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         Russian Culture General:     more books (100)
  1. Science in Russian Culture, 1861-1917 by Alexander Vucinich, 1971-06-01
  2. The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture)
  3. National Identity in Russian Culture: An Introduction (Volume 0)
  4. The Icon and the Axe : An Interpretive History of Russian Culture by James Billington, 1970-12-12
  5. The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture
  6. Magical Chorus: A History of Russian Culture from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn (Vintage) by Solomon Volkov, 2009-03-10
  7. Russian Popular Culture: Entertainment and Society since 1900 (Cambridge Russian Paperbacks) by Richard Stites, 1992-09-28
  8. Report from Hokkaido: The Remains of Russian Culture in Northern Japan by George Alexander Lensen, 1974-01-14
  9. Entertaining Tsarist Russia: Tales, Songs, Plays, Movies, Jokes, Ads, and Images from Russian Urban Life, 1779--1917 (Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies)
  10. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Russian Culture (Encyclopedias of Contemporary Culture)
  11. Russian Traditional Culture: Religion, Gender, and Customary Law
  12. Constructing Russian Culture in the Age of Revolution: 1881-1940
  13. Exemplary Bodies: Constructing the Jew in Russian Culture,1880s to the Present (Borderlines: Russian and East European-Jewish Studies) by Henrietta Mondry, 2009-10-22
  14. Medieval Russian Culture: California Slavic Studies XII

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2. General Leonid Ivashov Of Russia On 911
Science, Culture, Social; Russian Culture; General Leonid Ivashov of Russia on 911

3. Хулиган №11(ноябрь’08)
Russian Dating Service Guide a comprehensive dating service directory for singles who are Russian or who admire Russian culture. General Preferences

4. SEELRC : Russian Webliography
Russian Culture General; Russian Proverbs; Literature; Philosophy; Science and Technology; Folklore; Art; Music; Women's Studies; Russian Orthodox Church; Government and Politics
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    (These entries are also included later in the Language Resources section.)
    Russian Reference Grammar The Russian Reference Grammar, by Edna Andrews, Duke University, is part of a set of SEELRC reference grammars designed for advanced-level language users and linguists to compare semantic categories across languages. Completed are comparative grammars in BCS, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, and Russian. Others are under development. Grammatical Dictionary Project The Grammatical Dictionaries project is a set of comprehensive reference works for Slavic and East European languages. The SEELRC Grammatical Dictionaries are unique in that they provide full word paradigms, native pronunciation, and semantic linkage in a user-friendly, web-accessible format.

    5. Russian Culture Help And Information
    Russian history, customs, literature, music, Orthodox religion, and cuisine.
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    Food / Recipes

    Pumpkin Recipes from Russian Cuisine
    A few tasy examples of how the pumpkin has been adopted in Russian cuisine. The Russian Witch Perceptions of witchcraft and witches in Russia - traditional and modern. Birch Trees The role of the birch tree in Russian culture and traditional life Khingalash - Pumpkin Pie recipe from Chechnya This delicious snack comes from Chechnyan cuisine, and deserves to be more widely known. Solovyovo - Margaret Paxson This fascinating book takes us into the heart of rural Russia Social drinking in Russia Information on drinking habits in Russia, the most popular alcoholic beverages and how to fit into the alcohol culture. Editor's Picks Articles Top Ten Articles Previous Features Site Map S H A R E I D E A S Forum Discussions Russian Culture Forum Pumpkin Recipes from Russian Cuisine The Russian Witch Birch Trees Archives ... Site Map Forum Contact Free Newsletter!

    6. General Customs
    Russian Culture 1. Answer the following questions based on the information from this website Way to Russia, Practicalities and Traditions. Type your answers, doublespaced on a Word
    Russian Culture 1
    Answer the following questions based on the information from this website: Way to Russia, Practicalities and Traditions Type your answers, double-spaced on a Word document. Minimum length: 200 words. Please elaborate and use complete sentences; minimal responses earn minimal grades. Submit your finished assignment on BOLT dropbox.
  • Explain how stereotypical Russians differ from the stereotypical American character.
  • Which stereotypes confirm what you already thought about Russians, and which ones differ from your preconceptions?
  • What aspects of the Russian character do you find interesting or attractive, and which do you find more negative?
  • 7. Russian Culture Heritage Network
    Nonprofit network which brings separate informational sources together and creates a central resource base that provides an easy access to the information and promotes Russian culture by internet technologies.
    to russian version ...
    Russian Cultural Heritage Network (RCHN) was founded in 1996 by the Russian Ministry of Culture subdivision in cooperation with other cultural organizations. RCHN is an informational network which brings separate informational sources together and creates a central resource base that provides an easy access to the information and promotes Russian culture by internet technologies. 23 people are involved in different projects in all, including 12 permanent staff members.
    We aim to:
    Popularize the information about Russian cultural heritage and its memory institutions, represent it world-wide by means of informational technologies;
    To form such conditions that can provide developing and cooperating of cultural internet resources;
    To unite and standardise the informational sources, to create communication tools for the professionals in the cultural sphere.
    Our Activities
    RCHN collaborates with lots of Russian memory institutions, especialy in the area of museums, and operates as an interactive cultural communication centre.
    RCHN organises specialised museum workshops and seminars.

