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         Ornithology General:     more books (102)
  1. The Ibis, a Magazine of General Ornithology by Philip Lutley Sclater, 2009-09-30
  2. Handbook of Field and General Ornithology; A Manual of the Structure and Classification of Birds by Elliott Coues, 2010-02-09
  3. Handbook of Field and General Ornithology: A Manual of the Structure and Classification of Birds (1890) by Elliott Coues, 2009-06-12
  4. A list of the birds of Norfolk: with remarks on the general ornithology of the county by Henry Stevenson, 2010-06-07
  5. The Ibis. A Quarterly Journal of General Ornithology. Series 13. 1931 complet... by C B [ed.] Ticehurst, 1931
  6. Ornithology in Laboratory and Field, Fifth Edition by Olin Sewall PettingillJr., 1985-05-12
  7. Bird Migration: A General Survey (Oxford Ornithology Series) by Peter Berthold, 2001-09-27
  8. On the Ornithology of the South of Devon by Edward Moore, 2010-07-24
  9. Ornithology, Evolution, and Philosophy: The Life and Science of Ernst Mayr 1904-2005 by Jürgen Haffer, 2007-12-20
  10. Manual of Ornithology: Avian Structure and Function by Noble S. Proctor, Mr. Patrick J. Lynch, 1998-10-11
  11. Oklahoma Ornithology: An Annotated Bibliography by Joseph A. Grzybowski, Gary D. Schnell, 1984-05
  12. First Annual Report of the Division of Ornithology (1921 ) by Massachusetts. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Ornithology, 2009-10-21
  13. Papers Presented to the World's Congress on Ornithology: Edited by Mrs. E. Irene Rood, Under the Direction of Dr. Elliott Coues [1896] by World's Congress on Ornithology, 2009-12-15
  14. Essential Ornithology by Graham Scott, 2010-07-22

1. Ornithology General Information
Ornithology is a zoological science that studies those creatures belonging to the Class Aves, much better known as birds. Birds, the only vertebrates that have feathers, are
Ornithology is a zoological science that studies those creatures belonging to the Class Aves, much better known as birds. Birds, the only vertebrates that have feathers, are generally divided into two major groups. Ostriches, Emus, Dodos and Kiwis are ratites, birds that lack that conspicuous keel-like extension on the breast bone and lack the ability to fly. The vast majority of the birds, however, are non-ratites and possess the keel to which the powerful muscles that power the wings are attached. All-in-all, there are over 9200 extant species of birds divided into 30 orders and 174 families. Their ability to fly has allowed them to colonize every land mass on earth including the Arctic and Antarctic and some, like the Penguins, have adapted an aquatic lifestyle coming to shore only to breed and raise young. Fossil evidence of the ancestors of modern birds indicates that they were contemporaneous with dinosaurs. Indeed, evidence is mounting that these feathered creatures are in fact the highly evolved living incarnation of the terrible lizards. This long evolutionary history has allowed for the development of the many unique morphological, physical and behavioral attributes in birds that make the science of ornithology such an interesting vocation. List of Illinois Birds Illinois Endangered and Threatened Birds - Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board Guide to Illinois Birds - Species profiles and distribution maps INHS bird-related research and projects are listed in our

2. Faculty Interests
Wildlife biology/Ornithology. General biology of rails and other wetland birds; effects of land management practices on birds; biology of threatened and endangered species
Graduate Faculty Dr. Allan Bornstein. Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1985. Plant Systematics; Floristics; Taxonomy and evolutionary relationships of neotropical pipers (Piper; Piperaceae).
Dr. Jim Champine.
Ph. D. University of Massachusetts, 1993. Anaerobic bacteriology, bioremediation. Dr. Bill Eddleman. Ph. D. Oklahoma State University, 1983. Wildlife biology/Ornithology. General biology of rails and other wetland birds; effects of land management practices on birds; biology of threatened and endangered species. Dr. Chris Frazier. Ph. D. Yale University, 1977. Virology/epidemiology/immunology. Currently working with arboviruses and AIDS prevention education. Dr. Allen Gathman. Ph. D. University of Arizona, 1983 Molecular genetics/cytogenetics. Control of gene expression in the fungus Schizophyllum commune. Personal:

