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         Schizophrenia:     more books (100)
  1. How to Live With Schizophrenia (Volume 0) by Abram Hoffer, 1992-01-01
  2. Therapy-Resistant Schizophrenia (Advances in Biological Psychiatry)
  3. Negative Symptom and Cognitive Deficit Treatment Response in Schizophrenia
  4. Living with Schizophrenia by Martha Stone, 2010-08-26
  5. Conquering Schizophrenia: A Father, His Son, and a Medical Breakthrough by Peter Wyden, 1998-01-27
  6. Your Guide to Schizophrenia (Royal Society of Medicine) by Adrianne Reveley, 2007-08-16
  7. 100 Questions & Answers About Schizophrenia by Lynn E. DeLisi, 2006-03-28
  8. Advances in Schizophrenia Research 2009
  9. Making Sense of Madness: Contesting the Meaning of Schizophrenia (The International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoses) by Jim Geekie, John Read, 2009-06-19
  10. The Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Holistic Approach : Based on the Readings of Edgar Cayce by David McMillin, 1997-05
  11. Language and Thought in Schizophrenia by KasaninJs, 1964-01
  12. CBT for Psychosis: A symptom-based approach (The International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and Other Psychoses)
  13. Overcoming Addictions: Skills Training for People with Schizophrenia by Thad Eckman, Lisa J. Roberts, et all 1999-05-01
  14. Lucy: The Anguish of Schizophrenia by Sarah W. Holloway, 2008-04-10

61. Schizophrenia Magazine: Content / General Content / Welcome To SZ!
A magazine dedicated towards sufferers, family members, relatives, caregivers, and professionals involved with mental health.
  • Email Newsletters Book Reviews Poetry Speaking Engagements ... Mental Illness 101 Your Partner in Mental Wellness
    Featured Articles
    Spring Issue 2007 Join the club "Once you become a member, you're always a member with a sense of belonging. We call ourselves family."
    • A look at sanctioned and non-sanctioned psychosocial clubhouses in North America Read how membership helped others in their recovery Find a clubhouse near you

    Summer Issue 2007 Planning for the future "Understanding how guardianships, trusts, and wills work may seem overwhelming, but there are many readily available resources that can help caregivers every step of the way."
    • Learn important steps to make necessary arrangements now Understand differences between US and Canadian policies Includes info on how to set up a trust for your loved one

    Summer Issue 2009 Schizophrenia around the world "As far as mental health professionals can ascertain, schizophrenia is an equal-opportunity disease. It is recorded in all nations, at all income levels, and in virtually every culture around the globe."
    • Learn different treatment methods in different nations Find out which countries still use institutionalization and why Identifying where the gaps remain in finding help


62. - Visions, Madness, Dreams...
Journal entries posted by an individual previously diagnosed with schizophrenia.

63. SchizoWorld
A personal account of a man s personal experience with schizophrenia.
This website contains the personal story of what I have experienced as a person who has developed paranoid schizophrenia. It details my thoughts, feelings, and actions during the years prior to my first psychotic episodes, the time when I was mentally ill, and the following years when I recovered (with the help of medication). Everything in this story is the truth-it is exactly what I experienced in my life. I live in Arnold, Maryland, just outside of Annapolis, in the United States. If you suffer from schizophrenia, you are not without hope. Some people can recover with the help of medication. Thanks to medication, I have recovered and I have had very few symptoms for the past nine years. I am now leading a productive life, nearly symptom free. However, I must continue to take medication on a daily basis to maintain my mental health, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. This story can be read online at no cost. However, you are not authorized to print any copies directly from the website.
The FREE online version of my story starts here
If you want to print a copy for yourself, you may download my story in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format, by clicking

64. Index [novadyn-nexus]
Personal musings and images regarding schizophrenia and psychosis.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); established July 17.2002. the novadyn series of web pages are proudly made in canada these pages are intended for use as both a self assistance source of information relating to the mental illness known as schizophrenia, and some other autobiographical information provided as scenery. I hope this site will educate many, please feel free to bookmark this place and if you have an extra minute or two please sign my guestbook....I enjoy reading others' perspectives. index Questions to ask the psychiatrist: a checklist for families of patients with Schizophrenia and other serious mental disorders Schizophrenia: Understanding the disorder Psychosis: You should know... webmaster's autobiographics A dragon image collection the Insanitazian International Society link to ; probably north america's largest mental health internet informations web sites. thousands of members.

