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         Orchids Botany:     more books (157)
  1. Orchids of Kenya by Joyce Stewart, 2003-01-01
  2. Native Orchids of the Southern Appalachian Mountains by Stanley L. Bentley, 2000-10-23
  3. An Enthusiasm for Orchids: Sex and Deception in Plant Evolution by John Alcock, 2005-11-24
  4. Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar by Phillip Cribb, Johan Hermans, 2010-04-15
  5. The Wild Orchids of California (Comstock books) by Ronald A. Coleman, 2002-08
  6. The Manual of Cultivated Orchid Species: 3rd Edition by Helmut Bechtel, Phillip Cribb, et all 1992-01-16
  7. The Orchids of the Philippines by Jim Cootes, 2001-09-01
  8. Orchid Biology: Reviews and Perspectives
  9. Orchids from the Botanical Register SET: 1815-1847 by SPRUNGER, 1991-02-11
  10. Rumphius' Orchids: Orchid Texts from "The Ambonese Herbal" by E. M. Beekman, 2003-09-10
  11. Orchids Their Botany and Culture by A. D. Hawkes, 2000-01
  12. Growing Orchids from Seed by Philip Seaton, Margaret Ramsey, 2005-01-15
  13. Field Guide to Australian Orchids by Margaret Hodgson, Roland Paine, 1989-06-05
  14. Wild Orchids of Texas (Corrie Herring Hooks Series) by Joe Liggio, Ann Orto Liggio, 1999

1. Orchids: Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses And Post-Harvest Manag Orchids Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and PostHarvest Management Books S.K. Bhattacharjee S.P. Das by S.K. Bhattacharjee S.P. Das

2. Orchid Flower Meaning & Symbolism | Orchid Botany -
Orchid is the most highly coveted of ornamental plants. The delicate, exotic and graceful orchid symbolizes love, luxury, beauty and strength.
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    The most highly coveted of ornamental plants, the delicate, exotic and graceful orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In ancient Greece, orchids were associated with virility. In fact, Greek women believed that if the father of their unborn child ate large, new orchid tubers, the baby would be a boy. If the mother ate small orchid tubers, she would give birth to a girl. During the Victorian era, orchid symbolism shifted to luxury, and today this sense of magnificence and artful splendor continues, with orchids representing rare and delicate beauty. The 14th wedding anniversary flower , pink orchids convey pure affection, and the popular cattelya orchid represents mature charm. Main Flower Meaning Page
    THE BOTANY OF orchid
    All varieties of orchids make up the Orchidaceae family. They have been discovered growing on every continent except Antarctica. Orchids thrive in elevations from sea level to 15,000 feet. The greatest number of orchid species is found in tropical regions. The majority of orchids are epiphytes � meaning they grow on top of or attached to another living plant � not parasites as once thought. They obtain their nutrients through the spongy epidermis of their roots.

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Orchids Botany. Breeding. Cultivation. Uses And Post Harvest Management By S.K. Bhattacharjee- S.P ; Plant Physiology By M. Ahmed ; Polytherapic Medicinal Plants And Spices By Karan

4. Orchids : Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses And Post-Harvest Management/S.K. B
Orchids Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and PostHarvest Management/S.K. Bhattacharjee and S.P. Das
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    Orchids : Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and Post-Harvest Management
    S K Bhattacharjee and S P Das, Aavishkar, 2008, xxii, 396 p, 55 drawings, 144 col. plates, ISBN : 81-7910-259-6, $100.00 (Includes free airmail shipping) Contents: Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. History. 3. Importance and uses. 4. Distribution. 5. Evolution. 6. Botanical classifications of Orchid family. 7. Naming an orchid. 8. Classification based on plant structure and habitat. 9. Basic structures of orchid plants. 10. Basics of orchid growing. 11. Housing of orchids. 12. Propagation. 13. Pollination. 14. Breeding. 15. Growing orchids from seeds. 16. Clonal propagation through tissue culture. 17. Post-harvest management of cut flowers. 18. Diseases and pests and their management. 19. Orchid genera, species and hybrids. References. Annexes: i. Books on orchids. ii. Orchid journals. iii. Orchid societies. Index. Title/Author ISBN Number Login Username: Password: Remember Me Information Free Airmail shipping Our Publications Payment Options Testimonials
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5. Herbert Wardle, Jr. Fund () - Scholarship Information - College Toolkit
was established in 1993 by the estate of Herbert Wardle to provide support to graduates of Mount Desert Island High School who are interested in studying orchids, botany

