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         Scleroderma:     more books (100)
  1. Scleroderma: Affecting hundreds of thousands of US-Americans by Lydia D. Thomson-Smith, 2010-09-21
  2. Scleroderma, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics (The Clinics: Internal Medicine) by Fredrick M. Wigley, 2008-04-04
  3. GI involvement challenging in systemic sclerosis: surgery is 'not a good way to go' for scleroderma patients, as it often compounds their GI problems.(gastrointestinal): ... An article from: Internal Medicine News by Bruce Jancin, 2004-06-01
  4. Racial differences exist in specialty treatment for scleroderma.(Health Care News): An article from: Dermatology Nursing by Diana Gorgos, 2004-04-01
  5. Prostacyclins, relaxin under study: scleroderma research makes some headway.(Focus on Skin Disorders): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Joyce Frieden, 2004-04-01
  6. Disease and organ specific: scleroderma research closes in on biologics.(Rx): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Nancy Walsh, 2004-04-15
  7. Boletales: Suillus Bellinii, Boletus Erythropus, Boletus Queletii, Scleroderma Citrinum, Leccinum Variicolor, Boletus Luridus (German Edition)
  8. Stem cells, skin substitute heal scleroderma wounds.(WOUND HEALING): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Robert Finn, 2009-05-01
  9. 21st Century Ultimate Medical Guide to Scleroderma - Authoritative Clinical Information for Physicians and Patients (Two CD-ROM Set) by U.S. Government, 2009-06-20
  10. Promising biologics in scleroderma Tx pipeline: disease- and organ-specific.(News): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Nancy Walsh, 2004-04-01
  11. Scleroderma Tx delivering inconsistent results.(Dermatologic Therapy): An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Joyce Frieden, 2004-05-01
  12. Scleroderma & Dermatomyositis (The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine) by Chen Da-can, Xuan Guo-wei, 2008-05-30
  13. Scleroderma Toolkit - Comprehensive Medical Encyclopedia with Treatment Options, Clinical Data, and Practical Information (Two CD-ROM Set) by U.S. Government, 2009-06-20
  14. New dermopathy seen in kidney disease patients: 'For all the world, it looked like scleroderma,' said one dermatologist. (Officials Seeking Case Reports).: An article from: Skin & Allergy News by Betsy Bates, 2002-09-01

41. Systemic Scleroderma - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Systemic sclerosis or systemic scleroderma is a systemic autoimmune disease or systemic connective tissue disease that is a subtype of scleroderma
Systemic scleroderma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Systemic sclerosis Classification and external resources
Clinical appearance of acrosclerotic piece-meal necrosis of the thumb in a patient with systemic sclerosis. ICD M ICD OMIM ... MeSH Systemic sclerosis or systemic scleroderma is a systemic autoimmune disease or systemic connective tissue disease that is a subtype of scleroderma
edit Signs and symptoms
edit Skin symptoms
In the skin , systemic sclerosis causes hardening and scarring. The skin may appear tight, reddish or scaly. Blood vessels may also be more visible. Where large areas are affected, fat and muscle wastage may weaken limbs and affect appearance. Also, patients report substantial, even severe and recurrent itching of large skin areas, the source of much affliction as the condition worsens. There is much variation in severity between patients, with some having scleroderma of only a limited area of the skin (such as the fingers) and little involvement of the underlying tissue; while others have progressive skin involvement.
edit Other organs
Diffuse scleroderma can cause musculoskeletal pulmonary gastrointestinal renal and other complications.

42. Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium
Information about this international organization which is dedicated to finding a better treatment for this disorder. Includes current studies and a newsletter.
Contact Existing members: Pay dues here

The 11th International Workshop on Scleroderma Research Are you a scleroderma patient looking for support and information?
See our Links page
SCTC Research Study Application (Word)
Online Application for Membership

Scleroderma Care and Research

journal archive
Contact webmaster with corrections. Last update - 3/2/2010

43. Fast Facts About Scleroderma
This is an easy to read piece scleroderma. Audio Version of this Document Time 1139 Size 10.9 MB. Revised August 2010

44. Scleroderma - Systemic Scleroderma, Localized Scleroderma - Life Extension Healt
scleroderma is a progressive autoimmune disorder that can disable its victims. In people with scleroderma, the body’s immune system is activated, which results in

45. The Scleroderma Society
Offers support and information. Includes an introduction, news and a message board.

46. Scleroderma Definition Of Scleroderma In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
scleroderma or progressive systemic sclerosis. Chronic disease that hardens the skin and fixes it to underlying structures. Swelling and collagen buildup lead to loss of

47. Scleroderma: EMedicine Rheumatology
Full text medical article from eMedicine.

48. Scleroderma Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What Are Scleroderma
Read about scleroderma (an autoimmune disease) symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, facts and prognosis. scleroderma may be diffuse or limited (CREST variant, in which
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Scleroderma (cont.)
In this Article
What are scleroderma symptoms and signs?
The symptoms of scleroderma depend on the type of scleroderma present and the extent of external and internal involvement in the individual affected. Because scleroderma can affect the skin, esophagus, blood vessels, kidneys, lungs, blood pressure and bowels, the symptoms it causes can involve many areas of the body. Scleroderma affects the skin to cause local or widespread signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, tenderness

