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21. Envision: Scheme With Pictures An extension of the Scheme programming language to support research in computer vision. http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~fleck/envision/envision.html | |
22. Scheme (programming Language) - VisWiki Scheme (programming language) Guy L. Steele Jr., PLT Scheme, Larceny (Scheme implementation), Ikarus (Scheme implementation), Gambit (Scheme implementation) - VisWiki http://www.viswiki.com/en/Scheme_(programming_language) |
23. LEHALLE.net - Portal To Lehalle Family A version of AWK in the Scheme programming language. It goal is to offer the same features as awk to scheme programmers. http://charles.lehalle.free.fr/tools.html | |
24. Scheme Programming An archive of Scheme code Scheme Hash. XML and Scheme Consistent or conformant Scheme implementations of W3C Recommendations XML Infoset, XPath query language and a small http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/ | |
25. Scheme - Beginning SCHEME Programming Talk With Other Members; Be Notified Of Responses To Your Posts; Keyword Search; OneClick Access To Your Favorite Forums; Automated Signatures On Your Posts http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=504167&page=5 |
26. STeXme Allows to manipulate TeX internals using the Scheme programming language. Sourceforge project page and guides. http://stexme.sourceforge.net/ | |
27. Scheme_(programming_language) Synonyms, Scheme_(programming_language) Antonyms | No results found for Scheme_(programming_language) Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. http://thesaurus.com/browse/Scheme_(programming_language) |
28. The Art Of Metaprogramming, Part 2: Metaprogramming Using Scheme Methods and uses of metaprogramming in Scheme programming language, see how macros are programmed and how they can make large-scale programming tasks easier. IBM developerWorks. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-metaprog2.html | |
29. RE: Scheme Programming Reference Hi Jack This is what I am trying to do, but it takes time regards Didier PH Martin mailtomartind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http//www.netfolder.comOriginal Message- From owner http://www.biglist.com/lists/dssslist/archives/199906/msg00188.html | |
30. The Scheme Programming Language, 4th Edition - The MIT Press A thoroughly updated and expanded edition brings this popular introductory text and reference up to date with the current Scheme standard, the Revised Report on Scheme. http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=11984 |
31. Schemers Inc. - Other Scheme Books This revised edition of The Scheme Programming Language provides an introduction to the language for readers who already have some programming experience. http://www.schemers.com/scm_bks.html | |
32. Welcome To Schemers Inc. Publishes and carries excellent educational materials, including books, using the Scheme programming language. Has Windows and Macintosh Scheme interpreters and a Scheme-driven state-of-the-art solid modeler. http://www.schemers.com/ | |
33. The Scheme Programming Language, 2nd Edition By R. Kent Dybvig; Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN 0134546466, 2nd edition. Reference book, describes R5RS Scheme in style similar to K and R Online full text version. http://www.scheme.com/tspl2d/ | |
34. The Scheme Programming Language, 3rd Edition The Scheme Programming Language, 3rd Edition. The Scheme Programming Language, 3rd Edition, by R. Kent Dybvig is available for purchase through all major online and retail http://scheme.com/tspl3.html | |
35. Bigloo Homepage System with one goal enable Scheme programming style where C(++) is usually needed; makes Scheme practical via features found in most normal languages but not Scheme and functional programming. Generators for C code, Java Virtual Machine, .NET bytecode. Open Source, GPL http://www-sop.inria.fr/mimosa/fp/Bigloo/ | |
36. The Scheme Programming Language, 3rd Edition - The MIT Press The thoroughly updated third edition of a popular introductory and reference text for standard Scheme, with examples and exercises. http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262541483 |
37. An Introduction To Scheme A paper by Daniel P. Friedman (1994) which provides a good introduction to Scheme programming. Presented at the First International Forum on Computer Programming in Education, ITESM, Mexico. http://www.cs.indiana.edu/eip/dfried.ps |
38. PC AI - Scheme Programming Language CMU Scheme Archives Archives of Schemerelated newsgroups and other information. Different Scheme Implementations and Dialects http://www.pcai.com/web/ai_info/pcai_scheme.html | |
39. JPlag An on-line plagiarism detection program for Java, C, C++ and Scheme programming code. http://wwwipd.ira.uka.de:2222/ | |
40. Scheme Programming In Fluent -- CFD Online Discussion Forums I noticed the earlier post (Fluent Scheme +Wiki) and was wondering if the document had been placed on the site yet as I can't seem to find it. Any http://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/cfd-wiki/57185-scheme-programming-fluent.html | |
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