6. Orchids: Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses And Post Harvest Management: S K Bh
Buy Orchids Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and Post Harvest Management by S K Bhattacharjee, S P Das Dr ; FREE Shipping in India on Orchids in 35 business days.
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Orchids: Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and Post Harvest Management (Hardcover)
S K Bhattacharjee
S P Das Dr
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Orchids: Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and Post Harvest Management Book Description
About the Author(s) Prof. S. K. Bhattacharjee is an eminent scientist in the field of Horticulture, retired as Project Coordinator, All India Coordinated Research Project on Floriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He has 38 years research, teaching, and management, developmental and administrative experience. He is the pioneer in the research work on orchid agro technology, photoperiodism, propagation and green house management and has completed several outstanding research projects successfully. Prof. Bhattacharjee has visited several foreign countries. He has published about 400 research papers and popular scientific articles in journals of national and international repute. He is the author of twelve. Dr. Sankar Prasad Das, recipient of Lal Bahadur Shastry Young Scientist Award (2001-02) for his outstanding contribution in the field of collection, characterization, evaluation, documentation and embryo culture of orchid resources of North Eastern Himalayas, is Plant breeder by profession. He did his PhD from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, in Genetics. While working at National Research Centre for Orchids, Pakyog, Sikkim, he was involved in collection, characterization and evaluation of more than 400 native orchid species from North Eastern Himalayas. He was responsible for day-to-day maintenance of about 10,000 lives specimens of orchid genetic resources. He was involved in successful regeneration in vitro of about 100 orchid species and crosses through embryo culture. His work on orchid genetic resource management and evaluation was also awarded with 4 best paper awards at national level congress and seminars.

7. YouTube - Gymnadenia Conopsea
Albiflora variety of Gymnadenia conopsea, at a hill in northern Hesse, Germany Orchids; Botany; Plants; Uploaded Using

8. Peter Bernhardt | LibraryThing
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9. Vanda - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Vanda is a genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) which, although not large (about fifty species), is one of the most important florally.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search For other uses, see Vanda (disambiguation) Vanda Vanda coerulea , the Blue Orchid Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Vandeae
Subtribe: Aeridinae
Genus: Vanda
ex Pfitzer Species See text. A hybrid descendant of Vanda coerulea, misidentified as Vanda coerulea itself Vanda denisoniana, misidentified as Vanda bensonii Vanda hindsii by Lewis Roberts Vandopsis lissochiloides Vanda pachara delight Vanda tricolor, misidentified as Vanda insignis Vanda tricolor Vanda is a genus in the orchid family ( Orchidaceae ) which, although not large (about fifty species ), is one of the most important florally.
edit Description
The name "Vanda" is derived from the Sanskrit name for the species Vanda tessellata These mostly epiphytic , but sometimes lithophytic or terrestrial orchids are distributed in India Himalaya , SE Asia Indonesia , the Philippines New Guinea , southern China and northern Australia The genus has a monopodial growth habit with leaves that are highly variable according to habitat . Some have flat, typically broad, ovoid leaves (strap-leaves), while others have cylindrical (terete), fleshy leaves and are adapted to dry periods. The stems of these orchids vary considerably in size; there are miniature plants and plants with a length of several meters.

10. Bill Q Banh | Facebook
H. G. Moon 18 Chromolithos of orchids Botany. 18 chromolithographs of orchids after paintings by 300400
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11. Piak's Orchids Botany Photos
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Tulpanens Hus
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12. Costa Rica Guide - Costa Rica
Discover Costa Rica Free Custom Vacation Planning Optimized Travel Routes Discover Costa Rica's jungle covered hotsprings, volcano slopes, white water rafting, wildlife cruises

13. Piak's Tulpanens Hus Orchids Botany Photos
Brassia x Nyhet Orchid Orchideutst llning, Tulpanens Hus, Stockholm

14. S. P. Das (Dr.): Books
Title Orchids Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and Post Harvest Management by S. K. Bhattacharjee / S. P. Das (Dr.) ISBN(Hardbound) 8179102599, 9788179102596

15. The Beauty Of Orchids And Flowers brings You lots of outstanding photographies of orchids and flowers and as well the botanical names

16. S. K. Bhattacharjee : Books
Title Orchids Botany, Breeding, Cultivation, Uses and Post Harvest Management by S. K. Bhattacharjee / S. P. Das (Dr.) ISBN(Hardbound) 8179102599, 9788179102596

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18. Orchids (Orchidaceae): Botany
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Orchids (Orchidaceae): Botany
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19. Plant Profiles: Australian Native Orchids - Botany - Helium
1 article on Plant profiles Australian native orchids 1 of 1. by Judy Evans. Australia has over 600 species of native orchids which can be separated into two major groups.
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Plant profiles: Australian native orchids 1 Article
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  • of 1 by Judy Evans Australia has over 600 species of native orchids which can be separated into two major groups. Terrestrial orchids grow in the ground while epiphytic types are generally found growing on trees. A third group, the lithophytes, read more
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20. Pseudobulb - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Hidden categories Articles lacking sources from December 2009 All articles lacking sources
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search The pseudobulb is a storage organ derived from the part of a stem between two leaf nodes. It applies to the orchid family ( Orchidaceae ), specifically certain groups of epiphytic orchids, and may be single or composed of several internodes with evergreen or deciduous leaves along its length. In some species, it is hardly swollen at all and looks like a normal stem with many leaves while at the other extreme, some genera such as Bulbophyllum have single, spherical pseudobulbs with one (or two) leafs at the apex of each. Whether cane-like (with many joints) or spherical (with one or few joints), they are all produced from a long lived creeping stem called a rhizome which may itself be climbing or pendulous. The pseudobulbs are themselves relatively short lived (1–5 years), but are continually produced from the growing tip of the rhizome. The other growth habit used by tropical epiphytic orchids is known as monopodial
edit Pseudobulbs of diverse orchids (Orchidaceae)
Laelia Ada Cattleya Sobralia ... Coryanthes
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