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         Psychology General:     more books (100)
  1. Jungian Psychology in Perspective by Mary ann Mattoon, 1985-09-01
  2. Psychology MyPsychLab Edition, Hardbound (Book Alone) by Saundra K. Ciccarelli, Glenn E. Meyer, 2007-10
  3. Critical Psychology: An Introduction
  4. Creative Concepts in Psychology: Case Studies and Activities by Andrea Goldstein, Robert Feldman, 2010-03-08
  5. Evolutionary Psychology: The Science of Human Behavior and Evolution by Matthew Rossano, 2002-11-05
  6. Psychology: Themes & Variations with Infotrac by Wayne Weiten, 2000-08
  7. Cognitive Psychology: Applying The Science Of The Mind (2nd Edition) by Greg L. Robinson-Riegler, Bridget Robinson-Riegler, 2007-07-26
  8. Political Psychology: Situations, Individuals, and Cases by David P. Houghton, 2008-12-03
  9. The Role of Work in People's Lives: Applied Career Counseling and Vocational Psychology by Nadene Peterson, Roberto Cort?z Gonz?lez, 2004-07-31
  10. Study Guide for Understanding Psychology by Charles G. Morris, Albert A. Maisto, 2009-12-28
  11. A Psychology of Human Strengths: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology
  12. The Psychology of Women (with InfoTracPrinted Access Card) by Margaret W. Matlin, 2007-03-14
  13. Clinical Health Psychology in Medical Settings: A Practitioner's Guidebook by Cynthia D. Belar, William W. Deardorff, 2008-08-15
  14. Virtue And Psychology: Pursuing Excellence In Ordinary Practices by Blaine J. Fowers, 2005-07

81. ScienceDirect - Developmental Review, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 257-330 (Septemb
Emphasizes human developmental processes and gives particular attention to issues relevant to child developmental psychology.
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Your selection(s) could not be saved due to an internal error. Please try again. Added to Favorites [ remove Add to Favorites Font Size: Add to my Quick Links Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 257-330 (September 2010) = Full-text available = Abstract only Articles in Press Volume 30 (2010) Volume 30, Issue 3 - selected
pp. 257-330 (September 2010) Volume 30, Issue 2
pp. 101-256 (June 2010)
Television and Toddlers: The Message, the Medium, and Their Impact on Early Cognitive Development Volume 30, Issue 1

82. Databases - Psychology (General) - Hope College Research Guides At Hope College
This is the main portal to databases and other library sources for psychology research at Van Wylen Library, Hope College.
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Psychology (General)
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  • PsycINFO Index to articles in psychology and related fields since 1887 PsycARTICLES FULL-TEXT journals published by the American Psychological Assn., 1894 to present JSTOR Full image, full-text archive of business, humanities, and social science journals

83. Redirect Page
Print journal of empirical research about human development across the lifespan.

84. PSYCHOLOGY - General Principles
PSYCHOLOGY General Principles . June 27 th through July 27 th 2006 . This course will focus on the foundations of modern psychology at an introductory level.
PSYCHOLOGY - General Principles June 27 th through July 27 th This course will focus on the foundations of modern psychology at an introductory level. We'll discuss the biological roots of behavior, perception, and memory. We will examine personality theory from the perspective of some of the pioneers of 20th century psychology and consider the relative merits of each of these models in understanding the human psyche. Finally, we'll consider some of the fascinating overlap between questions asked by philosophers and psychologists about the relationship between brain, mind, psyche and soul. Students may continue their study of introductory psychology during the second summer session via independent study. The syllabus below is for 4 credits. Faculty signature is not needed for enrollment. There are no prerequisites for this class. See: Instructor: Don Middendorf phone: e-mail: Meeting Days: Tuesday and Thursday evenings: 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.