49. Scleroderma World
E-mail list dedicated to scleroderma and other auto-immune problems.
SD World is a list dedicated to providing a place where those who suffer from Scleroderma and other autoimmune problems may gather in a warm, friendly forum for an upbeat, open and free exchange of thoughts, ideas and information. We also offer a section of links for scleroderma medical, support, health or fun information. Email List SD World is an email list dedicated to providing a place where those who suffer from Scleroderma and other autoimmune problems may gather in a warm, friendly forum for an upbeat, open and free exchange of thoughts, ideas and information. Click to subscribe SD Round the World SD Round the World These pages Links, Links, Links Links, Links, Links . Are you interested in more information? The internet is a really wonderful source. Here are some links to a few excellent medical and/or informational sites. New to the Net New to the Net . You are new to computers or new to the internet. Or, someone says to copy and paste something. What the heck does that mean? Yikes! Am I infected by a virus? We have gathered some links here that will tell you all this, and more...

50. Scleroderma
Penn State Hershey Medical Center provides world class care and services to patients.

51. Welcome To The Frontpage
Includes information about meetings and events.
Home Bay Area Scleroderma Support Group
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Welcome to the Bay Area Scleroderma Support Group!
The Bay Area Scleroderma Support Group (San Francisco Bay Area of California) is a group of Scleroderma patients and caregivers that meets monthly at Kaiser Hospital, Niles West Building, 39400 Paseo Padre Parkway, Fremont, CA. (See Calendar of Events for specific dates and times.) Our meetings are typically attended by 10-20 individuals with a diversity of experiences and symptoms of the disease. We have both male and female patients including children and teenagers. Our meetings usually include times of fellowship and sharing, comparing of common experiences, and presentations on specific topics of common interest to the group. Whether you are newly diagnosed, have experienced the disease for some period of time, or are a concerned caregiver; you are encouraged and welcomed to attend and participate in our meeting.
Upcoming Events
Sat Nov 20 @01:00PM -
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Bay Area Scleroderma Support Group Meeting - Holiday Pot Luck Luncheon - Room G
Sat Jan 15 @01:00PM -
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Bay Area Scleroderma Support Group Meeting
If you have Scleroderma AND cancer, there is evidence that radiation may exacerbate your Scleroderma. You should check with your medical providers before treating with radiation therapy.

52. Scleroderma (systemic Sclerosis)
scleroderma Fast Facts Key Research More Resources scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) Fast Facts . scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disease, in which the body’s immune
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Fast Facts Key Research More Resources
Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis): Fast Facts
  • The hallmark feature of scleroderma is hardening of the skin. Scleroderma can range from a localized disease that primarily affects the skin to a more serious illness, known as systemic sclerosis, that causes damage to multiple parts of the body, including the joints, digestive tract, lungs and kidneys.
  • Like many other autoimmune diseases, scleroderma occurs much more frequently in women than men, with about four times as many women as men developing the disease.
  • Although the cause of scleroderma is unknown, genetic and environmental factors are thought to play a role in the disease. Scleroderma does not often run in families, but there may be certain gene variants that increase likelihood of the disease.
Learn more about autoimmune diseases at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Back to Top
Scleroderma: Some of our Key Research
Using transplantation to treat severe autoimmune diseases
Dr. Richard Nash

Web rings with personal stories of people affected by this disease and links to more information.
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Diffuse stories: Eve I have been fighting for so long trying to understand what has been going on now I'm just scared.
I would like to hear about women that have had children with scleroderma.
Finally I feel like my life is turning around a little.
Sharsheen I left the doctor's office that night believing I was about to die! CREST/Limited stories: Ana It gave me the courage to fight for my life even harder. Michelle Then the sore wouldn't heal 5 months or so. Mackenzie I was diagnosed with scleroderma,raynauds phenomenon,and ra when i was 15. Wanda I have improved over the years, but things are still tough. Joanne I remember thinking "That's the last disease I would ever want" Morphea/linear stories sfoltyn The whole thing gets quite complex. Preetham At first, I didn�t know what scleroderma was exactly. Visit our Cafe Press store all proceeds go to scleroderma research and support Search

54. Arthritis Disease Center L Disease Definitions L Arthritis Disease And Related C
What is it? scleroderma literally means “hard skin,” which is a finding common to a group of diseases that involves the abnormal growth of connective tissue.

