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21. School-to-Work What is schoolto-work? On May 4, 1994 President Bill Clinton signed the school-to-work Opportunities Act Of 1994. This provides seed money to States and local http://www.rtol.com/centralwvtp/schwor.htm | |
22. AYPF Trip Report - School-to-Work Transition And Education Reform Under The Kent schoolto-work Transition and Education Reform Under the Kentucky Education Reform Act Louisville, KY. An American Youth Policy Forum Field Trip — November 16-17, 1995 http://www.aypf.org/tripreports/1995/tr111695.htm | |
23. CareerTech Skills Centers Division - School-to-Work Model The Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education operates the Career Tech Skills Center. This school system provides technical training to individuals who are under http://www.okcareertech.org/skillscenters/stw.shtml | |
24. Home-Grown Progress: The Evolution Of Innovative School-to-Work Programs - Execu HomeGrown Progress The Evolution of Innovative school-to-work Programs Rachel A. Pedraza, Edward Pauly, Hilary Kopp http://www.mdrc.org/publications/153/execsum.html | |
25. STWrelease schoolto-work Making a Difference in Education For Immediate Release February 2, 2001. For Information Contact http://www.tc.columbia.edu/iee/STWrelease.HTM | |
26. School To Work Glossary, Title Page, DACE, LAUSD SCHOOL TO WORK. OPPORTUNITIES. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR . schoolto-work. GLOSSARY. OF TERMS . The National school-to-work Office http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/lausd/offices/dace/resources/schoolwork/title.html | |
27. School-to-Work The PEER Project (Parents Engaged in Education Reform) of the Federation for Children with Special Needs. http://www.fcsn.org/peer/ess/schoolworkib.html | |
28. Area 10 School-to-Work Page Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn, Washington Counties in Eastern Iowa. schoolto-work Supported by Area 10 STW/Tech Prep GWAEA http://www.aea10.k12.ia.us/curr/stw/index.html | |
29. Middle Georgia BRIDGE Tech Prep/ School To Work Consortium The focus for the State of Georgia's schoolto-work (STW) Initiative is to develop a world-class educational system for Georgia that will promote economic development by bringing http://www.mgwis.com/jfy/stw.html | |
30. School To Work: Lesson Plans And Resources For K-12 Teachers lesson plans for school to work and career education http://www.contractor.edu/ |
31. Education World® : School Issues And Education News: School Issues Center : Arch Home School Issues Channel Archives School to Work SCHOOL TO WORK Schools of Education That Work! Education World takes a look at the four colleges honored by the U.S http://www.educationworld.com/a_issues/archives/sch_to_work.shtml |
32. School To Work Alliance Program School to Work Alliance Program. School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) is a collaborative effort between Thompson R2J Public Schools and the Colorado Division of Vocational http://www.thompson.k12.co.us/resources/swap.html | |
33. School To Work Colorado > Home Enabling and enhancing collaboration between schools and the community http://www.schooltowork.org/ |
34. New Horizons Rehabilitation - School To Work New Horizons has developed School to Work Transition Programs to help students with special needs meet the unique challenges they face when entering the adult job market. http://www.newhorizonsrehab.org/school_to_work_programs.html | |
35. DET SchooltoWork.com.au is a NSW Department of Education and Training initiative of the Vocational Education in Schools Directorate to help students, their parents and their http://www.schooltowork.com.au/ | |
36. LD OnLine :: Transition: School To Work LD OnLine is the leading website on learning disabilities, learning disorders and differences. Parents and teachers of learning disabled children will find authoritative http://www.ldonline.org/indepth/transition | |
37. Division Of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) - Partners - School To Work Alliance Colorado Department of Human Services Mission Statement The Division Of Vocational Rehabilitation assists individuals whose disabilities result in barriers to employment http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/dvr/par_SWAP.htm | |
38. School To Work Program Mission Statement The mission of the School to Work Program is to promote an increased level of partnership between business and education. School to Work provides business http://www.fdlac.com/school.php | |
39. Vermont School To Work: A One-Stop Resource For Vermont STW Activities Your onestop resource for school to work activities in Vermont calendar of events and professional development activities, news, exemplary programs and best practices, tools http://www.state.vt.us/stw/ | |
40. Georgia School To Work W elcome to the Georgia School To Work Website. We hope this site will help you gain a better understanding of this education/career strategy, and how http://www.dtae.org/gastw/menu.html | |
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