3. Index To Ornithology
Includes data on the science of wild birds, with an emphasis on conservation and education.
Accurate and complete information about wild birds from a professional ornithologist SITE MAP FAQs A Celebration of Birds Aviaries and Zoos ... Chat
CHECKLISTS Africa Antarctica Asia Australia Central America Europe Indonesia/Malaysia Middle East North America South America United States World
Extinct ...
LECTURES Preface Avian Ecology Communities Development Evolution Feathers Flight Foraging and Nutrition Geography Metabolism Migration and Navigation Reproduction Respiration and Circulation Senses Songs and Calls Territoriality
Names Organizations
Teacher Resources
the Ornithologist with your questions about WILD birds..... identification, feeding, behavior, anatomy, binoculars, careers in ornithology, or any other related subject. The ornithologist is available to present illustrated lectures or lead field trips. Can you identify this bird? ANSWER

4. Ornithology: General References
Literature references to a study of Dunlin migration and wintering in the Sound area, S. Sweden
A B C D ... Z
Busse, P. C. : Bird Station Manual. Gdansk 2000.
Dornberger, W. : Zur Biometrie der Rohrammer ( Emberiza schoeniclus ) am Neusiedler See und Koronia See. Vogelwarte 30: 28-32.
Ellegren, H. : Autumn migration speed in Scandinavian Bluethroats ( Luscinia s. svecica
The average speed of autumn migration in Bluethroats was estimated using two different methods: calculations on ringing recoveries and comparisons of median arrival dates at several stop-over sites. Estimates revealed by these two methods were similar, indicating that temporal data from stop-over sites can reliably monitor the timing of migration.
Females arrived before males at stop-over sites in Scandinavia (in juveniles mean difference 3 days, in adults 0.9 days), but estimates of migration speed were similar between sexes. The migration speed in juveniles was estimated to be 30 - 40 km per day for migration in Sweden, and to be 40 - 65 km per day for migration to Finland. Adult birds migrated significantly faster than juveniles during the first part of the autumn migration (100 - 110 km per day). It is suggested that the age differences in migration speed within Scandinavia may be due to differences in fat accumulation and stop-over times between the age classes. Possibly, simultaneous migration and completion of the post-juvenile moult also has a negative effect on the migration speed in juveniles.
The migration speed in juveniles increased as the autumn progressed, approaching average values of 100 km per day for migration in southwestern Asia. There are no data available that can explain this situation, although factors such as the rate of fat accumulation at differentstop-over sites along the migration route, experience and selection are discussed.

5. Costa Rica Main Page
Car Rental. Car Driver Services. Fishing. Other Water Sports. Ornithology. General Hotel Information. Suggested Tours. Cruises

6. Electronic Resources On Ornithology
Annotated links and ornithological articles by Christopher Majka.
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Electronic Resources on Ornithology
This site a winner of a by LynxOfTheWeek (tm) Here are on-line versions of some publications on birds written by Christopher Majka. We hope you find them of interest. The following websites contain information pertaining to ornithology and the study of wild birds. [General] [Canada] [United States] [Latin America] ... [Various]

7. Australian Natural History Medallionists
Ornithology; General Natural History (Popularisation) 1941 Frederick Chapman Geology, Palaeontology, Microscopy 1942 David H. Fleay Mammalogy, Ornithology
Australian Natural History Medallionists
Alex H. Chisholm Ornithology; General Natural History (Popularisation) Frederick Chapman Geology, Palaeontology, Microscopy David H. Fleay Mammalogy, Ornithology Herbert W. Wilson General Natural History (Education) John McConnell Black Botany Charles P. Mountford Anthropology, Ethnology Heber A. Longman Zoology, Palaeontology P. Crosbie Morrison General Natural History (Popularisation) Ludwig Glauert Herpetology (Palaeontology) Edith Coleman General natural History; Botany etc. Bernard C. Cotton Conchology Tarlton Rayment Entomology (Bees) John Burton Cleland General Natural History, Ornithology (Botany, Ethnology, Conservation etc.) Charles Leslie Barrett Ornithology, General Natural History (Popularisation) Herman M. R. Rupp Botany (Orchids) Stanley R. Mitchell Anthropology, Geology Dominic Louis Serventy Ornithology Charles E. Bryant Ornithology Charles J. Gabriel Conchology Keith A. Hindwood Ornithology James H. Willis Botany, General Natural History Emil H. Zeck Entomology Norman A. Wakefield Botany, Ornithology (Mammalogy) etc.

