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         Physics General:     more books (100)
  1. General Physics, 2nd Edition by Morton M. Sternheim, Joseph W. Kane, 1991-01
  2. E-Z Physics (Barron's E-Z Series) by Robert L. Lehrman, 2009-04-01
  3. Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide (Wiley Self-Teaching Guides) by Karl F. Kuhn, 1996-03
  4. Astronomy and general physics considered with reference to natural theology by William Whewell, 2010-08-29
  5. How to Solve Physics Problems (College Course) by Robert Oman, Daniel Oman, 1996-08-01
  6. Physics by Inquiry: An Introduction to Physics and the Physical Sciences, Vol. 2 (Volume 2) by Lillian C. McDermott, Physics Education Group Univ. Washington, et all 1996-01-01
  7. Princeton Problems in Physics with Solutions by Nathan Newbury, John Ruhl, et all 1991-02-01
  8. College Physics, Volume 1 by Raymond A. Serway, Jerry S. Faughn, et all 2007-11-27
  9. Five Easy Lessons: Strategies for Successful Physics Teaching by Randall D. Knight, 2002-09-29
  10. Exact Space-Times in Einstein's General Relativity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) by Jerry B. Griffiths, Jirí Podolský, 2009-11-16
  11. The Physics of Golf by Theodore P. Jorgensen, 1999-03-26
  12. Physics: for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Third Edition by Paul M. Fishbane, Stephen Gasiorowicz, et all 2004-06-19
  13. Schaum's Outline of Physics for Engineering and Science by Michael Browne, 1999-07-29
  14. Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science (Advanced Texts in Physics) by Harald Ibach, Hans Lüth, 2009-11-25

1. Physics General | Distance Learning Programs
Free guide to research, evaluate and apply for BS Interdisciplinary Studies and other Physics, General online college degree and online university programs from the top online
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BS Interdisciplinary Studies: and other Physics, General Online College Degree and Distance Learning Programs
Below you will see a list of BS Interdisciplinary Studies: and other Physics, General online degree and distance learning programs. Simply click on the Request more information link for each BS Interdisciplinary Studies: and other Physics, General program you are interested in. To refine your search, you can choose a subcategory from the links listed below. There is absolutely no obligation to request more information for the online college degree and distance learning programs listed here!
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Physics - general
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Pattern recognition and image processing in physics
Pattern recognition and image processing in physics: proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Scottish Universities' Summer School in Physics, Dundee, July 29-August 18, 1990
edited by R. A. Vaughan
Publisher: Bristol ; A. Hilger
ISBN: 075030121X DDC: 621.399 LCC: TA1650 Physics of continuous media
Physics of continuous media: a collection of problems with solutions for physics students
G. E. Vekstein
Publisher: Bristol : Adam Hilger ISBN: 0750301406 LCC: QC155.7 Physics of continuous media Physics of continuous media: a collection of problems with solutions for physics students G. E. Vekstein Publisher: Bristol : Adam Hilger ISBN: 0750301414
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  • 3. Doctorate In Physics, General
    Doctor's degrees in Physics, General A general program that focuses on the scientific study of matter and energy, and the formulation and testing of the laws governing the
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    Online Doctorate Degrees Degrees Doctorate Degrees ... Degree in Physics, General
    Doctorate in Physics, General

    Doctor's degrees in Physics, General: A general program that focuses on the scientific study of matter and energy, and the formulation and testing of the laws governing the behavior of the matter-energy continuum. Includes instruction in classical and modern physics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, mechanics, wave properties, nuclear processes, relativity and quantum theory, quantitative methods, and laboratory methods. Result pages:
    Select a State [All] Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
    Select a College Boston University Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Princeton University Stanford University University Of Pennsylvania Yale University American University Boston College - Chestnut Hill MA Boston College - Newton Centre MA Cornell University Iowa State University Lehigh University Michigan Technological University Dartmouth College University of Missouri - Rolla Montana State University

    4. Associate In Physics, General
    Associate degrees in Physics, General A general program that focuses on the scientific study of matter and energy, and the formulation and testing of the laws governing the
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    Online Associate Degrees Degrees Associate Degrees ... Degree in Physics, General
    Associate in Physics, General

