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Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Writing: more books (17) | |||||
21. NobleFusion - What IS NobleFusion? to improving their skills, selling their work and making it easier for new talent to find their place in the Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror writing http://www.noblefusion.com/SSP-WhatIs.asp | |
22. Diane Turnshek - Astronomer & Writer Paul Pence, Thomas Seay, Diane Turnshek The Alpha Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Writing Workshop for Teen Writers has just finished its first session. http://www.sff.net/people/diane/app2002.htm | |
23. Blogger: User Profile: Carol Collett Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror; writing; reading; cats; birdwatching; chainmaille; Favorite Movies. Right now probably Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo. Misery is a classic. http://www.blogger.com/profile/18324367772629822015 | |
24. Free SF Reader : Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Writing-World.Com Interv Free Science Fiction and Free Fantasy and Free Horror ratings with links to Free downloads of Online novels,short stories,collections and anthologies http://freesf.blogspot.com/2009/08/writing-worldcom-interview-with-gordon.html |
25. Adventure Tales — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress Do you enjoy pulp SF or … more → Tags Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, writing, Dagstine, Speculative Fiction, Fiction, Short Stories, The Willows http://en.wordpress.com/tag/adventure-tales/ |
26. Links Of Interest In And Around Kansas City is a group of writers committed to improving their skills, selling their work and making it easier for new talent to find their place in the Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror writing http://home.roadrunner.com/~daytonward/dwlinkskc.htm | |
27. Aoifes Kiss — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress I also hope you braved the Black Frid … more → Tags Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, writing, Dagstine, Speculative Fiction, Fiction, Short Stories, Lawrence Dagstine http://en.wordpress.com/tag/aoifes-kiss/ |
28. Free SF Reader : Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Writing Where The Blade Free Science Fiction and Free Fantasy and Free Horror ratings with links to Free downloads of Online novels,short stories,collections and anthologies http://freesf.blogspot.com/2009/02/writing-where-blade-draws-blood-david-j.html |
29. OG's Speculative Fiction, Issue #11 By Gary Wedlund, Bruce Golden, Kristine Ong Printed 34 pages, 6 x 9 , saddlestitch binding, black and white science fiction; Fantasy; horror; writing; Magazine; speculative; poetry http://www.lulu.com/content/2208140 |
30. Literature Awards By Category Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Writing Awards. Fiction. Awards for Fiction Writing complete list. Food Drink. Glenfiddich Food and Drink Awards http://www.bookawards.bizland.com/awards_by_category.htm | |
31. Boing Boing: Viable Paradise, 7-day Bootcamp For Sf/f/h Writers Viable Paradise is a longrunning, week-long science fiction/fantasy/horror writing workshop held every autumn on Martha's Vineyard, a writerly bootcamp that combines a high http://www.boingboing.net/2007/04/23/viable_paradise_7day.html |
32. Ravenstone UK - FanFiction.Net Preferred Genres Science fiction, fantasy, horror. Writing Since 1996 EMail Address / M.S.N. hellraiserxx@hotmail.com AIM OptimusJunior Skype eyepatchlad http://www.fanfiction.net/u/519351/Ravenstone_UK |
33. OG's Speculative Fiction, Issue #15 By Camille Alexa, J.F. Peterson, Matthew Kre This is the fifteenth issue of OG’s Speculative Fiction, featuring some of science fiction, fantasy, horror, writing, magazine, speculative, poetry http://www.lulu.com/content/4930911 |
34. Guests Lucy Lucy Sussex's fiction includes fabulation, science fiction, fantasy, horror, writing for children, and detective stories. Much of her work shows a feminist perspective and wry http://con-with-the-wind.sf.org.nz/g_lucy.htm | |
35. Blog-A-Rama-Ding-Dong!: The Ultimate SF Workshop! Wednesday, August 16, 2006 This fall, Jeff Carver and I will be teaching a science fiction/fantasy/horror writing workshop at Pandemonium Books and Games in Central Square, Cambridge http://www.craigshawgardner.com/blog/2006/08/ultimate-sf-workshop.html | |
36. Viable Paradise, 7-day Bootcamp For Sf/f/h Writers Boing Boing Admissions are still open for Viable Paradise but not for long! Viable Paradise is a longrunning, week-long science fiction/fantasy/horror writing workshop held every http://www.boingboing.net/2007/04/23/viable-paradise-7day.html | |
37. INFUSE Conference, July 30-31st « Finding Divine Inspiration Redeeming Science Fiction, Fantasy Horror-Writing a Personal Bible Commentary-Character Matters When Your Creative Side Gets You in Trouble http://jscottmc.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/infuse-conference-july-30-31st/ |
38. Writers Workshops, Part III: Odyssey :Apex Book Company There are four major science fiction/fantasy/horror writing workshops that last six weeks. These workshops represent a large investment of time–too much for some. http://www.apexbookcompany.com/2009/01/writers-workshops-part-iii-odyssey/ | |
39. Infuse 2010 - Denver Charismatic Christian | Examiner.com Redeeming Science Fiction, Fantasy Horror-Writing a Personal Bible Commentary-Character Matters When Your Creative Side Gets You in Trouble http://www.examiner.com/charismatic-christian-in-denver/infuse-2010 | |
40. Blog-A-Rama-Ding-Dong!: August 2006 Wednesday, August 16, 2006 This fall, Jeff Carver and I will be teaching a science fiction/fantasy/horror writing workshop at Pandemonium Books and Games in Central Square, Cambridge http://www.craigshawgardner.com/blog/2006_08_01_archive.html | |
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