    8. Global Business Culture
    Russian Culture General The Russian Way Aspects of Behaviour, Attitudes and Customs By Zita D. Dabars, Lilia Vokhmina ISBN 0844242969 Put Your Best Foot Forward Russia
    Select from the country list in the left hand column. These are books which we would suggest as additional resource information for people who need in-depth knowledge on a particular country of region: Argentina
    Argentine Culture: General
    by Andrea Mandel-Campbell
    ISBN: 1885073216 A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century
    by Luis Alberto Romero
    Pennsylvania State University Press
    ISBN 0271021926
    Travelling in Argentina
    Insight Guide Argentina
    APA Publications ISBN 9812348859 Australia Australian Culture: General Success Secrets to Maximize Business in Australia ISBN 1558685391 Culture Smart Australia: A Quick Guide to Customs and Etiquette By Barry Penney ISBN 1558687742 Business Institutions and Behaviour in Australia By David Merrett ISBN 0714680559 Travelling in Australia Insight Guides: Australia By Jeffrey Pike ISBN 1585732877 Austria Austrian Culture: General Culture Shock!: Austria ISBN 155868591X Approach to Management Mind Your Manners By John Mole ISBN 1857880854 Travelling in Austria Insight Guides: Austria By Freddie Hamilton ISBN 9814120448 Belgium Belgian Culture: General Live and Work In Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg

    9. The State Hermitage Museum: Collection Highlights
    Department of Russian Culture at the Hermitage collection of over 300,000 items from one thousand years of Russian history.
    The collection of the Department of Russian Culture consists of over 300,000 items and reflects a thousand-year Russian history. Icons and articles of artistic handicraft represent the inner world and way of life of ancient Rus. The items of Peter the Great's time illustrate the epoch of important transformations. Works by celebrated masters of the 18th century enable us to appreciate the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna and the grandeur of Catherine the Great. A unique work, the War Gallery in the Winter Palace was created in commemoration of the victory in the 1812 Patriotic War. The original palace interiors contain numerous works of art of the period from the 19th to early 20th centuries, many of which belonged to the tsar's family.
    Image Usage Policy.

    About the Site

    10. Comparative Literature: Undergraduate Course Catalog | University Of Massachuset
    291R Russian Culture. General introduction to Russian culture; historical roots of contemporary Russian habits and ways of thinking.
    UMass Site Map Home ABOUT US PEOPLE ... Curricular Innovation
    Undergraduate Course Catalog
    121 International Short Story
    Russian, Czech, German, French, Italian, Spanish, English, American, and Latin-American stories from Romanticism to the present. Fantastic tales, character sketches, surprise endings; main types of the short story. (AL)
    122 Spiritual Autobiography
    Exploration of the individual psyche, growth of self-consciousness; the dark night of the soul and the role of suffering in personal growth. Reading from a variety of spiritual diaries, autobiographies, from East and West, written by women and men, believers and heretics. Ancient and modern examples. See a syllabus from a previous semester for more information. (ALG)
    131 Brave New Worlds
    Utopian and dystopian novels. The ability of literature to generate social critique. Readings include works by Huxley, Orwell, Kafka, Atwood, Burgess, Gibson, Piercy, Gilman, Dick and others. (ALG)
    133 Introduction to Science Fiction
    This course introduces twentieth-century science fiction through reading American, European and Japanese novels and stories, examining SF in social, critical and literary contexts, and its sites of production and consumption. (ALG)

    11. Eshpai, Andrei
    (1925- ), Russia. Biography from Russian Culture Navigator.

    12. General [Archive] - Page 17 - #1 Chat Avenue Message Boards
    MythBuster Myth Russian culture; General Election part 2; Happy Birthday Libbers; anyone know where I can get an ace valentines day card; How do you become a mod on 1 chat avenue chat
    #1 Chat Avenue Message Boards Main Forums PDA View Full Version : General Pages :
  • Interest in Making gen Chat 16+ again Good job Who is your hero why do you delete my threads? ... Logic and thinking
  • 13. Welcome To RAAAD: The Russian American Alliance Against Defamation
    Serving the Russian American community and educating general American public about Russian culture.