85. Dream Psychology -
Full text of Sigmund Freud s Dream Psychology.

86. Psychology Of Human Growth & Transpersonal Education (Psychology Of Change & Tra
Explores psychological methods by which people can enhance their potential and live more holistically.
Psychology Quotes
Psychology of
James Neill
Last updated:
18 Dec 2006
What's New?
  • Bursting the self-esteem bubble
    (David Dent, March/April, 2002, Psychology Today)
    Nicholas Emler, a UK social psychologist, has produced a controversial report which argues that high self-esteem may be detrimental. For example, high self-esteem seems most dangerous when it colors racial and ethnic tolerance. "People with incredibly positive views of themselves feel anybody who differs from them is an insult," explains Emler. "They just don't like people who are different." For an opposing view, read Is high self-esteem bad for you?
  • By 3-4 years a resilient child should be able to fend for itself
    Children evolved to have the capacity to be surprisingly independent at young ages, although they are quite vulnerable during the first year. Rapidly, however, between the ages of 1 and 3, a child blossoms in physical coordination, mental complexity, language and major basic skills of life. Psychological self-help
    (Clayton Tucker-Ladd, 1996)

A tour through social psychology from the nature-nurture debate through to the psychology of urbanisation, all from a sociological perspective.
The social sciences are dedicated to understanding the human condition, ideally to the extent that the singular and collective behaviors of human beings can be understood and even predicted. Though their goals are identical in the abstract, these "sciences" differ in terms of their way of looking at things, the questions they ask, the methods they use in addressing these questions, and what they do with this information once they obtain it. Amid this multitude of social science disciplines is social psychology which, as can be inferred from its label, involves the ways in which both social and mental processes determine action. What, precisely, this means research-wise, however, remains a matter of historic debate both between and within the disciplines of psychology and sociology. What weight is to be given to the social, the psychological, and the interaction between the two? What does the interaction between psychological and sociological processes even mean? I n approaching the problem of why some people do certain things

88. McAndrew, Frank
social psychology, evolutionary psychology, and environmental psychology (Knox College, USA)

89. Higher Education Academy Psychology Network
Information about events, publications, projects and research related to the teaching of psychology; database of resources.

90. Islam , Sexual And Psychological Issues الإسلام والقضاياالنف
A collection of articles and links to Muslim perspectives on psychological and sexual problems.

91. Classics In The History Of Psychology -- Thorndike (1910)
Published in 1910 in the Journal of Educational Psychology. Hosted by Classics in the History of Psychology.
Classics in the History of Psychology An internet resource developed by
Christopher D. Green

York University, Toronto, Ontario
(Return to Classics index THE CONTRIBUTION OF PSYCHOLOGY TO EDUCATION Edward L. Thorndike (1910) Teachers College, Columbia University First published in The Journal of Educational Psychology Psychology is the science of the intellects, characters and behavior of animals including man. Human education is concerned with certain changes in the intellects, characters and behavior of men, its problems being roughly included under these four topics: Aims, materials, means and methods. Psychology contributes to a better understanding of the aims of education by defining them, making them clearer; by limiting them, showing us what can be done and what can not; and by suggesting new features that should be made parts of them. Psychology makes ideas of educational aims clearer. When one says that the aim of education is culture, or discipline, or efficiency, or happiness, or utility, or knowledge, or skill, or the perfection of all one's powers, or development, one's statements and probably one's thoughts, need definition. Different people, even amongst the clearest-headed of them, do not agree concerning just what culture is, or just what is useful. Psychology helps here by requiring us to put our notions of the aims of education into terms of the exact changes that education is to make, and by describing for us the changes which do actually occur in human beings. Psychology helps to measure the probability that an aim is attainable. For example, certain writers about education state or imply that the knowledge and skill and habits of behavior which are taught to the children of today are of service not only to this generation and to later generations through the work this generation does, but also to later generations forever through the inheritance of increased capacity for knowledge and skill and morals. But if the mental and moral changes made in one generation are not transmitted by heredity to the next generation, the improvement of the race by direct transfer of acquisitions is a foolish, because futile aim.

92. Sleep Paralysis Page
Speculations on the Psychology of Paleolithic Graphics, links to cultural-historical psychology, and links to articles about the evolution of brain, consciousness, language, and sociality.
Information about Sleep Paralysis
Sleep Paralysis as Nightmare
Sleep Paralysis in Literature: Le Horla
The Hallucinations
The Intruder
The Incubus
Bodily Experiences
Bibliography A webpage about Sleep Paralysis and Associated Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Experiences In this site we provide information on the many features of sleep paralysis and associated experiences. The material below has been gathered from many sources, including our own research into the sleep paralysis experience. If you have experienced episodes of sleep paralysis, it will be very much appreciated if you will take some time to fill out the Waterloo Unusual Sleep Experiences Scale (English) ( Franais before reading on. You might actually find the information provided on this web site more relevant if you take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire now. Publications making use of the Waterloo Unusual Sleep Experiences Scale Parasomnias and other movement-related sleep disorders . Amsterdam, Elsevier. Cortex, 45

