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1. Organizations And Associations - Ornithology.com Ornithology.com is the premier site for beginning a search for scientific information on wild birds. It is scientifically oriented with an emphasis on education and conservation http://www.ornithology.com/organ.html | |
2. Lowell Schake’s Books » Press Room Presidents of leading ornithology societies proclaimed him the “greatest birdnest finder of all time“and the “model” life history scholar on cranes, warblers and sparrows. http://www.lowellschake.com/category/press-room/ | |
3. Socit D'Ornithologie De Polynsie "MANU" Birds of French Polynesia and conservation programs. http://www.manu.pf/ | |
4. The Tennessee Ornithological Society Easily the most significant contribution to Tennessee ornithology since the written history of bird studies in Tennessee began. http://www.tnbirds.org/birdatlas.htm | |
5. Science In The 19th Century Periodical Ornithology, Societies, Taxonomy, Analogy, Human Species. Reports on first meeting of the Philoperisteron Society Philoperisteron Society Close View the register entry , a http://www.hrionline.ac.uk/sciper/browse/PU1-20.html |
6. Ornithological Society Of The Middle East, The Caucasus And Central Asia Features information about the organization, birds, birdwatching, and conservation in the Middle East. http://www.osme.org/ | |
7. Journal Of Ornithology - Free Access Available (Societies) Journal of Ornithology (Societies) Societies The journal publishes original papers, reviews, short notes, technical notes, and commentaries dealing with all aspects of http://www.springer.com/life sciences/animal sciences/journal/10336?detailsPage= |
8. Mark Steel Info - Writing Ornithology societies, the Scouts, Bristol City Supporters Club, the Women's Institute, any random group would probably accept that an amiable chap who's spent his life supporting http://www.marksteelinfo.com/writing/default.asp?id=43 |
9. Backyard Birding By the Baltimore Bird Club, a chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society. http://baltimorebirdclub.org/by/backyard.html | |
10. Ornithological Societies Of North America (OSNA) Home Page of the Ornithological Societies of North America, serving membership and subscription services http://www.osnabirds.org/ | |
11. The Southwesterner - Fall 2009 The AOU is the largest of the ornithology societies in the US. The AOU has three classes of membership Member, Elected member, and Fellow. He was nominated and elected to the http://issuu.com/southwesterncollege/docs/southwesterner_fall2009 |
12. Hellenic Ornithological Society Events, books, magazine articles, news, photo gallery, and important bird areas. http://www.ornithologiki.gr/en/enmain.htm |
13. Societies - Sciences, Life Sciences, Animals Pets, Wildlife, Birding (Ornitholog Life Sciences / Animals Pets / Wildlife / Birding (Ornithology) / Societies Societies http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_3595.html |
14. Biodiversity Heritage Library Contributed By Smithsonian Institution Libraries Tags Birds Massachusetts North America Nuttall Ornithological Club Ornithology Societies and clubs Societies, etc http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/subject/Ornithology | |
15. The Derbyshire Ornithological Society Homepage News, sightings, top birding sites, programs, and links. http://www.derbyshireos.org.uk/ |
16. Societies - Education Resource - StudySphere Life Sciences / Animals Pets / Wildlife / Birding (Ornithology) /Societies http://www.studysphere.com/education/Birding-(Ornithology)-Societies-3595.html |
17. Etter Oljes L Glom Ma, Bird search and collection was handled from boats and shore by volunteers and bird ringers from the local ornithology societies. Their exceptional detailed local knowledge and http://www.swaninfo.no/downloads/Glomma_NNV.pdf |
18. Knutsford Ornithology - Birds & Birders In Cheshire, North-West England Trips and meetings, news, history, photo gallery, bird sounds, and description of Tatton Park. http://www.10x50.com | |
19. Birds Find information on bird identification, bird anatomy, bird songs, migration Information and resources about birds, ornithology, and ornithology societies. http://biology.about.com/od/birds/Birds.htm | |
20. Home-Sussex Ornithological Society News, sightings, species records, gazetteer, reports, events, surveys, links, photos, and lists of listers. http://www.sos.org.uk/ | |
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