    14. Learn Russian - MUSIC - T 19 - Amp;highlight
    Russian Lesson Suggestions The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Russian and Russian culture. Start speaking Russian in minutes with audio and video lessons

    15. .:: - ������� � Orange County ::.
    To further the awareness of Russian/Slavic Studies to the UCI community and the public in general. We also provide a social avenue for those interested in Russian culture, society, history and language.

    16. Perth Russian And English Conversation Group
    English and Russian cultural and language social group; includes details of meeting times and contacts.
    Perth Russian and English Conversation Group
    Your Name:
    Your E-Mail:
    Your Comment:
    Welcome to the official website of the Perth Russian and English Conversation Group, which meets every Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Russian language for English speakers and English language for Russian speakers. Let's help each other to learn, in a fun, friendly and informal way - we chat, we improve our language skills, we make new friends!
    Wendy Muzlanova
    Perth, Scotland, United Kingdom
    Useful links
    IAMYRI Web Design Perth Scotland

    17. Search - Find It Now!
    Biography of Russian naturalist writer Maksim Gorky.
    zWASL=1 zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0
  • Home Search Results
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    Search zST(1,10,11,zBTS); Did you mean: russian culture Russian Culture 101 in Photos - Russian Culture ... Photo Gallery Russian Culture 101 in Photos - Russian Culture Photo Gallery. Russian dress and traditional symbols are a part of Russian culture Russian Culture - Culture of Russia Russian culture is rich, spanning centuries of Russian history. Russian culture encompasses art, food, traditions, literature, attitudes and more. Red in Russian Culture - The Color Red in Russian Culture Red is a prominent color in Russian culture and history. The Russian word for red, krasni, was, in the past, also used to describe something beautiful. Ded Moroz, the Russian Santa - Russia's Santa Claus Ded Moroz, the Russian Santa - Russia's Santa Claus.

    18. Russian Cultural Center
    Provides training courses in Oracle, Cisco, Adobe and Microsoft products.
    Head Lines News //new pausescroller(name_of_message_array, CSS_ID, CSS_classname, pause_in_miliseconds) new pausescroller(pausecontent2, "pscroller2", "someclass", 5000)

    19. Russian Club, High Wycombe
    Follows a variety of cultural interests aimed at promoting an awareness and understanding of Russia and its people. Interests include history, art, music, dance, literature, science and language. Programme of events, photogallery and quiz.
    High Wycombe Russian Cultural Club
    South Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom Contents
    click on a link ... 2010 Events Programme Maps - how to find us What's New Recent highlights ... Links Visitor tracking Last Updated:
    Jan 2010 PC Proficiency Computer Tuition
    Home Page
    Welcome to our web page!
    The High Wycombe Russian Club follows a variety of cultural interests including history, art, music, dance, literature, science and language. Through talks, meetings and informal interchanges, the Club aims to provide a mixture of education and entertainment, aimed at promoting an awareness and understanding of Russia and its people. Visitors are welcome at any time. Whilst meetings are conducted in English, several nationalities are represented among the membership, so please come along and join in. The Club holds meetings each month, usually on a Tuesday evening. A small charge is made to cover meeting costs, and membership is available for those wishing to attend regularly. To find out more, explore the links on the left of this page. If you would like to make contact, email us at the address at the foot of this page. We are particularly interested to hear from you if you are overseas, or if you are involved with a similar organisation elsewhere.

    20. Russian Bazaar Of GWU
    Seeks to increase the awareness of the Russian Community and its culture both on-campus and in the greater DC area. Promotes Russian culture and awareness of Russian traditions.
    Main About Us Officers Events ... Contact NEWS Fall 2007 Upcoming Events:
    Click here for details on upcoming events such as our Breakfast Fundraiser and the Annual Russian Bazaar hosted by St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral. New E-Board!
    The Russian Bazaar welcomes its new Executive board, headed by President Tammy Gasasan- Dzhalalova, for the 2007-2008 school year! Welcome! The Russian Bazaar is a student organization at The George Washington University in Washington DC , created for the purpose of promoting Russian culture and awareness of Russian traditions. The Russian Bazaar brings together people from all over the former Soviet Union as well as those that may be eager to experience diversity. The club regularly hosts movie nights, date auctions, cultural events and much more. Furthermore, we are a great link to the greater

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