc. Make sure foundation vents are secure Do not leave garage or sheds open at night
    Ideas for Handling Opossum Troubles
    • In the Attic or Under the House: Close off the entrance when the animal is out at night. To be sure he is out put paper loosely in the entry hole and watch for it to be pushed outward, or attach a one-way door flap. The animal may leave, but not re-enter. Be sure no young are left behind. In the Garage: Open the door and close it after dark when the opossum has left. Do not leave pet food down at night which might attract an opossum. Sprinkle flour around the door and check for tracks to be sure he has gone.

29. Tips On Co-Existing With Urban Wildlife: Opossums | The Fund For Animals: Wildli
BREEDING 2 litters a year, 712 per litter ACTIVE Night time, year-round DIET Carrion, insects, fruit, garden crops The only North American marsupial, these shy, non

30. OPOSSUMS | Wildlife Rescue League
The Wildlife Hotline. If you find wildlife you believe is in need of human assistance, call the WRL Wildlife Hotline at (703) 4400800. A volunteer will return your call and give you

31. Oppossum - Facts About Oppossums - Types Of Oppossums -
Baby opossums are so tiny at birth that 10 can fit in a teaspoon! The opossum’s long pink tail is prehensile, meaning it can be used as a fifth hand.
Commonly known as "possums", these pests are the only marsupial native to the United States. They are closely related to the Kangaroo and Koala. They are light gray in color and basically look like big rats. Opossums have five toes on each foot and a tail with no fur. A female gives birth twice a year, 13 days after conception, to 5 to 8 babies that remain in her pouch until able to walk around on their own by about 4 months of age. Baby opossums are so tiny at birth that 10 can fit in a teaspoon! The opossum�s long pink tail is prehensile, meaning it can be used as a fifth hand. Size: 33" long, 12" tall Shape: Possum Color: Gray Legs: Wings: No Antenna: No Common Name: Gopher Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordataa Class: Mammalia Order: Didelphimorphia Family: Didelphidae Species: Didelphis virginiana DIET Opossums like to eat garbage, fruit, vegetables, green plants, snails, slugs, snakes, and insects, including cockroaches, crickets, and beetles. They catch and eat rats and mice. They also eat dead animals of all types. HABITAT Opossums move around a lot. They typically live in hollow logs, rock crevices, pipes, attics, and beneath buildings.

32. - Opossums Questions Including "How Do You Keep Opossums From Enteri
opossums Questions including How do you keep opossums from entering your yard and When an opossum plays deadwhat kind of adaptation is it displaying

33. Marianne's Blog
The artist shows paintings and drawings. opossums and pets are featured subjects.

34. Opossum Reproduction And Life Cycle
One reason is that opossums are so small at birth it is difficult to witness the event. Observers had seen the female with an empty pouch one day.
LINKS Found an orphaned or injured opossum? General Information Frequently Asked Questions
(Opossum Problems and Solutions)
Shop while help opossums! Click on the Image.
Opossum Reproduction
and Life Cycle
Female opossum with young in pouch With out a long-lasting and functional placenta, the young must be born early in their development after a short gestation period. Marsupial young are basically embryos at birth. Once born, the young must climb with a swimming motion up the fur on the female's adbomen and latch onto a teat. Not all female marsupials possess a well-developed pouch, as found on the abdomen of the Virginia opossum. Some marsupials carry young in rudimentary pouches which are basically skin folds. Many other do not have a pouch at all. The pouchless young must firmly attach to the teats with their mouths and front paws. Opossum sperm are interesting? Sperm heads align and pair inside the male reproductive tract during sperm maturation. The sperm are ejaculated as pairs and remain paired inside the female reproductive tract until just prior to fertilization at which time the paired sperm separate into single spermatozoa. Why this fascinating process occurs and why it occurs only in the American marsupials and not the Australian marsupials is not completely understood The pairing of spermatozoa may increase sperm motility in the female reproductive tract and/or may help protect the sperm acrosomes during passage n the female tract.

35. Household Tips & Other Good� Ideas
Address issues such as buying bread, Christmas trees, dishwasher efficiency and making soap. Includes earth-safe tips.

