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61. Glossary Of Physical Organic Chemistry Indexed glossary of terms collected by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iupac/gtpoc/index.html | |
62. American Chemical Society Division Of Organic Chemistry This is the Official home page of the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. This site provides resources, information and announcements on the http://www.organicdivision.org/ | |
63. Beilstein German-English And English-German Dictionary Two-way glossary of organic chemistry terminology. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/swain/beilstein/bedict1.html | |
64. Faculteit Der NWI - Home FNWI Organic Chemistry terminology. Written in Dutch with English option. http://www.woc.science.ru.nl/ |
65. Organic Chemistry Grades Graphing Tips Online 3D Laboratory Reference Desk AP Chemistry Test National Chem. Week News from Science Links After School Help Fun Stuff http://chemistrygeek.com/organic.htm | |
66. CMS Website Design & Development - Sitecore, Kentico, Sharepoint - Victoria, Bri Win-Mac Educational science software in general Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Science and Electronics. On-line ordering available. http://www.falconsoftware.com | |
67. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY fourth edition ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Francis A. Carey University of Virginia BostonBurr Ridge, ILDubuque, IAMadison, WINew YorkSan FranciscoSt. Louis Bangkok Bogot Caracas Lisbon London http://www.mhhe.com/physsci/chemistry/carey/etext_demo/preface.pdf |
68. Latvian Institute Of Organic Synthesis Organic, bioorganic, organoelement, and physical organic chemistry and biological and pharmacological properties of synthesized compounds. http://www.osi.lv/ | |
69. Daniel Berger -- Classes Organic Chemistry Courses CEM 221, Organic Chemistry I An overview of organic chemistry, with emphasis on nomenclature, structurereactivity relationships and applications. http://www.bluffton.edu/~bergerd/classes/organic.html | |
70. Institute Of Organic Chemistry, University Of Zurich Gives general information on the Institute, research groups and projects, and current staff. Also lists technical services available. http://www.oci.uzh.ch/ | |
71. Welcome | Daley & Daley Organic Chemistry Are you shopping for an Organic Chemistry text that actually enables you to learn? Then you've come to the right spot. This web page is the home to a textbook that uses a http://www.ochem4free.info/ | |
72. NIST Chemistry WebBook Database of organic chemistry compounds, organized by species. Contains chemical and physical property data on over 30,000 compounds. http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ | |
73. Deiters Lab Biological Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, DNA and RNA Chemistry, Photochemistry. http://www4.ncsu.edu/~adeiter/ |
74. Organic Chemistry An essay or paper on Organic chemistry. Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry dealing with carbon compounds. In all branches of chemistry, atoms are formed from a http://www.lotsofessays.com/viewpaper/1688626.html | |
75. OCHeM.com A site dedicated to helping students with organic chemistry by providing quick reference topics. http://www.ochem.com/ |
76. Organic Chemistry At The Department Of Chemistry Interdisciplinary Research. The University of Minnesota has a long and rich tradition in the field of organic chemistry. Many of our faculty have received recognition http://www.chem.umn.edu/organic/ | |
77. Organic Chemistry - Organic Chemistry Facts And Help Information about the chemistry of carbon and life. Features lectures, notes, structures, and labs. http://chemistry.about.com/od/organicchemistry/index.htm | |
78. Organic Chemists Organic Chemists. . . Help to improve the standard of life Organic chemistry is that branch of chemistry that deals with the structure, properties, and reactions of compounds http://www.chem.ucsb.edu/research/organicresources.pdf |
79. Organic Chemistry - Fun Facts And Information Fun Facts about Organic Chemistry. Interesting factoids, information and answers. http://www.funtrivia.com/en/SciTech/Organic-Chemistry-6846.html |
80. OChemPal, OChemPal, OChemPal Provides an A-to-Z guide to the vocabulary of organic chemistry, including symbols and abbreviations. http://science.uvu.edu/ochem/ | |
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