8. Date February 2006 I. Course Name
General Outline of Topics Covered History of Ornithology General Birding Skills Classification of Birds Anatomy Physiology Feathers Flight Bird Behavior Migration Waterfowl

9. BIRDNET :: All About Ornithology, The Scientific Study Of Birds
Ornithological Council s website with comprehensive data about North American ornithological resources.
BIRDNET provides information for and about ornithology , the scientific study of birds. The site serves professional ornithologists and the general public. BIRDNET is provided by the Ornithological Council , a public information organization established and supported by eleven Western Hemisphere ornithological societies.
Union Association
of Field
Ornithological Society Pacific Seabird Group Raptor Research Foundation Society of Canadian Ornithologistes du Canada Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds Waterbird Society Wilson Ornithological Society BIRDNET Ornithological Council Ornithology Birds Visits to date: Download a free hit counter here. Our thanks to our server host, the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), which is not responsible in any way for content on BIRDNET or related pages. Send your comments about this site's content or presentation BIRDNET in the subject line. Please direct your specific questions about birds to the appropriate institutions and groups , not to the BIRDNET webmaster.

10. The EnviroLink Network - Ornithology
Displaying 1 2 of 2 resources in Ornithology and General Information 1. Cloud Forest Alive USA This innovative website is based in the cloud forests of Costa Rica.

11. Science Museums In Florida
LEARNING TAGS Florida, children science, space exploration, mining, computers, aquariums, ornithology, general science, wildlife, anthropology, astronomy, zoology, natural

12. Ornithological Worldwide Literature
OWL is a compilation of citations and abstracts from worldwide publications concerning the science of ornithology.
Welcome to Ornithological Worldwide Literature (OWL)
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OWL is a compilation of citations and abstracts from the worldwide scientific literature that pertain to the science of ornithology. A major attraction is its coverage of the 'grey' literature, which are not abstracted by commercial databases such as Zoological Record or the Science Citation Index. OWL deals chiefly with serial publications such as periodicals but also announces new and renamed journals and provides abstracts of other serial publications, conference proceedings, reports, and doctoral dissertations. Papers dealing exclusively with domestic and pet birds and their husbandry are excluded unless they are applicable to non-domestic birds. OWL was previously known as the Recent Ornithological Literature (ROL) or as Recent Ornithological Literature Online (ROLO). The scope of OWL will be more than just the "recent" literature of ornithology. Eventually, the online database will go back 50 or more years to acquire citations to the serial literature. OWL will proceed well into this century with a database of the current worldwide literature that would be of interest to ornithologists. OWL is a joint effort between the American Ornithologists' Union and the British Ornithologists' Union and

13. Animal Concerns Community - Ornithology
Displaying 1 1 of 1 resources in Ornithology and General Information 1. The Birding Home Rehovot, Israel Offers a collection of birding reports, and online checklist.

14. Gary Means FacebookPrivate ProfileOnly Imagine Photography By Lynette Reeves; TA
University of Florida Florida's Introduced Birds; Cornell Lab of Ornithology General Woodpecker Deterrents; All About Birds Ask an Ornithologist
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Publishes research articles and conceptual reviews concerning all branches of ornithology of the Southern Hemisphere.
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Complete Archive To celebrate the launch of the complete digital archive of Emu , we have selected some of the most interesting and significant papers for readers to access freely online.
Emu - Austral Ornithology is the premier journal for ornithological research and reviews related to the Southern Hemisphere and adjacent tropics. More Editor: Kate Buchanan
Published 09 November 2010
Red Knots (
Calidris canutus piersmai and C. c. rogersi ... ) depend on a small threatened staging area in Bohai Bay, China
Danny I. Rogers, Hong-Yan Yang, Chris J. Hassell, Adrian N. Boyle, Ken G. Rogers, Bing Chen, Zheng-Wang Zhang and Theunis Piersma

Published 09 November 2010 Nest-site selection of New Zealand Falcons ( Falco novaeseelandiae ) in plantation forests and the implications of this to forestry management Richard Seaton, Edward O. Minot and John D. Holland

16. Science > Biology > Zoology > Chordates > Ornithology
Ornithology (from either a Greek ornitha = chicken and logotype = word/science) is the branch of biology concerned with a scientific study of bird s.

