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1. Judo BC British Columbia Canada Organization Judo BC And BC Judo Clubs Directory organization directories The following documents are PDF formatted. You can download an Acrobat Reader http://www.judobc.ca/organization_directories.html | |
2. Dialog Web Databases - Technology Company/Organization Directories To search the database index, select two or more databases and enter your search terms http://www.dialogweb.com/topics/All/Science_and_Technology/Company_Directories/T |
3. Iowa Arts Council Community Arts Councils Community Arts Councils. The Iowa Arts Council maintains links to the arts on Organization Directories http://www.iowaartscouncil.org/links/organization_directories/community_arts_cou | |
4. An Ultimate Christian Resource Center. Christian Websites. Christian Chat Rooms, Home Ministries and Organizations Organization Directories Christ The King Ministries Dear Brother / Sister in Christ, Iam Pastor Joseph from India. http://www.chritech.com/iseek/pages/Ministries_and_Organizations/Organization_Di |
5. File Organization - Directories And Folders - PC Advice This is the third article in the series focusing on data file storage and organization for your personal computer. This article explores directories and folders and provides http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art65358.asp | |
6. Electronic Resources Broad Subject General medicine History of Science and Medicine Subject Oncologists Directories Cancer - Treatment - Directories Tumors - Treatment - Directories http://sunzi1.lib.hku.hk/ER/detail/2272187 | |
7. Clutterbug.net Organizer directory, free newsletter. http://www.clutterbug.net/ | |
8. PAGAC: Direct Service Organization Organization Directories ACCO (African Community Coalition of Oregon) Referral and service providers for http://www.pagac.org/dso.html | |
9. Firstgiving Blog Nonprofit Organization Directories. Agriculture, Food Nutrition NonProfit Organizations; Animal-Related Non http://firstgiving.typepad.com/ | |
10. Radioamateuronline Collection of amateur radio related links. http://www.radioamateuronline.com |
11. Passaic High School - Organization Directories Organization Directories. Association for Progressive Communications A global network of networks whose mission is to empower and support organisations, social movements and http://www.passaic-city.k12.nj.us/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sec |
12. Firstgiving Blog: Anything-a-thon Nonprofit Organization Directories. Agriculture, Food Nutrition NonProfit Organizations; Animal-Related Non http://firstgiving.typepad.com/communityblog/2007/04/anythingathon.html | |
13. Berts' Astronomy Groups in the State of Maine. http://home.gwi.net/~dclough/ | |
14. Organizational Directories — University Of North Texas Libraries Research organization directories. Foundation Directory This directory provides information on the finances, governance, and giving interests of the nation's 10,000 largest grant http://www.library.unt.edu/research-tools/guides/careers-2/reference-sources/dir |
15. Astronomy Clubs World Wide Contains contact information for many clubs world wide. http://www.astronomyclubs.com/ | |
16. NIDCD - Directory Of Organizations Directory of Organizations. The NIDCD Directory lists selected national organizations that provide information on communication disorders. Use one of these three options to find an http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/directory/ |
17. THE DIRECTORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL WEB SITES, ONLINE ABRIDGED EDITION 2010 Environmental Jobs, Environmental Internships and Green Careers = Environmental Job Blog. http//envirojob.blogspot.com . World Bicycling Blog. http//worldbicycling.blogspot.com http://earthdirectory.net/ | |
18. Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide | Organic Chemistry Resources Worldwide An intuitive WWW resource guide for synthetic organic chemists. http://www.organicworldwide.net | |
19. Photography Products & Services - Contact Lifetouch Contact Lifetouch to learn more about photography products and services, or pose questions, comments or concerns. http://organizationdirectories.lifetouch.com/contact.aspx | |
20. Purchasing Organizations Information | Business.com Purchasing organizations, groups and associations. Bid on Govt Procurement Get Free Limited Time Access Tap Into Purchasing RFPs Contracts. http://www.business.com/directory/management/operations_management/purchasing/or |
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