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         Psychology General:     more books (100)
  1. Biological Psychology with Companion Website with GradeTracker, Student Access Card: Biological Psychology (2nd Edition) by Fred Toates, 2007-04-20
  2. Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology (5th Edition) by Ronald E. Riggio, 2007-11-26
  3. Psychology and Work Today (10th Edition) by Duane Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz, 2009-03-26
  4. Social Psychology Value Package (includes Current Directions in Social Psychology) by Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, et all 2008-07-26
  5. Psychology of Hope: You Can Get Here from There by C.R. Snyder, 2003-04-01
  6. The Culture and Psychology Reader by Nancy Goldberger, Joanne Veroff, 1995-07-01
  7. Abnormal Psychology (5th Edition) by Thomas F. Oltmanns, Robert E. Emery, 2006-02-03
  8. The Political Psychology of Democratic Citizenship (Series in Positive Psychology)
  9. Psychology: A Concise Introduction by Richard A. Griggs, 2008-02-15
  10. Depth Psychology and a New Ethic by Erich Neumann, 1990-06-10
  11. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, 2010-2011 Edition (5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations Series) by Laura Maitland, 2009-11-11
  12. A General Theory of Love by Richard Lannon, Fari Amini, et all 2007-12-18
  13. Understanding Psychology by Robert Feldman, 2006-11-08
  14. The Social Psychology of Groups (Social Science Classics Series) by John W. Thibaut, Harold H.Kelley, 1986-01-01

101. Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) - Undergraduate And Graduate Psychology -
APA accredited MA and PsyD Clinical Psychology programs reflecting a grounding both in scientific psychology and Christian theology. (Wheaton, Illinois)

Undergraduate Studies

Graduate Studies

Undergraduate Studies

Graduate Studies

102. Journal Of Psychology And Judaism
Electronic and print journal, discontinued as of 2001. Subscription information and editorial board. cultural psychology/journal/10932
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103. Society Of Clinical Child And Adolescent Psychology (Division 53)
Information about the American Psychological Association s Division 53, Clinical Child Psychology. Includes links to publications and information about task forces, APA Convention activities, and membership for practitioners and students.

104. Hull University Social Psychology Course Journals
Hull University student s list of social psychology journals for social psychology modules as part of the psychology course.

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