Science Biology Zoology ...
Research Centers

(from either a Greek ornitha = chicken and logotype = word/science) is the branch of biology concerned with a scientific study of bird Regional associations and societies
United Kingdom

West Midland Bird Club National associations and societies

n subcontinent. Visit [ Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History] (SACON) Placed close Coimbatore. Japan
The Ornithological Society of Japan (OSJ) - [] Wild Bird Society of Japan (WBSJ) - [] Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds (JSPB) - [] Yamashina Institute for Ornithology - [] Europe Estonia Estonian Ornithological Society - [] Ireland BirdWatch Ireland Lithuania Lithuanian Ornithological Society - [] Slovenia Društvo za opazovanje around prou�?evanje ptic Slovenije ) (DOPPS) United Kingdom British Ornithologists' Club British Ornithologists' Union British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) A British Birds Rarities Committee A Rare Birds Breeding Panel (RBBP) Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) North America Canada Bird Studies Canada USA American Birding Association American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) Association of Field Ornithologists Cooper Ornithological Society National Audubon Society

17. Recent Ornithological Literature Online
Serial compilation of citations and abstracts from worldwide literature that pertains to birds and the science of ornithology.
Back to BIRDNET Recent Ornithological Literature Online An Introduction Revised June 2002 Go to list of issues currently available Recent Ornithological Literature ROL ) is a serial compilation of citations and abstracts from the worldwide scientific literature that pertain to birds and the science of ornithology. The ROL deals chiefly with periodicals, but also announces new and renamed journals and provides abstracts of conference proceedings, reports, doctoral dissertations, and other serial publications. The entries are prepared by scientists who voluntarily scan journals for ornithological articles, generally according to their geographic region and special scientific interests. Papers dealing exclusively with domestic birds and their husbandry are excluded, unless applicable to non-domestic species. The Recent Ornithological Literature ROL ) was published for many years as a printed supplement to The Auk The Emu , or The Ibis In 1998, the societies that publish those journals, the American Ornithologists� Union , the British Ornithologists� Union , and Birds Australia (formerly the Royal Australasian Ornithologists� Union), decided to discontinue the printed version and to switch to an online version instead.

18. NHBS Ornithology: General & Reference
Farmland Birds Across the World Edited by Wouter van der Weijden, Paul Terwan and Adriaan Guldemond Farmlands, collectively, form the largest habitat on the globe, supporting a T: +44 (0)1803 865913
NHBS Ornithology start page

NHBS Home Page
Editor's Choice Farmland Birds Across the World
Edited by Wouter van der Weijden, Paul Terwan and Adriaan Guldemond
Farmlands, collectively, form the largest habitat on the globe, supporting a huge variety of birds. This book covers all the major farmland habitats of the world, from ....
138 pages, col photos, maps.
Nightjars of the World

Frogmouths, Potoos, Oilbird and Owlet-nightjars
Nigel Cleere
This long awaited photographic guide covers the world's 136 species of nightjar, pootoos, frogmouths, oilbirds and owlet-nightjars and features many ....
372 pages, photos. Say Goodbye to the Cuckoo Michael McCarthy If we could see it as a whole, if they all arrived in a single flock, say, we would be truly amazed: sixteen million birds. Swallows, martins, swifts, warblers, wagtails, .... 243 pages, A Single Swallow Following the Migration from South Africa to South Wales Horatio Clare A journey of 6,000 miles across two continents and fourteen countries is nothing to swallows: they do it twice a year. But for a writer and birdwatcher, this is the ....

19. Shoal Creek Volunteers
Ornithology General Information; Illinois Audubon Society; The Nature Conservancy in Illinois From here you can link to The Nature Conservancy main home page and
Shoal Creek Volunteers
Stewards of Shoal Creek Conservation Area

Here are a few of our favorite links. Hope you enjoy them too. © 2009 Shoal Creek Volunteers

20. Neotropical Ornithology
Information about the society and its journal, Ornitologia Neotropical. Ornithology.htm
English Portuguese Membership A ny person interested in ornithology may become a member of the Neotropical Ornithological Society upon payment of dues. Members of all classes receive ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL contents of volume 11 ). For those who want to publish an article in the journal, the author instructions are available as a RTF File . Membership dues per calendar year are: Students (with vertification of student's status only): US $18.00; Subscriber from Latin American countries: US $30.00; Subscribers from all other countries: US $42.00; Libraries US $90.00. ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL of the current year sent by third class mail. If air mail delivery is required, please add US $20.00 to the subscription above. All payments must be to the treasurer in US currency, either by credit card (Visa or Master Card), or by check or international money order drawn on a US bank. A printable membership application form can be found here . Membership applications should be addressed to:
  • Bette A. Loiselle, Treasurer

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