    Associate degrees in Physics, General: A general program that focuses on the scientific study of matter and energy, and the formulation and testing of the laws governing the behavior of the matter-energy continuum. Includes instruction in classical and modern physics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, mechanics, wave properties, nuclear processes, relativity and quantum theory, quantitative methods, and laboratory methods. Result pages:
    Select a State [All] Arizona California Georgia Kansas Kentucky Michigan Mississippi Nebraska Nevada New Mexico New York Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Texas Utah Virgin Islands Washington Wyoming
    Select a College Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Allan Hancock College Allen County Community College - Burlingame KS Allen County Community College - Iola KS Alpena Community College Amarillo College Arizona Western College Big Bend Community College Butte College Chaffey College Grand Rapids Community College Cerritos College Cisco Junior College College of the Desert CUNY Kingsborough Community College Golden West College Hill College Los Angeles Harbor College Merced College Midland College Monterey Peninsula College Moorpark College Northampton County Area Community College Northeast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College Northwest College Northwest Vista College Odessa College

    5. Physics General V2.02 (Revised).pdf - - Document Sharing - Download
    Physics General v2.02 (Revised) download at 4shared. Physics General v2.02 (Revised) is hosted at free file sharing service 4shared. Online file hosting and sharing - 15 GB free

    6. Physics General, Troy, MI
    300 E Big Beaver Road 300, Troy, MI, 480831263. Phone (248)729-2330. Category Consultants-Referral Service. View detailed profile, contacts, maps, reports and more.

    7. Physics General Information
    Department of Physics General Information. The Physics Department of the University of Akron consists of 10 fulltime faculty members. We offer programs leading to the BS and MS
    • About UA Admissions Academics
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        Department of Physics
        Department of Physics General Information
        The Physics Department of the University of Akron consists of 10 full-time faculty members. We offer programs leading to the BS and MS degree in physics. Also, in collaboration with the department of chemistry, we offer an interdisciplinary option leading to a PhD in Chemical physics. In addition to the traditional BS degree, which strongly prepares students for graduate work in physics or related fields, we also offer concentrations in chemical physics and polymer physics.
        Our faculty are devoted teachers. They are familiar with current pedagogical developments and incorporate proven delivery methods in the classroom to actively engage students. To remain current in the field of science education, several of our faculty participate in on- and off-campus activities and events related to teaching and learning. In our department you will find multimedia enhanced classrooms and teaching laboratories that contain a wide range of equipment for all our students. We have a comprehensive set of course offerings ranging from introductory-level General Education courses for non-science majors all the way up to advanced graduate level specialist courses.
        We offer rich opportunities for research spanning all levels from undergraduate to doctoral. All of our faculty have grant-supported research and actively involve students in their research projects. We pay particular attention to undergraduates and try to involve students in research as soon as possible so they can gain valuable experience. Several of our faculty have joint appointments in other PhD granting departments whose research interests overlap with ours. This offers considerable scope for interdisciplinary research. Departments include chemistry, polymer science, and polymer engineering. Physics faculty holding such joint appointments frequently serve as primary research advisor to PhD students in those departments. Some of our faculty are also involved in the early stages of UA�s new Integrative Biology program.

    8. Open Problems In Mathematics And Physics - Home
    Links to open problems in mathematics, physics and other subjects.
    Open Problems In Mathematics And Physics
    OPEN QUESTIONS GENERAL Lists of unsolved problems Science magazine 125 big questions
    Areas long to learn: quantum groups motivic cohomology , local and micro local analysis of large finite groups
    Exotic areas: infinite Banach spaces , large and inaccessible cardinals
    Some recent links between mathematics and physics
    Number theory and physics

    Conjectured links between the Riemann zeta function and chaotic quantum-mechanical systems

