Quaker Periodicals The Friend , The weekly Quaker magazine published in London. Friends Journal , pub. by Friends Pub. Corp, 1216 Arch Street, Ste. 2A, Philadelphia, PA 19107, ask Friends World News, pub. by Friends World Committee For Consultation, published by FWCC's World Office at 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2AX. Available in the Americas from FWCC Section of the Americas, 1506 Race Street Philadelphia PA 19102, or americas@fwccamericas.org. Wider Quaker Fellowship, also at 1506 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19102, 3 English and one Spanish issues/year, subscription by "donation." Their mailings include some Pendle Hill pamphlets plus things published exclusively for them as well. Request English-only, Spanish-only, or bilingual mailings. Universalist. pub. by Quaker Universalist group (Britain) . There used to be a way to subscribe from the US in US funds but that has changed recently and I don't know the exact method. The only address I have is: Jean Hardy, 25 Woodgrange Avenue, Ealing Common, London W5 3NY, Great Britain. 3 issues/year. Universalist Friends, pub. by Quaker Universalist Fellowship, 121 Watson Mill Road, Landenberg, PA 19350. This is NOT the same as the Universalist listed above. This is a US group. $10 = year/2 issues. I have found their publication dates a bit quirky. Perhaps they can give you better info on the British group? | |