36. Opossums, Opossum Pictures, Opossum Facts - National Geographic
Learn all you wanted to know about opossums with pictures, videos, photos, facts, and news from National Geographic.

37. Opossums
A few methods are implemented by Critter Control to control opossums, including opossum proofing areas of the home and live opossum cage trapping.
Protecting People, Property and Wildlife
    • Franchises Careers ... Animals / Opossums
      The opossum is the only marsupial (with pouch) located in North America. Distribution is from the east to west coast and their northern range is limited only by severe weather.
      Opossum Biology and Habits
      The Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginia, is an extremely unique mammal with many distinguishing physical and behavioral attributes. The opossum is the only marsupial (with pouch) located in North America. Distribution is from the east to west coast and their northern range is limited only by severe weather. This animal is quite shy and inoffensive, but will often hiss and bear its teeth when threatened. The opossum has 50 teeth, which is more than any other mammal in North America. One extraordinary display is "playing possum", which is a defensive strategy against a threat or predator (it plays dead). This act is achieved by rolling over, shutting its eyes, opening its mouth, and going limp; the animal may even hang out its tongue and drool. The definite mechanism behind this is still unknown, but it seems to be a temporary paralysis brought on by shock that can last from a few minutes up to several hours. Opossums are opportunistic omnivores. Their diet consists primarily of carrion, insects, amphibians, earthworms, small mammals, vegetables, fruits and berries, while apples and corn are favorites. Rattlesnakes are also a part of their diet, as opossums have an immunity to the deadly snake venom.

38. Rainbow Wildlife Rescue And Wildlife Rehabilitation In Texas
Rainbow Wildlife Rescue is a small rescue in Stephenville, Texas, specializing in birds and small urban wildlife such as squirrels, opossums, songbirds, raptors, and rabbits.
Rainbow Wildlife Rescue in Stephenville, Texas - lending orphaned wildlife a helping hand
Rainbow Wildlife Cause
Rainbow Wildlife Fanclub Birgit Sommer on Facebook
a 3 part documentary by Birgit Sommer
Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Buy Squirrel Food Online
The Rainbow Wildlife Rescue, INC. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization holding Federal and Texas State wildlife rehabilitation permits. All DONATIONS are tax-deductible!
Did you find a:
Baby Squirrel
Baby Bird
Baby Raccoon
Baby Opossum
Baby Rabbit Rainbow Wildlife would like to thank Hartz for their commitment to pets. * FIND A WILDLIFE REHABILITATOR * TEXAS TX Wildlife Rehabilitator Directory, Search by County Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex Wildlife Rescue, Austin, Texas The Raccoon Cabin, South TX ... 911 Wildlife, Pest Control by Wildlife Rehabilitators in the DFW Metroplex NATIONAL U.S. States Directory

39. All About Chicken Predators | All You Need To Know About Protecting Your Chicken
An opossum will eat the kill near the coop, and will find it near impossible to drag it over a fence. opossums are nocturnal. opossums often take eggs and chicks
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All About Chicken Predators
All You Need To Know About Protecting Your Chickens
Commonly referred to as 'possums, but not to be confused with the Australian possum - spelt without the extra 'O'. The Australian possum is extremely endangered and if you kill one you will most definately feel the long arm of the law. The opossum is however, also a marsupial - the only marsupial in North America. They are about the size of a large house cat.
Distribution: The opossum is found across the eastern USA except for Maine, west to Colorado and Texas, north to Minnesota and up into Canada as far as Toronto, and south right down to Mexico. It is also found on Pacific coastal areas and some parts of Arizona and New Mexico. The favourite habitats of the opossum are farmland, woodland and suburban gardens. However, they are not fussy and will live in the inner city and other places. The opossum always likes to live near a source of fresh water such as a stream.
Prey: Omnivorous. Eats carrion, poultry, eggs, insects, snails, rodents, berries, fruit, grass, snakes, frogs, birds, small mammals, cat and dog food.

40. Living With Wildlife (in The Carolinas)
Wildlife rehabilitation information, and pictures of native wildlife suitable for desktop use. Raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, cottontails, and opossums.

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