65. Gringobooks � Page 1 Of 5
A sufferer of paranoid schizophrenia, he has written several books describing his experiences.
Welcome to Hello! I am Adam Holbrook, also known as "Gringo." In early 1974 I was diagnosed as having Paranoid Schizophrenia. Since that time I have recovered to the point of being able to write about the time in my life when I was among the homeless and mentally ill. I have been a guest on many radio and television programs and a featured speaker on mental health issues throughout Ohio and Indiana. I pray you will purchase my books, enjoy them and share them with those who suffer and the families of those who suffer from mental illness. Yes, there is hope and that's what GringoBooks are all about..... Hope! Click on picture to continue

66. NZSF: New Zealand Schizophrenia Foundation
A New Zealand family s struggle with mental illness.
Site navigation Index of articles Chronology Tessa's story Tessa's letters ... Wheel Me On PSYCHOSIS is remorselessly gray. It is like the border I originally chose for this website ( click here ). It is intricate, but tediously repetitive. Each riveted section interlocks with the next, in a nightmare that goes nowhere.
It is a nightmare that is endured, day after day after day. For there is no resolution, through either thought or "talk therapy". Thought is integral to the problem, not a detachable instrument to be employed against it. You can't think your way out of psychosis, however clever you are, just as you can't use a concave mirror to correct the distorted image it creates.
Likewise, you can't talk a person out of psychosis. It has its own, internal logic, but a logic that resists all reason from the outside. You can talk to a person with schizophrenia for hours, and end in a state of exasperation and exhaustion � at the point at which you began.
Yet, paradoxically, it is almost impossible to stop trying to "get through". Our faith in reason is so strong, we press on. With irrepressible optimism, we go round and round in circles in a crazy parody of the disease. Surely, somewhere, there is some compelling argument, some magic key that will unlock this madness.
Familiarity doesn't breed contempt, it breeds suspicion. If you stick around for too long, you must be watching, making notes, planning something sinister. You must be one of "them", or at least in league with them.

67. Schizophrenia Definition Of Schizophrenia In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
schizophrenia (skĭt'səfrē`nēə), group of severe mental disorders characterized by reality distortions resulting in unusual thought patterns and behaviors.

68. "Misty Mirrors" Mental Health Website
Personal story, essays and poetry of a sufferer of schizophrenia and depression.
"Mist y Mirror s "
Mental Health
Personal story, essays and poetry of a person
challenged by mental illness.
This website was last updated in August 2010.
Welcome. You are welcome to read my website. This Month 's Quote. "People don't ever seem to realize that doing what's right is no guarantee against misfortune."
- William McFee
Definitions. Here are definitions from health professionals of Depression, the Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and the Schizoaffective Disorder. Please click here
My Personal Story. In the last years of school I suffered from paranoia. Despite of that I was able to complete my academic work. I travelled and worked for one year. Afterwards I felt better. Then I studied at a well-known university. I graduated with a science degree. After a series of traumatic experiences I started to hear voices. I could not cope. I admitted myself into a psychiatric hospital. I was in a lot of pain. The diagnosis was schizophrenia. I worked as a labourer for two years. Then I was able to resume work as a software developer in the Information Technology industry. During my 30-year-long career I had some psychotic episodes. These were difficult times. I never married. I am now in my early sixties . My hobbies are using my computer, using my smartphone, writing, painting and walking. I am a member of support groups such as CoDA, Al-Anon and Intervoice.

