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41. University Of Oregon Libraries Facebook Welcome to a Facebook Page about University of Oregon Libraries. Join Facebook to start connecting with University of Oregon Libraries. http://www.facebook.com/uolibraries | |
42. Oregon Libraries - StateofOregon.com, Oregon Business And Visitor Information StateofOregon.com is an online resource for Oregon businesses. We design and develop company websites, and help get your company's online web development. http://www.stateoforegon.com/directory/libraries.html?&ap=w |
43. L-net Oregon Libraries Network Facebook Welcome to a Facebook Page about Lnet Oregon Libraries Network. Join Facebook to start connecting with L-net Oregon Libraries Network. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Oregon/L-net-Oregon-Libraries-Network/278527496534 |
44. Read Reviews & Get Cheap Book Deals Oregon Libraries | CheapBookDeals.com Cheap Book Deals Oregon Libraries. From thrillers, romance and classic novels to selfhelp, true crime and reference, CheapBookDeals has reviews and deals for everyone. http://cheapbookdeals.com/libraries/oregon-libraries/ | |
45. Open.org a http://www.open.org/ | |
46. Special Collections & University Archives Home, University Of Oregon Libraries Home page of Special Collections University Archives services and collections at University of Oregon. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/speccoll/ | |
47. Oregon Libraries Sharing The Regional Collection (Oregon State Library, OSU, PSU Web site for Federal depository libraries and librarians. http://www.fdlp.gov/outreach/spotlight/470-oregon-state-library-oregon-state-uni | |
48. Oregon Libraries Send 1,000 Boxes Of Books To Libraries In China | ThePortlander Libraries in Oregon's sister province of Fujian, China, will be receiving 1,000 boxes of surplus library books, a gift from Oregon libraries, organizations and individuals. http://theportlander.com/2009/10/08/oregon-libraries-send-1000-boxes-of-books-to |
49. University Of Oregon Libraries: UO Portland The UO Portland Library and Learning Commons serves as a focal point for the Portland site, bringing students and faculty members together in an interactive, collaborative http://pdx.uoregon.edu/library/library | |
50. Other Libraries | Hermiston Public Library Oregon Libraries. Oregon State Library Catalog. Directory of Oregon Libraries. Oregon Libraries with Web Pages. United States Libraries. Library of Congress - Catalog http://www.hermistonlibrary.us/libraries |
51. University Of Oregon Libraries -- University Of Oregon [lib-web-cats 407] University of Oregon Libraries University of Oregon. Type Academic. Address 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon 974031299 United States (Lane County) Coordinates 44 http://www.librarytechnology.org/lwc-displaylibrary.pl?RC=407 |
52. Rights Well: Presented At The University Of Oregon Libraries This presentation was given at the University of Oregon Libraries on January 21, 2010. Rights Well was developed at the Oregon State University Libraries as part of the http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/jspui/handle/1957/14705 | |
53. Oregon Library Association - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia and mentoring; exchange ideas on processes, systems, and policies; provide a medium for the exploration of new ideas and technologies; foster cooperation among all Oregon libraries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_Library_Association |
54. Oregon Maps This online selection of maps from the Oregon State University and University of Oregon libraries' collections are but a small sample of what is available in either library. http://boundless.uoregon.edu/digcol/ormaps/ | |
55. Celebrating Research :: University Of Oregon Libraries Library Overview. Special Collections and University Archives in the University of Oregon Libraries contains more than 1 million items. Holdings range from medieval codices and http://www.celebratingresearch.org/libraries/oregon/index.shtml | |
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