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1. Seventh-day Adventist, SDA, Ellen G White Index to various topics dealing with the Seventhday Adventist church. http://mmoutreachinc.com/seventh_day_adventists/sda_index.html | |
2. Facts Adventists Wont Tell Seventhday Adventists . Won't Tell You . Seventh-day Adventists won't tell you they are behind the Revelation Seminars they sponsor. http://www.macgregorministries.org/seventh_day_adventists/sda_facts.html | |
3. Seventh-Day Adventism Explores the unbiblical teachings of the SeventhDay Adventists from a Catholic viewpoint. http://www.catholic.com/library/Seventh_Day_Adventism.asp | |
4. Seventh-day Adventist Church - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Walter Martin, who is considered by many to be the father of the countercult apologetics movement within evangelicalism, authored The Truth About Seventh-day Adventists (1960 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventh-day_Adventist_Church | |
5. Seventh-day Adventists | Define Seventh-day Adventists At Dictionary.com –noun See example at SeventhDay. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Seventh-Day Adventists |
6. Adventist Independent Ministries List of sites on the web ring of independent ministries with Seventh-day Adventist affiliations. http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=bol1960 |
7. Adventist.org: The Official Site Of The Seventh-Day Adventist World Church The official website of the Seventhday Adventist Church, listing current news and events as well as doctrines and beliefs. http://www.adventist.org/ |
8. About Seventh-Day Adventists About Seventhday Adventists. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christ - centered, worldwide, religious community dedicated to serving God, sharing the Gospel and helping http://www.sdada.org/aboutsda.htm | |
9. Seventh-day Adventist Forum - Topix Headline links from media sources worldwide, forums and message boards for Seventh-day Adventists. http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/seventh-day-adventist/ |
10. Adventist.org: The Official Site Of The Seventh-Day Adventist World Church As a Christian church, Seventhday Adventists are a faith community rooted in the beliefs described by the Holy Scriptures. Adventists describe these beliefs in the following ways http://www.adventist.org/beliefs/ |
11. Southeastern Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists Top Stories Adventist Appointed Florida Commissioner Date 10/07/10 Comment(s) 0 Ronald A. Brise, the first Seventhday Adventist and Haitian-American to serve on the http://www.secsda.org/ | |
12. Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Worldwide Church Organization head-quartered in Roanoke, Virginia, VA, and independent from the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While much smaller, it has an organizational structure mirroring the Adventist church. http://www.sdarm.org/ |
13. Seventh-Day Adventism - Orthodox Or Cult? She rather disingenuously declined to claim the title of prophet, calling herself a messenger instead (P.G. Damsteegt, et al., Seventhday Adventists Believe … http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Cults/sda/adventi.htm |
14. Northeastern Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists Covers the Black constituency of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont and includes complete list of churches with addresses and http://www.northeastern.org/ |
15. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 華安聯合會 Beliefs and history of Adventism in China. Lists Chinese language Seventh-day Adventist churches worldwide. Connects to hospitals and universities directed by the Chinese Union Mission. http://www.chumadventist.org/eng/ | |
16. An Inquiry Into Seventh-day Adventism, Seventh Day Adventists They believe most which Christians believe. But they show signs of being a cult. http://bibleprobe.com/SDA.htm |
17. Seventh-day Adventists — Infoplease.com More on Seventhday Adventists from Infoplease Seventh-day Adventists - Seventh-day Adventists Seventh-day Adventists trace their beginnings to the preacher William Miller http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0916571.html |
18. Olean Seventh-day Adventist Church. Includes Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and Bible FAQs. http://www.olean.sda-portal.net | |
19. BBC - Religions - Christianity: Seventh-day Adventists The history and modernday organisation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, founded in the USA and notable for observing the Sabbath on Saturday instead of Sunday. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/subdivisions/seventhdayadve | |
20. Seventh-Day Adventists The Seventhday Adventist Church is a Christian denomination which is distinguished by its observance of Saturday, the original seventh day of the Judeo-Christian week, as the http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Seventh-Day Adventists | |
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