69. What Is Schizophrenia?
The word schizophrenia comes from the Greek word skhizein meaning to split and the Greek word Phrenos (phren) meaning diaphragm, heart, mind. According to Medilexicon's
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What Is Schizophrenia?
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Main Category: Schizophrenia
Also Included In: Psychology / Psychiatry Mental Health
Article Date: 14 May 2009 - 11:00 PDT
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Current Article Ratings:
Patient / Public: 3.93 (14 votes) Healthcare Prof: Article Opinions: 4 posts
The word schizophrenia comes from the Greek word skhizein meaning "to split" and the Greek word Phrenos (phren) meaning "diaphragm, heart, mind". According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary , schizophrenia is "A term coined by Bleuler, synonymous with and replacing dementia praecox, denoting a common type of psychosis, characterized by abnormalities in perception, content of thought, and thought processes (hallucinations and delusions) and by extensive withdrawal of interest from other people and the outside world, with excessive focusing on one's own mental life. Now considered a group or spectrum of disorders rather than a single entity, with distinction sometimes made between process schizophrenia and reactive schizophrenia. The "split" personality of schizophrenia, in which individual psychic components or functions split off and become autonomous, is popularly but erroneously identified with multiple personality, in which two or more relatively complete personalities dominate by turns the psychic life of a patient."

70. Welcome To...Chris' Story - Suicide Hurts Everyone....
A family s dedication page for a man who suffered from schizophrenia and drug abuse and ultimately committed suicide.
This page is dedicated in loving memory to our son, Chris, who left us at age twenty four
years old, whom we loved dearly and miss so much. Around twenty-two years old he
developed mental illness, like 40 million other people in America. What kind? Schizophrenia.
How did he die? He took his own life. You say that could never happen to us? Don't be too
sure. It would be most tragic, if he is forgotten, because we can learn from his life, and his
death. Maybe someone coming by this page knows of one that is struggling with despair,
hopelessness, depression, mental illness and thoughts of suicide. Or maybe that someone
is you! You need to know, if you are considering suicide or are a survivor of suicide, that
"Suicide Hurts Everyone"!! It is an experience like no other. Especially if you are a parent
who lost a child, like my husband and myself. Maybe you are a sibling of someone who has
completed suicide. At any rate, if suicide has touched your life, you will never be the same again. You will learn what is meant by the term "a new normal" or you will divide your life

71. Schizophrenia Risk Up In Kids Of Older Dads - Health - Mental Health -
Oct 28, 2010 Men who are relatively older at their first child's birth may be more likely than younger firsttime dads to have a child who eventually develops schizophrenia, hint
var collarity_appid = 'msnbc';var collarity_kw = 'Liselotte Petersen,Denmark';var collarity_tags = ''; Jump to story headline Mental health on Search ad info
Schizophrenia risk in kids' with older first-time dads
Danish study links paternal age and the odds of children developing mental disorder
  • ad info Reuters updated 10/28/2010 2:45:34 PM ET Men who are relatively older at their first child's birth may be more likely than younger first-time dads to have a child who eventually develops schizophrenia, hint results of a large Danish study. Using data on more than 2 million people born in Denmark between 1955 and 1992, researchers found a link between first-time fathers' age and the odds of any of their children developing schizophrenia. In contrast, the connection was not seen among fathers who were relatively older only when their second- or later-born child came into the world. The findings, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, add another layer to the relationship between parents' age and children's schizophrenia risk.
  • 72. Phoenix Of Santa Barbara, Inc.
    Located Santa Barbara, CA, Phoenix House is a residential program for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Site contains information on schizophrenia and related mental illnesses.
    The Phoenix
    of Santa Barbara Inc.

    107 E. Micheltorena
    Santa Barbara, California 93101 Phone
    The Phoenix of Santa Barbara
    A non-profit corporation providing high quality
    mental health and drug treatment services since 1972.