55. Scleroderma Video
A collection of 11 video presentations made by some of the foremost scleroderma experts in the US.
Home V i deo Titles ... About Scleroderma
Scleroderma Video Series
11 Video Volumes available
VHS Video Cassettes: $19.95 each The Scleroderma Video Series is a collection of presentations made by some of the foremost Scleroderma experts in the United States, including Rheumatologists, Cardiologists, Surgeons, Dieticians, Occupational Therapists, Dermatologists, Psychologists, Researchers and more. Topics have included: Among the speakers that appear within the Scleroderma Video series are eminent experts in the field, including:
  • Philip Clements, MD Daniel Furst, MD Sergio Jimenez, MD Maureen Mayes, MD James Seibold, MD Fredrick Wigley, MD
For a complete listing of available titles, please click here Since 1994, Starlight Productions has produced over 30 videos directly related to Scleroderma. As we continue to videotape new presentations, we revise our offerings so that topic duplication is avoided, and outdated presentations are removed.
Scleroderma Information - More than our business
Our involvement with Scleroderma began as a commercial shoot in 1994. A previous client who had employed us for another type of service happened to be a Scleroderma patient, and a Chapter President within the former United Scleroderma Foundation. She requested our services for their annual chapter medical workshop, and, liking the results, recommended us the National Foundation for the 1995 USF National Conference.

56. Scleroderma GVHD Symptoms?: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Community
Softening RockHard Skin. T alk about being a prisoner in your own body. People with sclerodermaliterally, hard skincan become encased in thick scar tissue.

57. Scleroderma Foundation Greater Chicago Chapter - Home Page
Supports patients and families of this chronic, autoimmune disease of the connective tissue. Includes overview of programs and events, donations, links, and contacts.
Home Contact Us Calendar Third Party Events ... Medical Advisory Board Watch our chapter's TV ad!
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2010 National
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Scleroderma Foundation U.S. Senate Call-in Day, Wednesday, November 17, 2010
2010 "Cooking Up a Cure" Chicago a Huge Success
The Scleroderma Foundation Greater Chicago Chapter Is Now on Facebook
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What if the Greater Chicago Chapter earned a penny every time you searched the internet? We can! See these important instructions. Sign Up for SF's Free Email Newsletter! Get Connected! Post Items to the SF Message Board.
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58. Scleroderma - Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention
of scleroderma; Causes and Risk Factors of scleroderma......Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of scleroderma Definition of scleroderma;

59. Edgar Cayce's Scleroderma Treatment: Case Studies
Two case studies (one with morphea) demonstrating the efficacy of Edgar Cayce s approach to treating scleroderma.
Edgar Cayce's Scleroderma Treatment: Case Studies
A 13 year old girl suffering from scleroderma with morphea (lesions on the skin) achieved reduction of symptoms within one month of starting a therapy recommended by Edgar Cayce and continued gradual improvement during a three year follow-up period.
Margie was a 13 year old girl who first came to the A.R.E. Clinic in October, 1980, with a diagnosis of scleroderma with morphea. Previous treatment by a dermatologist and family physician failed to provide results. Margie's parents were alarmed by the poor prognosis given for this progressively debilitating illnessan 80% chance of death within ten yearsand were anxious to find help for their daughter.
Medical History
In May, 1979, Margie's mother noticed a tiny spot on the skin overlying her upper breastbone. As it looked like ringworm, they applied some anti-fungal ointment and promptly forgot about it. In August, it was still present and had enlarged. Their family physician discovered a similar lesion on her back and agreed that it was fungal in origin. She did not respond to the medication he prescribed. Her hands became very sore, swollen, cracked, and bleeding.
In September, he referred her to a dermatologist who biopsied the lesion on her back and diagnosed morphea. He told them "it wasn't leprosy and it wasn't cancer, but it wasn't something you'd want for Christmas either." He gave her a dry skin cream for her hands and recommended vitamin E to slow down the morphea. Margie began to feel sick, fatigued, and complained of headaches and backaches often. Both hands and feet became affected.

60. Symptoms - Scleroderma.
Symptoms. Symptoms . scleroderma affects everyone differently. It can be mild in some people, and more severe in others. Each form of scleroderma affects the body in different
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Last updated Tuesday, December 28, 2004
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Figure 1 - Types of scleroderma
Symptoms Scleroderma affects everyone differently. It can be mild in some people, and more severe in others. Each form of scleroderma affects the body in different ways. Below are some of the ways the disease may affect the body. Types of scleroderma There are several different forms of scleroderma (see figure 1). Localized scleroderma affects mainly the skin. It can affect skin in different areas of the body. It may also affect muscles and bone, but it does not affect internal organs. This form is usually not as severe as generalized scleroderma. People who develop localized scleroderma usually do not develop generalized scleroderma. Morphea scleroderma happens when hard, oval-shape patches form on the skin. The patches are usually whitish with a purplish ring around them. They usually occur on the trunk, but can also occur on the face, arms, legs, and other parts of the body. Morphea often improves by itself, over time. Linear scleroderma is a line of thickened skin that occurs in areas such as the arms, legs, or forehead. It can occur in more than one area. The line can extend deep into the skin and affect the bones and muscles underneath it. This can affect the motion of joints and muscles, as well as the growth of the affected area. When the line forms a long crease on the head or neck, it is sometimes called en coup de sabrethe strike of a sword. Linear scleroderma usually occurs in childhood.

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