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81. School Of Psychology Includes general information, graduate and undergraduate studies, employment opportunities, and information on concentrated studies. http://www.psychology.gatech.edu/ |
82. University Of Oregon, College Of Education : School Psychology Brief overview of the program and faculty. http://education.uoregon.edu/field.htm?id=34 |
83. Seattle Pacific University School Of Education Offers master s degrees in education, educational leadership, school counseling, secondary teaching, school psychology as well as a doctorate in education. http://www.spu.edu/depts/soe | |
84. UWRF Counseling And School Psychology -Counseling And School Psychology Provides staff information, program information, and course resources. http://www.uwrf.edu/csp/ |
85. School Of Education Counseling And School Psychology Course list and contact information provided. http://www.southernct.edu/education/academics/counselingandschoolpsychology/ |
86. Social And Behavioural Sciences - Flinders University The Faculty comprises of the Flinders Business School, School of Psychology, School of International Studies, School of Social and Policy Studies, Flinders Centre for Ageing Studies and the National Institute of Labour Studies. http://www.flinders.edu.au/sabs/ | |
87. School Of Psychology - University Of Tasmania Courses, research, people and facilities. http://www.scieng.utas.edu.au/psychol/ | |
88. Jerome M. Sattler, Publisher, Inc. - Assessment Of Children - Clinical Assessmen Books for clinical psychology, school psychology, and special education fields. http://www.sattlerpublisher.com | |
89. School Of Psychology, Massey University These pages provide information about courses and papers in psychology at undergraduate and graduate level at Massey University, New Zealand. Staff and their associated research interests are also listed. http://www.massey.ac.nz/~psyweb/ | |
90. - School Of Psychology - Victoria University Of Wellington Classes, staff and research, and specialist areas. http://www.vuw.ac.nz/psyc/ | |
91. Saskatchewan Educational Psychology Association (SEPA) Offers information about educational/school psychology in the province of Saskatchewan and information of interest to educational and early childhood psychologists. http://www.saskedpsych.ca/ | |
92. Department Of Educational Psychology | CEHD | U Of M Offers degrees in counseling and student personnel psychology, school psychology, special education, and psychological foundations of education. http://www.education.umn.edu/EdPsych/ | |
93. Rosemead School Of Psychology APA accredited school within Biola University dedicated to the integration of psychology and theology. Offers PhD and PsyD Clinical Psychology. (La Mirada, California) http://www.rosemead.edu/ |
94. Palo Alto University | Palo Alto University Provides Undergraduate And Graduate PhD in Clinical Psychology (Palo Alto, California). http://www.pgsp.edu/ | |
95. Welcome To The School Of Psychology School of Psychology. http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/depts/dops/ | |
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