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1. Articles - Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Writing Articles about writing, science fiction and fantasy in general. http://www.sffworld.com/authors/articles.html | |
2. “Revival” Natalia is a founding member of the science fiction, fantasy, horror writing collective, CITH. She also plays keyboards and sings for Unto Ashes, a New York City neomedieval http://weirdtales.net/wordpress/2006/08/16/revival/ |
3. World Science Fiction Society / Worldcon [Official] Science fiction, fantasy and horror writing conventions. http://worldcon.org/ | |
4. Writing-Portal.com Directory - Markets group of writers committed to improving their skills, selling their work and making it easier for new talent to find their place in the science fiction/ fantasy/ horror writing http://writing-portal.com/portal/directory/Markets/Markets.html | |
5. Speculative Fiction Of Colorado Helps support the science fiction, fantasy, and horror writing scene in Colorado and includes author, convention, and writing resource information. http://www.sf-colorado.com/ |
6. Sharan's Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror/Writing/Publishing Page SF F/Horror/Writing/Publishing . Believe it or not, the best place for these things is still the Science Fiction Round Table on Genie. (Or it was. http://www.dm.net/~sharan/sffhw.html | |
7. The High Wood The Australia Day weekend is the time for the annual Aurealis Awards for Australian science fiction/fantasy/horror writing. Pamela was shortlisted in the best children’s (812 years http://www.stephen-hart.net/blog/ | |
8. Alpha SF/F/H Workshop For Young Writers The Alpha SF/F/H Workshop for Young Writers (ages 14 – 19) will be held at the University of Pittsburgh’s Greensburg Campus July 13 – 22, 2011 in conjunction with Pittsburgh http://alpha.spellcaster.org/ |
9. Courses And Workshops Thread [post Any Course/workshop Info Here] - Boards.ie Brave New Worlds Speculative Fiction Workshop (science fiction, fantasy horror writing) SUNDAY, full day, May 30, 2010. €120 Beginning To Write http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2055858215&page=2 |
10. SharanGV Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Writing, Mu Los Angeles California, I'm a big fan (and writer) of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and of music (esp. 80s rock/metal, 80s pop/new wave, progressive rock/metal, etc. I even http://www.plentyoffish.com/viewprofile.aspx?profile_id=7920840 |
11. Improving Writing - Business, Products And Services Relating To Improving Writin group of writers committed to improving their skills, selling their work and making it easier for new talent to find their place in the science fiction/ fantasy/ horror writing http://www.abc-directory.com/resources/improving_writing.html |
12. Sharan's Home Page Sharan's Home Page includes pages on Music, Multimedia, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Writing, Hamsters, and other fun stuff, as well as information and a resume for Sharan http://www.sharan.name/ | |
13. Notes From The Peanut Gallery: 2007/09 SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY/HORROR WRITING CONTEST 1st Prize P100,000 2nd Prize - P30,000 3rd Prize - P15,000 Download the Contest Guidelines. Download the Official Entry Form. http://deanalfar.blogspot.com/2007_09_01_archive.html |
14. Introduction To Science Fiction, Fantasy And Horror Writing Online & Corresponde Introduction to Science Fiction, Fantasy Horror Writing Becoming a Writer; Knowing your Genre; The Short Story; The novel; The Arithmetic of Publishing http://www.cengage.edu.au/journalism-writing-courses/fantasy-science-fiction-wri |
15. Untitled Document Science Fiction/ Fantasy/ Horror Writing Group. Tuesday 12th 26th September 8pm. A writers' workshop for people of all levels of ability. http://www.novelpage.com/forum/borders.htm | |
16. NobleFusion - Produced By A Group Of Writers Committed To Improving Their Skills group of writers committed to improving their skills, selling their work and making it easier for new talent to find their place in the science fiction/ fantasy/ horror writing http://www.abc-directory.com/site/191246 |
17. Writing Salon Mistress Muses: Literary Miscellany I know next to nothing about science fiction/fantasy/horror writing or writers. In fact, I may have read only two horror books in my life, both of which, I suspect, were more http://janeunderwood.typepad.com/mistress/literary_miscellany/ |
18. CONduit XXI The Premier Science Fiction Fantasy And Horror Convention In Salt La Caped CONduit Programming. The Programming Committee is planning a wide variety of science fiction, fantasy, horror, writing, media, art, etc., programming for http://conduit.sfcon.org/program.php | |
19. Members - The Woodbridge Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Meetup (Avenel, NJ) - Phil De Parto. Joined July 9, 2009 To share information about science fiction / fantasy / horror writing and sf in general. http://www.meetup.com/The-Woodbridge-Science-Fiction-Fantasy-Writers-Meetup/memb | |
20. CONduit Programs The Programming Committee is planning a wide variety of science fiction, fantasy, horror, writing, media, art, etc., programming for CONduit XIX. http://conduit.sfcon.org/programTmp.php | |
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