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1. IPodLinux SDL Programming - IPodLinux First of all, if you haven't built a working iPod SDL, do so before reading this page. With SDL available for the iPod, some applications should be much easier to port. http://www.ipodlinux.org/wiki/SDL_Programming |
2. David.acz.org Free software with source for Windows and UNIX. SDL programming page. Resume. Journal. Photos. http://david.acz.org/ | |
3. Game Programming Using SDL: Getting Started Game Programming using SDL Getting Started Summary Game programmers using OpenGL have often been forced to make a choice between using a library that is platform independent http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Multimedia/Game-Programming-using-SDL-Getting-Started |
4. North Karelia University Of Applied Sciences - Introduction To C++ Programming North Karelia University of Applied Sciences . SDL Programming, 5 cr . Course Schedule January 10 March 4 2011. Size of group max. 10 students http://tiko.ncp.fi/gameprogramming/2010-2011/Intro_2D_Game_Programming.html | |
5. Java For SDL A binding for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) written in java. Now you can use SDL and still program with Java. Open source, LGPL http://jsdl.sourceforge.net/ | |
6. SDL Programming Examples SDL Programming Examples. Parallax 2 source + Win32 binaries 188k Parallax 3 source + Win32 binaries - 198k Parallax 4 source + Win32 binaries - 226k http://olofson.net/examples.html | |
7. Game Programming Using SDL: Raw Graphics And Event Handling Game Programming using SDL Raw Graphics and Event Handling http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Multimedia/Game-Programming-using-SDL-Raw-Graphics-an |
8. SDL Programming Page SDL programming page. Crosscompiled Libraries. Pre compiled versions of various libraries can be found on the Xmingw32 page. To install the libraries for cross-compiling, extract http://david.acz.org/sdl.html | |
9. Mixed Downloads Mixed Downloads Looking for those SDL programming examples? They got bored and ran off that way. (Well, not really. The downloads haven't moved.) http://olofson.net/mixed.html | |
10. Login | Mister Wong Are you interested in sdl, programming, thread oder cpp? If so, Mister Wong is just right for you. http://www.mister-wong.com/users/SDL-Threads_1054940/ | |
11. SDL Programming Tutorial - Collision Detection In this article we add collision detection to the game. In order for any interaction to occur between the various elements in the game we need a way to determine if two objects are http://www.brighthub.com/hubfolio/matthew-casperson/articles/42275.aspx |
12. Phillips, David - David.acz.org - Free Software With Source For Windows And UNIX Computers, Programming, Personal Pages, P Phillips, David - david.acz.org. Free software with source for Windows and UNIX. http://www.abc-directory.com/site/861050 |
13. SDL Programming Tutorial - Bosses In this tutorial we look at adding bosses to the levels. Every good shoot’em’up needs a boss. A boss will be a standard enemy class, but unlike a standard enemy the http://www.brighthub.com/hubfolio/matthew-casperson/articles/45911.aspx |
14. SK C&C XMAS - Documents - Presentations Quick tutorial for xMAS SDL Programming http://xmas.skcc.com/documents_Training.htm |
15. SDL Support Chatroom Please check out our SDL programming chatroom on any undernet server. We started a few weeks ago and looking for active members and supporters to http://cboard.cprogramming.com/game-programming/42175-sdl-support-chatroom.html |
16. SDL Programming In Linux Playing With Graphics « Wanderer's Thougths Hey there! Thanks for dropping by Wanderer's Thougths! Take a look around and grab the RSS feed to stay updated. See you around! http://aprajshekhar.wordpress.com/2010/07/06/sdl-programming-in-linux-playing-wi |
17. SDL Programming? - GameDev.Net Discussion Forums Gamedev.net is the leading resource for game developers, featuring daily news updates, over 1500 featured articles and tutorials, and the most active game development forums http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/ViewReply.asp?id=3281259 |
18. Installing SDL - Mac Guides If you have tried to install or even use the SDL programming API on Mac OS X, you may find that it doesn't work. This article explains two ways to work around this. http://guides.macrumors.com/Installing_SDL | |
19. Blobby Volley 2 | Download Blobby Volley 2 Software For Free At SourceForge.net Get Blobby Volley 2 at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory http://sourceforge.net/projects/blobby/ | |
20. OpenGL And SDL Programming With Slackware Hey all, I've been trying to get my OpenGL programs (some of which make heavy use of SDL and SDL_mixer) to compile on Slackware (9.1 and 10.0), but no http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/opengl-and-sdl-programming- | |
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