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1. Rhode Island Department Of Elementary And Secondary Education State level official education web site. http://www.ride.ri.gov/ |
2. RIBGHE - Rhode Island Board Of Governors For Higher Education Serves to avoid costly duplication of services by carrying out and coordinating certain functions on a systemwide basis. http://www.ribghe.org/ |
3. MTTI - Career Training School - Rhode Island And Massachusetts A post secondary technical school offering 20-30 week courses in to train technicians. http://mtti.tec.ri.us/ | |
4. RISLA - The Rhode Island Student Loan Authority A non-profit State authority, provides affordable higher education loans for Rhode Island students and their families. http://www.risla.com/ |
5. Rhode Island Art Education Association - Welcome Art educators resource for information, discussions of the fine arts in education and for resources in art education, affiliated with the National Art Education Association. Includes a gallery of student works. http://www.ri.net/RIAEA |
6. Catholic Schools Of Rhode Island General information about Catholic education and a directory of elementary and secondary schools operated by the Diocese of Providence. http://www.catholicschools.org/ | |
7. Home Page - RIAGE - Rhode Island Advocates For Gifted Education Non-profit organization promoting awareness of the needs of gifted and talented students. Meeting and membership information, with resources for parents and teachers. http://www.riage.org/ | |
8. Latino Dollars For Scholars Home Page Works to increase the Latino presence in post-secondary education by providing support and resources and by awarding academic scholarships. http://www.ladori.org/ | |
9. Hidden Meadows Farm - West Greenwich, Rhode Island Provides educational field trip programs on a circa 1700 s farm featuring local environment, history and agriculture for school groups and youth organizations, pre-K to grade 12. http://www.discoverhiddenmeadowsfarm.com/ | |
10. Love 4 All Learning Centers Inc Care for children ages 6 weeks-12 years at locations in Lincoln and Providence. Includes programs, hours and directions. http://www.l4alearningcenter.com/ |
11. The College Crusade Of Rhode Island An early intervention program to encourage low-income students to stay in school and prepare for higher education. http://www.thecollegecrusade.org/ |
12. Center For School Improvement And Educational Policy Home - URI University of Rhode Island initiative which helps schools and communities provide appropriate education and community-based services to children and families. http://www.csiep.uri.edu/ | |
13. Barrington School District (Barrington) Calendar, lunch menus, staff e-mail directory, employment opportunities, special education, school web sites, and contact information. http://barringtonschools.org/ | |
14. Coventry Public Schools Of Rhode Island (Coventry) District news, school web sites, administration e-mail directory, curriculum, technology information, calendar, and employment opportunities. http://www.coventryschools.net/ | |
15. Lincoln School Department Web Site (Lincoln) District profile, lunch menus, news, school web pages, community information, calendar, and bus schedules. http://www.lincolnps.org/ | |
16. Welcome (Narragansett) Administration directory, school web pages, mission statement, employment opportunities, calendar, district technology plan, and community information. http://www.narragansett.k12.ri.us/ |
17. Cranston School District (Cranston) Budget, calendars, lunch menus, school directory and web sites, professional development, curriculum, employment opportunities, and athletics. http://www.cps.k12.ri.us | |
18. North Kingstown School Department (North Kingstown) Departments, employment opportunities, school web sites, adult education information, staff telephone and e-mail directory, calendars, budgets, and school committee minutes. http://www.nksd.net/ | |
19. Warwick Public Schools (Warwick) Community information, calendars, staff telephone and e-mail directories, strategic plan, employment opportunities, curriculum, professional development information, and school web sites. http://www.warwickschools.org/ | |
20. Johnston Public Schools Home Page (Johnston) District profile, calendar, student handbooks, mission statement, and school directory and web sites. http://www.ri.net/schools/Johnston/ | |
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