93. Evolutionary Psychology
Article by J Raymond Zimmer describing evolutionary psychology and the challenge it poses to traditional social science, and then discussing opportunities evolutionary psychology opens for Christian apologetics.
Science in Christian Perspective EVOLUTION DIALOGUE Evolutionary Psychology Challenges the Current Social Sciences J. Raymond Zimmer
3347 W. 66 th Place
Chicago, IL 60629 From: PSCF (September 1998): 176-184. Evolutionary psychology is a new multidisciplinary field which promises to irrevocably change the traditional social sciences. This article introduces evolutionary psychology, explains how it challenges current social science, then discusses the opportunities it presents for Christian apologetics. To show that evolutionary psychology theories may be complementary, rather than antagonistic, to Christian views, a hypothesis within the Darwinian paradigm is proposed to explain the evolution of human awareness of supernature. Human awareness of supernature may be founded on the logical relationship between evolutionarily recent psychological adaptations in response to novel hominid social arrangements and more ancient mammalian psychologies. The hypothesis, though based on naturalism, paradoxically eclipses atheistic natural philosophy. Awareness of something beyond nature may be integral to human survival. O nce again, there is much ado about Darwinism in the popular press

94. Psychology Is Bound To Become More Darwinian, Says Eminent Primatologist
Psychology will soon be transformed by both neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, predicts primatologist Frans B.M. de Waal, PhD.

95. Evolutionary Psychology
Article on the assumption that women have evolved physically and psychologically to be weaker, less assertive and monogamous, while men are naturally stronger, aggressive and promiscuous. Includes some radio broadcasts.
Evolutionary Psychology

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Simply put: Evolutionary psychology is the combination of two sciences - evolutionary biology and cognitive psychology. The goal of research in evolutionary psychology is to discover and understand the design of the human mind. Evolutionary psychology is an approach to psychology, in which knowledge and principles from evolutionary biology (i.e. Darwin ) are put to use in research on the structure of the human mind. It is not an area of study, like vision, reasoning, or social behaviour. It is a way of thinking about psychology that can be applied to any topic within it. Therefore, evolutionary psychology should be able to explain all aspects of human behaviour.
Biological evolution refers to the increasing changes that occur in a population over time. These changes are produced at the genetic level as organisms' genes mutate and/or recombine in different ways during reproduction and are passed on to future generations. Sometimes, individuals inherit new characteristics that give them a survival and reproductive advantage in their local environments; these characteristics tend to increase in frequency in the population, while those that are disadvantageous decrease in frequency. This process of differential survival and reproduction is known as natural selection

96. Site For Lakirk Has Moved.
Evolutionary psychology; psychology of religion; adult attachment and close relationships; statistics, psychometrics, and research methods; social and personality psychology (College of William and Mary, Virginia).
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97. The Bible And Psychology
Essay by John Stoll considering what psychological insights the Bible can offer into the emotional needs of humans and their fulfilment in relation to Christian maturity. Includes a specific analysis of Philippians.

98. Psychological Studies Institute
MS in Christian Psychological Studies providing a primarily theoretical training in the integration of psychology and theology, and MA in Professional Counseling. (Atlanta, Georgia; Chattanooga, Tennessee)

99. Institute For The Psychological Sciences
MS and PsyD Clinical Psychology programs taking a Catholic approach to the psychological sciences. (Arlington, Virginia)
What's New
Margaret Laracy, M.S.
Doctoral Student
"When it comes to the research here and the scholarly work, I've been really happy and blessed at the possibility I have to pursue what I'm really interested in."
Gladys M. Sweeney, Ph.D.
Founder and Academic Dean
"Many people have careers but here you're called to do something unique that's never been done before."
Philip Scrofani, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.
Associate Professor/ Director of Clinical Training
"I dreamed all my life that there would be a training program, a doctoral center that took students from the ground up and trained them..."

100. Rosemead School Of Psychology
APA accredited school within Biola University dedicated to the integration of psychology and theology. Offers PhD and PsyD Clinical Psychology. (La Mirada, California)

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