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41. Orangutan Sanctuary Provides information and resources for professionals working to save the orangutan in rehabilitation sites and sanctuaries. http://www.yorku.ca/arusson/ | |
42. The Great Orangutan Project Provides information on a collection of orangutan conservation projects in Malaysian Borneo, funded by volunteer contributions, and run on responsible tourism principles facilitated by WOX. http://www.orangutanproject.com | |
43. Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme SOCP - Sumatra Orang-Utan Schutzprogra The Sumatran orangutan Conservation Programme SOCP is a unique collaborative programme of NGOs and the Indonesian governement fighting for the survival of the orangutan on Sumatra. http://www.orangutan.ch/ | |
44. Think Tank: Orangutan Language Project - National Zoo| FONZ Explores the abilities of orangutans to use symbols and syntax to express their thoughts. A Think Tank research project at the National Zoo. http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/ThinkTank/ResearchProjects/OLP/default.cfm |
45. Orangutan (primate) Britannica Online Encyclopedia orangutan (primate), the only Asian great ape, found in lowland rainforests on the Southeast Asian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. The orangutan possesses cognitive abilities http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/430975/orangutan |
46. Orangutan Information Centre We are a non-profit organization who is dedicated to the conservation of Critically Endangered Species, Sumatran orangutans and its unique habitat through public awareness and education. http://orangutancentre.org/ | |
47. Orangutan Travel Trips Tours Indonesia Excursions Borneo OFI Eco travel trips and tours, adventure orangutan excursions with Birute Galdikas in Kalimantan Indonesia by OFI. Your philanthropic sustainable tourism helps endangered orangutans. http://www.orangutan.travel/ | |
48. Myspace Myspace Music profile for orangutan. Download orangutan Folk / Garage / Country music singles, watch music videos, listen to free streaming mp3s, read orangutan's blog. http://www.myspace.com/orangutansings | |
49. San Diego Zoo Live streaming video of and information about the orangutans and siamangs at the San Diego Zoo in San Diego, California. http://www.sandiegozoo.org/zoo/ex_absolutely_apes.html | |
50. Orangutan Conservancy Backs “Orangutan Caring Week” | The Orangutan Conserva The orangutan Conservancy (OC) encourages all supporters to take part in “orangutan Caring Week,” an annual review of the crisis facing orangutans, which http://www.orangutan.net/archives/330 | |
51. Orangutan Island - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia orangutan Island is a documentary television series, in the style of the hugely successful series Meerkat Manor, that blends more traditional documentary filming with dramatic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orangutan_Island | |
52. STRONA ORANGUTANA "TUMKU" Po wi cona orangutanowi zamieszka emu we wroc awskim ZOO, zawiera informacje o zyciu orangutan w, fotografie, filmy, piosenki oraz linki do polskich i zagranicznych witryn dotycz cych ycia ma p cz ekokszta tnych oraz ochrony przyrody. http://www.orangutan.republika.pl/ | |
53. Orangutan, The Man Of The Forest The orangutan is a charming animal living only in South East Asia. Learn why he is considered to be our close relative here. http://www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com/orangutan.html | |
54. The Great Apes Fast facts on gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos, with profiles on the animals. http://www.factmonster.com/spot/ape1.html | |
55. Primate Factsheets: Orangutan (Pongo) Behavior SOCIAL ORGANIZATION AND BEHAVIOR. The semisolitary social organization and behavior of orangutans is highly unusual among the great apes. Adult males and independent http://pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/orangutan/behav | |
56. Home - Borneo Orang-Utan-Hilfe Die Projektgruppe setzt sich f r das berleben der Orang-Utans auf Borneo ein, informiert ber die aktuellen Zust nde der Orang-Utan-Population auf der Welt und sammelt Spenden f r die Auswilderungsstation in Indonesien. http://borneoorangutanhilfe.de | |
57. The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation BOSF, The Borneo orangutan Survival Foundation is an Indonesian nonprofit association whose vision is the realization of the Borneo orangutans in their habitat. http://www.orangutan.or.id/?language=en |
58. Orangutan Definition Of Orangutan In The Free Online Encyclopedia. orangutan (ōrăng` tăn), an ape ape, any primate of the subfamily Hominoidea, with the possible exception of humans. The small apes, the gibbon and the siamang, and the http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/orangutan |
59. Think Tank - National Zoo| FONZ Tackles the complex field of animal cognition. Features a live cam from the orangutan Transportation System, research projects, photo gallery and volunteer opportunities http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/ThinkTank/ |
60. Great Ape Trust | Bonobos, Orangutans And The Study Of Ape Language, Tools And I North America s largest research center dedicated to studying comparative cultures and the cognitive and communication abilities of bonobos, orangutans, gorillas and other primates. http://www.greatapetrust.org/ | |
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