    Flyer for Crazy Art in the

    Santa Barbara Film Festival
    About Us Clients Features Programs

    73. Schizophrenia
    schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling mental illness. It affects men and women with equal frequency. People suffering from schizophrenia may have the following
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    Fat and Fats Quiz Everyone is talking about the importance of cutting back on fat. But why? What's the harm in a little fat? View Quiz About Us ... Site Map November 16, 2010 home topics a-z list schizophrenia article Font Size A A A
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    Schizophrenia Overview
    Schizophrenia is a chronic , severe, and disabling mental illness. It affects men and women with equal frequency. Peoplesuffering fromschizophrenia may have the following symptoms:

    74. Social Support May Extend Life Of People With Schizophrenia
    Article discussing the social environment of people with schizophrenia, and how the quantity of social support they receive relates to life expectancy.

    75. Schizophrenia | Narsad
    schizophrenia is a severe and debilitating brain disorder affecting how one thinks, feels and acts. People with schizophrenia can have trouble distinguishing reality from

    76. Anne Sippi Clinics - Home
    Information on schizophrenia and therapy approaches including adult community services, pre-vocational training, volunteer employment opportunities and pharmacology. Also contains articles and news. Located in Los Angeles, Bakersfield and Santa Fe Springs, California.
    /* new fadeshow(name of array, width, height, border width, delay, pause, display order); */ new fadeshow(left, 980, 268, 0, 3000, 0); “Experience the hope of a fortunate few in a setting like this” - Ed Bradley, during an Emmy award-winning segment of the television program 60 Minutes Latest News Look what's coming to our Bakersfield treatment facility! Already approved and entitled, ASC Riverside Ranch plans to add 4 additional housing units, a barn and gardeningtreatment areas. Our vision for the ranch defines "a sustainable living and treatment environment" which incorporates the best ideas in social rehabilitation, dynamic multimodal treatment, environmental agriculture, all housed at our Bakersfield rural wellness center. Please join us as we move forward with this exciting development in environmental bio-psycho-social treatment! Call for details. View the architectural rendering of the ASC Riverside Ranch plan for development by clicking the link below. MEET Welcome to the Anne Sippi Clinic Every day we are inspired by our clients, and it is only fitting that our wellness centers are named for one of our most impacting – Anne Sippi, whose courageous struggle with mental illness has touched many.

    77. Schizophrenia Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - How Common Is
    Get information on schizophrenia symptoms (delusions, hallucinations), causes (genetics), diagnosis, treatment of schizophrenics (antipsychotic medications) and types (paranoid).
    About Us Site Map November 16, 2010
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    Picture of Psoriasis A reddish, scaly rash often located over the surfaces of the elbows, knees, scalp, and around or in the ears, navel, genitals or buttocks... View Image Gallery
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    Schizophrenia (cont.)
    Schizophrenia Slideshow Pictures Depression Tips Slideshow Pictures Myths About Depression Quiz
    In this Article
    How common is schizophrenia in children?
    Although there have been fewer studies on schizophrenia in children compared to adults, researchers are finding that in children as young as 6 years old can be found to have all the symptoms of their adult counterparts and to continue to have those symptoms into adulthood.

    78. Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Support -
    schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder information, news, chat rooms, journals, support groups, treatment and medication, including section on atypical antipsychotics.

    79. Page Unavailable
    (The information provided on this site should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional
    + Menu Back We're sorry, but this page is currently unavailable from a mobile device. Home Previous Go to Top For Patients and Guests ...
    Full Johns Hopkins Medicine Website

    80. SSAEA_Home
    Providing support to people in need of information about schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Services include family meetings and peer support.
    to the Schizophrenia Society of Alberta,
    We provide support and information to people affected by schizophrenia and
    related illnesses. The SSAEA reaches out to:
    • persons living with a mental illness family members and friends of persons with a mental illness mental health service providers and professionals anyone else interested in learning about mental illness
    Click here to learn more about us
    This year's event is on September 12th, 2010 at Hawrelak Park. For more information, please visit our Fundraising page. Important Notices
    Notices to be updated soon. For more notices and upcoming events click here
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