    Deep and relatively recent ideas in mathematics and physics

    Standard model and mathematics:
    Gauge field or connection
    Dirac operators or fundamental classes in K-theory ( Atiyah-Singer index theorem
    String theory and mathematics: Mirror symmetry Conformal field theory Mathematics behind supersymmetry Mathematics of M-Theory Chern-Simons theory Higher gauge theory ... Geometric Langlands Program Unified theory: Langlands Program Witten on Langlands Theory of "motives" Lists of unsolved problems ... PRICE P versus NP The Hodge Conjecture The Poincaré Conjecture (solved) The Riemann Hypothesis Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture Mathworld list Mathematical challenges of the 21st century including moduli spaces and borderland physics Goldbach conjecture Normality of pi digits in an integer base Unsolved problems and difficult to understand areas PRICES Fields Medal and Rolf Nevanlinna Prize Abel Prize PHYSICS Important unsolved problems in physics Quantum gravity Explaining high-Tc superconductors

    9. Directory Of Open Access Journals
    70 journals belonging to subject Physics (General) AAPPS Bulletin ISSN 02182203 Subject Physics (General) Publisher Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies

    10. Physics Pointers
    Physics reading guides, links to physics websites, teaching tips, and physics activities.
    new menu (MENU_ITEMS, MENU_TPL);
    Please use the menu at the top of the window, or use the Site Map but Science pointers will soon be deleted. A website for college teachers, students, and the interested public.
    Content available now for this website:
    • Student Reading Guides for Huggins' Physics 2000 and Giancoli's Physics, 5th Edition. Annotated links for College Introductory Physics last update 8/26/2010 Annotated links for (mostly) College Teaching (mainly Physics) last update 8/9/2010 College Internet-Based Physics Activity Sheets

    Please send constructive criticisms and suggestions for additions to this site to: This page was last edited August 2010. This page is hosted at

    11. Physics - General & Applied Degrees
    Interested in a career or education in Physics? Find online, distance learning, and campus based programs and courses best matching your goals. Search from thousands of programs

    12. Physics | The WWW Virtual Library
    WWW Virtual Library category
    Physics :   en es fr zh
    The WWW Virtual Library
    Quick search: Acoustics, Vibrations and Signal Processing Acoustics, Vibrations and Signal Processing
    Resources pertaining to the physics of sound, noise control and soundproofing.
    this resource in English is indexed under: Engineering Physics Sound
    Aeronomy, Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Chemistry (Space Physics)
    ... Aeronomy, Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Chemistry (Space Physics)
    An actively maintained collection of space physics links.
    this resource in English is indexed under: Air and Space Physics
    Beam Physics
    Beam Physics
    Links to online resoueces in beam physics and accelerator technology.
    this resource in English is indexed under: Physics
    Free Electron Lasers
    Free Electron Lasers A Free Electron Laser generates tunable, coherent, high power radiation, currently spanning wavelengths from millimeter to visible and potentially ultraviolet to x-ray. It can have the optical properties characteristic of conventional lasers such as high spatial coherence and a near diffraction limited radiation beam. It differs from conventional lasers in using a relativistic electron beam as its lasing medium, as opposed to bound atomic or molecular states, hence the term free-electron. this resource in English is indexed under: Physics Laser Physics and Technology Laser Physics and Technology This encyclopedia explains basic terms and principles of laser physics and technology, with some content added from other topics such as general optics, nonlinear optics, and quantum optics.

    13. CyberStacks(sm) Physics (General Screen)
    QC 1 Periodicals, Societies, Congresses, Serial Collections, Yearbooks Applied Physics Letters Summary Applied Physics Letter, a publication of the American Institute of
    Physics (General) (QC:1-80) Q Science R Medicine S Agriculture T Technology U Military V Naval
    QC 1 Periodicals, Societies, Congresses, Serial Collections, Yearbooks
    Applied Physics Letters
    Summary: Applied Physics Letter , a publication of the American Institute of Physics (AIP), is distributed and detailed in this site, sponsored by the AIP. The publication is a "...weekly journal featuring concise, up-to-date reports on significant new findings in applied physics." The site is a compilation of available issues of the publication, which are listed chronologically, beginning with the most recent issue. No actual texts are open for viewing within the site; users should seek ordering and subscription information through the applicable link at the top of the site's main page. Each issue listing features the volume and issue numbers, along with the journal's individual release date. Users should select an issue of interest; a listing of articles is then displayed, showing the texts in their order of appearance within the periodical. Each article's record includes: (1) the title; (2) name(s) of author (initials, last name); (3) the page numbers where the article is located within the issue; and (4) a designation (via an icon) noting whether the text is available for ordering. Users should scroll to view site listings and issue listings. At the bottom of the site's main page are three major links. The first gives access to the AIP homepage, for further information. The second opens the "Titles in Physics" homepage, a service which allows users to search 47 AIP society journals for topics of interest. The last link, "Journal List," accesses a comprehensive listing of all AIP journals. The site is maintained by the American Institute of Physics; New York.

