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61. Mafia Today Mafia related news from around the world. http://mafiatoday.com/?feed=rss2 |
62. Organized Crime Britannica Online Encyclopedia organized crime, complex of highly centralized enterprises set up for the purpose of engaging in illegal activities. Such organizations engage in offenses such as cargo theft http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/432090/organized-crime |
63. THE RED MAFIA: A LEGACY OF COMMUNISM Annelise Anderson, Reagan Administration member, examines organized crime in the former Soviet Union. Site explores the general causes of organized crime, Russian history and the growth of the Mafiya. Includes bibliography. http://andrsn.stanford.edu/Other/redmaf.html | |
64. Your Dedicated Web Hosting Supersite Introduction to the world of organized crime. American, Sicilian, Russian, Canadian, Australian mafia figures are profiled. Includes an organized crime discussion forum. http://www.mafia-international.com | |
65. Organized Crime — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia organized crime. organized crime, criminal activities organized and coordinated on a national scale, often with international connections. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0836845.html |
66. John Gotti Klaus von Lampe reviews Mob Star by Gene Mustain and Jerry Capeci. http://www.organized-crime.de/revmus03johngotti.htm | |
67. LADA's Organized Crime Organized Crime. Individuals who operate in organized, conspiratorial criminal enterprises pose a tremendous threat to our society. http://da.co.la.ca.us/oc.htm | |
68. Crime And Gangster Films Essay describing the key characteristics and notable films in the genre, plus an extensive list of the best titles. http://www.filmsite.org/crimefilms.html | |
69. Organized Crime | Federal Probation | Find Articles At BNET Organized Crime from Federal Probation provided by Find Articles at BNET http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4144/is_200406/ai_n9446523/ | |
70. Introduction Examines the Hollywood Gangster from 1930 to 1938. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG02/gangsters/intro.html | |
71. Yakuza Warning Help for non-Japanese speakers to understand gangster Japanese by studying dialogue from films. Also movie recommendations. http://www.jingai.com/yakuza/ | |
72. Organized Crime An essay or paper on Organized Crime. Organized crime is better organized than it has ever been before and it is growing at such a pace that it constitutes a major threat to http://www.lotsofessays.com/viewpaper/1682586.html | |
73. Crimeculture Extensive look at the various crime and gangster film sub-genres, with reviews of over two dozen movies. http://www.crimeculture.com/Contents/CrimeFilms-5.html | |
74. A Definitive Guide To The Greatest Gangster Movies. Catalogues and reviews old-school gangster movies from the 1930s and 1940s. http://www.dirtysquatters.com/evocrim/og | |
75. The Crime Report Organized Crime sign up here to receive periodic emails and news alerts from The Crime Report. http://thecrimereport.org/resource-guide/organized-crime/ |
76. Best/Worst "Crime" Titles Internet Movie Database users vote for the top fifty all-time crime movies. http://www.imdb.com/chart/crime | |
77. Organized Crime Book Reviews Researcher Klaus von Lampe s reviews of academic and journalistic portrayals of crime. http://www.organized-crime.de/revindex.htm | |
78. RUSSIAN ORGANIZED CRIME RUSSIAN MOB vs. A.R.L.I. It is truly impossible in many instances to differentiate between http://russianlaw.org/ROC.htm | |
79. Book Reviews Notes on recent organized-crime works by the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime. http://www.iasoc.net/book_reviews.html | |
80. Jamaican Posse - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Article discusses the history and activities of this coalition of New York-based gangs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaican_Posse | |
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