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21. SUMMARY OF EVENTS DURING THE SIXTH LEGISLATURE The delegation met amongst others, representatives of the Tuareg, Quechua, Maohi, Aymara, Igorot and Sami indigenous peoples. SAKHAROV PRIZE FOLLOWUP Salih Mahmoud Osman Sakharov prize http://www.iccnow.org/documents/Issue_4.pdf |
22. YouTube - TESTIMONY OF BEAR WORSHIP Nonprofits Activism. Tags TESTIMONY OF BEAR WORSHIP; Jabez L. Van Cleef; sami; indigenous peoples; poetry; animism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCk-7iVZyHA |
23. Parliamentary Election And Sami Assembly Election 2009 The Sameting, or Sami Assembly, is an independent, democratically elected organ that serves as the representative mouthpiece of the Sami indigenous peoples of Norway. 39 http://www.regjeringen.no/upload/KRD/Kampanjer/valgportal/stortingsvalg/Brosjyre |
24. DESTINATION HIGH COAST By the 17 th century the area was settled by the Sami, indigenous peoples of northern Sweden. As reindeer herders, the Sami sought grazing areas between the mountains and the coast. http://www.destinationnordingra.se/index-filer/highcoast.htm | |
25. Cathedral Grove | Why Europeans Care | Tree Activism: Europe state owned logging company Metsaehallitus, Greenpeace established a Forest Rescue Station in northern Finland at Inari (right), a place where Sami indigenous peoples http://www.cathedralgrove.eu/text/03-Europeans-Care-3.htm | |
26. INDIGENOUS RIGHTS TO LAND RESOURCES BASIS FOR COLLECTIVE SURVIVAL, INEXTRICABLY She further noted that the Inuit and Sami indigenous peoples should be guaranteed their rights pertaining to lands, territories and natural resources. http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2007/hr4918.doc.htm | |
27. Election Time In Norway « Norway.com The Sameting (Sami Assembly) is an independent, democratically elected organ that serves as the representative mouthpiece of the Sami indigenous peoples of Norway. 39 http://blog.norway.com/2009/07/23/election-time-in-norway/ | |
28. Finland | Greenpeace UK In northern Lapland, many S mi indigenous peoples still practice traditional reindeer herding, relying on remaining oldgrowth forests to provide vital food for their reindeer http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/taxonomy/term/399?page=2 |
29. Finland I stopped later that morning for a coffee at a small overnight camp spot, where this Sami (indigenous peoples) teepee was erected. I sampled some of the local pastry goods, too! http://www.ridingtoextremes.com/Journals/Scandinavia/Finland.htm | |
30. CULTURE IN ADDICTIONS SERVICES Examples of International Initiatives  S mi Indigenous peoples of Nordic countries, incorporate land base programs facilitated by Sami Elders and inclusive of Psychologists  http://www.issuesofsubstance.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/2009 IOS Documents/CC2_3 |
31. Miskolc Journal Of International Law significant role in the decision making process on issues affecting the traditional lands and economic activities of the Sami indigenous peoples. http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwdrint/20081hossain1.htm | |
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