    14. Physics General Dynamics Jobs - Browse Keywords | Juju Job Search
    Browse Physics General Dynamics jobs from 1,000s of job boards and employer web sites in one place. Juju makes your Physics General Dynamics job search faster and more

    15. Physics Song Book
    New physics lyrics to classic tunes.
    Doug Craigen's
    Physics Pages HOME
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    Do you click on links in your email? Is it safe?
    Physics Song Book
    Aside from Physics Lasts for so Long , which was sent to me, these are miscellaneous parodies of songs that I've made up for various occasions. I've noticed them starting to appear on other people's web pages. While I'm not about to go hiring lawyers or anything, I would prefer that if you want to use one of these songs online that you would ask for permission and put a link back to this page.
    Homework Bound
    by Feynman and Garfunkel I'm sittin' in the railway station, got a ticket for my destination (mmmm)
    I'm off to University, I'm goin to get my BSc
    Because it is the best degree To put Physics on my C.V.
    Homework bound
    No time to pause
    Homework bound
    Homework - but my thoughts keep straying
    Homework - there is no escaping
    Homework - or an F lies waiting Silently for me
    Every day's an endless stream Of lectures books and magazines But each class looks the same to me Derivatives are all I see Or integrals dxyz I need another pot of coffee
    Homework bound No time to pause Homework bound Homework - but my thoughts keep straying Homework - there is no escaping Homework - or an F lies waiting Silently for me
    Tonight I'll hit the books again With some paper and a pen (mmmm) Assignments coming back to me With shades of mediocrity
  • 16. Physics, General - Community is unquestionably the best resource on the Internet for career and college information. Their long list of free services includes career profiles, career videos, salary
    Home About Us Existing Users User Name: Password: Login automatically Forgot your password?
    New Users Featured Resources Physics, General
    Colleges That Offer This Degree What Careers Are Related? Community Majors / Physics, General Intro Users Reviews Forum Introduction
    This community area is for Physics , which is a category of majors that includes "Physics, General". The complete list of specific majors that fall under this general category follows below. Physics, General Atomic / Molecular Physics Elementary Particle Physics Nuclear Physics ... Solid State and Low-Temperature Physics Users in this Community Group There are 58 users in this community group. You can see the list of users in this group by clicking on one of the links below. You can also join this group by simply selecting your current status and clicking "Add Me."

    17. Physics General science forums and latest news discussions
    To add comments or start new threads please go to the full version of: Physics General PhysForum Science, Physics and Technology Discussion Forums Physics Physics General Pages:
  • Backscatter Machines At Airports (1 Reply(ies)) Heat From A Woodstove? (0 Reply(ies)) Wires, Currents, Electrons And Potentials. (38 Reply(ies)) Rocket Propulsion (1 Reply(ies)) Couple Gravity Questions. (22 Reply(ies)) Optics - Mirror Formula (0 Reply(ies)) Electron Flow In A Wire. (0 Reply(ies)) Control Of Overfiring Woodstove (0 Reply(ies)) (421 Reply(ies)) Maximum Speed Of Sinusoidal Vibration In S.h.m. (1 Reply(ies)) Intercom (1 Reply(ies)) Do Electrons Really Exist (49 Reply(ies)) Adhesive Tape (3 Reply(ies)) Simple Harmonic Motion (1 Reply(ies)) (62 Reply(ies)) Contradictions In The Lsag-report (3 Reply(ies)) Buoyancy (13 Reply(ies)) Fall With Drag (2 Reply(ies)) Evolution Of The Universe (5 Reply(ies)) Who was behind 9/11? (37 Reply(ies)) Simple Harmonic Motion - Vibrational Frequency (1 Reply(ies)) (37 Reply(ies)) A Coin In A Funnel (1 Reply(ies)) Aircraft Turbine (1 Reply(ies)) General Relativity And Acceleration Question.
  • 18. Physics And Astronomy Links -
    Links to physics departments, physical societies, journals, job information, and other physics related information.
    Science Toys
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    Physics experiment suggests existence of new particle

