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21. Language Technology, Web Content Management And Structured Content Discover SDL. SDL is the world leader in Global Information Management. More than 60 Offices 35 Countries - Any Language. Providing the software and services to help corporations http://www.sdl.com/en/ |
22. Lazy Foo' Productions Tutorials for those who want to start making video games. http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php | |
23. Cone3D Programming - SDL, OpenGL And C++ Tutorials A SDL page for beginner's. Tutorials on how to initialize SDL, load and display images, and how to load sprites. http://cone3d.gamedev.net/cgi-bin/index.pl?page=tutorials/gfxsdl/index |
24. X Window Programming/SDL - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-content Textbooks Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a crossplatform multimedia library written in C that creates an abstraction over various platforms' graphics, sound, and input APIs, allowing a http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X_Window_Programming/SDL | |
25. SDL Programming [Archive] - EmuTalk.net Archive SDL Programming Programming I'm new to SDL programming, the only programs I have made before are console based apllications that only use the standard c/c++ http://www.emutalk.net/archive/index.php/t-14797.html | |
26. Gambas Documentation - Components SDL programming There are 353 classes and 4239 symbols in all Gambas components. http://www.gambasdoc.org/help/comp | |
27. 2D Game Programming Tutorials With SDL News. December 12, 2005. Sorry everyone for being so neglectful of this site over the last few months. I've been really busy with work and martial arts competitions. http://www.aaroncox.net/tutorials/ | |
28. SDL Tutorial Basics | SDLTutorials.com DevHub is your number one tutorial resource for making games, and using SDL as a framework. These game tutorials we help you design games, and understand the basics of game http://www.sdltutorials.com/sdl-tutorial-basics/ |
29. Re: How To Start With Simple SDL Programming? - Msg#01143 - Fedora-list 2009/11/16, Hiisi verycool@xxxxxxxxxx Not actually response to OP, but I also have some interest in this tread, especially in SDL, OpenGL, glub, etc. programming. http://osdir.com/ml/fedora-list/2009-11/msg01143.html |
30. Re: How To Start With Simple SDL Programming? - Msg#01145 - Fedora-list On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 222303 +0200, Joonas Saraj rvi muepsj@xxxxxxxxx wrote 2009/11/16, Hiisi verycool@xxxxxxxxxx Not actually response to OP, but I also have some http://osdir.com/ml/fedora-list/2009-11/msg01145.html |
31. North Karelia University Of Applied Sciences - Game Programming SDL Programming, 5 ECTS ( January 10 March 4) Data Structures and Algorithms, 4 ECTS ( January 10 - March 4) Game Sound Production, 3 ECTS (January 14 - May 14) http://tietojenkasittely.pkamk.fi/gameprogramming/courses.html |
32. SDL Programming Directory, Links. Development, Programmers Hot Cool . Serkai – The Web Cooperative . AntiSE – The Anti Search Engine . GeoDig – Businesses by Geography . Quali5 – Own a Keyword Forever . Follars – Making Money from Open Source http://eit.in/sw/pd/lang/a_z/s/sdl/sdl.html |
33. SDL:Tutorials - GPWiki Lazy Foo's SDL Tutorials Beginning Game Programming; Setting up SDL with MinGW and Eclipse; Matthew Casperson's SDL Programming Tutorial ; Game Programming Tutorials SDL Tutorial Series http://gpwiki.org/index.php/C:SDL_tutorials | |
34. How Much C Programming Should I Know Before Indulging Into Sdl Programming - Sta I have programmed in c and I know about data structures and algorithms, but It has been a while since I programmed in c. I forgot things like how function pointers and some http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3243858/how-much-c-programming-should-i-know- |
35. SDL Programming HOWTO Writers Needed [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums Archive SDL programming HOWTO Writers needed Programming Talk http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-304791.html | |
36. AutoXray® AutoXray automotive diagnostic instruments engineered for professional technicians http://www.autoxray.com/product_detail.php?pid=97 |
37. Aaron's Game Programming Tutorials 2D Game Programming Tutorials. These tutorials cover various topics of 2D game programming. They are broken into related sections, which are meant to be as independent of each other http://www.aaroncox.net/tutorials/2dtutorials/index.html | |
38. Product Manuals & Instructions Click on a category or scroll through the page to find the manual you need. If you have trouble downloading from the primary link, try using the alternate. http://www.x10.com/support/support_manuals.htm | |
39. A Crash Course In SDL | Linux Journal An adaptation of a chapter from the author's upcoming book entitled Programming Linux Games. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/4401 |
40. How Much C Programming Should I Know Before Indulging Into Sdl Programming - Sta I have programmed in c and I know about data structures and algorithms, but It has been a while since I programmed in c. I forgot things like how function pointers and some http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3243858/how-much-c-programming-should-i-know- |
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