    Source: UMich Posted:
    The results of a high-profile Fermilab physics experiment appear to confirm strange 20-year-old findings that poke holes in the standard model, suggesting the existence of a new elementary particle: a fourth flavor of neutrino. Full story... Cassini Sees Saturn Rings Oscillate Like Mini-Galaxy Source: NASA/JPL Posted: Scientists believe they finally understand why one of the most dynamic regions in Saturn's rings has such an irregular and varying shape, thanks to images captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Full story... Researchers discover 'exotic' superconductor with metallic surface Source: Princeton Posted: A new material with a split personality part superconductor, part metal has been observed by a Princeton University-led research team. Full story... Microreactor speeds nanotech particle production by 500 times Source: Oregon State Posted: Engineers have discovered a new method to speed the production rate of nanoparticles by 500 times, an advance that could play an important role in making nanotechnology products more commercially practical.

    19. Physics Help, General Physics, Fundamentals Of Physics
    Help with the fundamentals of physics. is aimed at students studying general physics, high school physics or even university physics. illustrated using Flash
    General Physics
    The science of physics is interesting and rewarding. Physics aims to help students studying high-school physics or anyone just starting a physics course at university or college in the fundamentals of physics.
    Physics Tution is now offering online physics tution for exam success in advance level phyiscs. Contact for details.
    Physics Help is an online general physics web site aimed at high-school students, or college students taking physics. The site is constantly in development and we are adding new material all the time.
    Physics Revision
    At exam time, you may find that you need extra information to help you revise. The information covers general physics and frequently goes beyond the physics curriculum. Revise physics or do homework for your physics course.
    Physics Forum
    Just can't solve that problem for your physics homework? Why not try the physics forum and ask a physicist. The forum is moderated by a qualified physicist ready to help with your physics or mathematics questions.
    Physics Demonstrations
    Flash animations, Flash simulations and interactive Flash experiments are used extensively to demonstrate key-concepts of physics such as the charge and discharge of capacitors or the conservation of momentum during collisions. This can be used by teachers for work in the classroom.

    20. Physics FAQ Index
    A list of FAQ documents from the field of physics.
    Physics FAQ Index
    Physics FAQ Index
    By Archive-name By Author By Category By Newsgroup ... Tools Search Search FAQs Search RFCs IFC Home Cities Countries Hospitals Web Hosting Ratings
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  • physics-faq/acoustics
    Subject: Acoustics FAQ
    Last Posted: Sun, 07 Sep 97 20:55:00 GMT
    Last-modified: 7th September 1997
  • physics-faq/criticism/einstein-absurdities: Multipart Single Part
    Subject: Einstein (1905) Absurdities
    Maintainer: (Eleaticus)
    Last Posted: 04 May 2004 13:01:21 GMT
    Posting-Frequency: 15 days
  • physics-faq/criticism/functions-unknown: Multipart Single Part Subject: Maintainer: (Eleaticus) Last Posted: 04 May 2004 13:01:13 GMT Posting-Frequency: Version:
  • physics-faq/criticism/galilean-invariance: Multipart Single Part Subject: Invariant Galilean Transformations On All Laws Maintainer: (Eleaticus) Last Posted: 23 Jul 1999 12:37:14 GMT Posting-Frequency: Version:
  • physics-faq/criticism/lorentz-intervals: Multipart Single Part Subject: (SR) Lorentz t', x' = Intervals
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