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41. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS This study will be on the 7th Day Adventist. This cult began in the early 19th century by William Miller (17821849), who was a FALSE PROPHET! http://www.biblebelievers.com/Caldwell1.html | |
42. Adventist Today Magazine archive, news, discussion and devotionals. http://www.atoday.com/ | |
43. Seventh-day Adventists — Infoplease.com Seventhday Adventists. Seventh-day Adventists trace their beginnings to the preacher William Miller (1782–1849), who expounded the idea that the second coming of Christ http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0881834.html | |
44. GraceLink : Welcome Information and resources for the Gracelink Sabbath School Curriculum. http://gracelink.net |
45. Seventh-Day Adventists Orthodoxy, Lives of the Saints, monthly journal with comments on scripture, theological articles, confession, spiritual articles, services, links, parish info, http://www.roca.org/OA/90/90n.htm | |
46. Faith First.net Young adult music group. Biographies, album information, and newsletter. http://www.faithfirst.net/ | |
47. Untitled Document Seventh Day Adventists View 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 Previous • Next 3. Seventh Day Adventist http://www.faithumc.com/Adventist.htm | |
48. Www.sneconline.org As president, I am pleased to share that the Southern New England Conference of Seventhday Adventists, located in South Lancaster, Massachusetts, has more than 15,000 members http://www.sneconline.org/ |
49. North Pacific Union Conference : Welcome! Welcome to the North Pacific Union Conference Website The North Pacific Union Conference serves and represents Seventhday Adventists throughout the Northwest, people of http://www.npuc.org/ |
50. NAARA - Home Page Includes newsletters, information on conventions. http://www.naara.org/ | |
51. Rocky Mountain Conference Of SDA's Rocky Mountain Conference, a Seventhday Adventist church in Denver, CO. Looking for a church to join? Visit your local Seventh-day Adventist church in Denver, CO and see how you http://www.rmcsda.org/ |
52. Home -- Seventh-day Adventist Church, Upper Columbia Conference Seventh-day Adventist headquarters in the Inland Northwest. Covers eastern Washington, the northern half of Idaho, and a portion of northeastern Oregon. http://www.uccsda.org/ | |
53. Seventh Day Adventist Introduction. Like the Foursquare denomination (Amy Semple McPherson) and Christian Science (Mary Baker Eddy), Seventhday Adventism has its faulty foundation in the teachings http://www.atruechurch.info/adventists.html | |
54. Maritime Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists Of interest to members and former members in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Includes email directory, pictures of pastors and teachers http://www.maritimesda.com/ |
55. Atlantic Union Conference Of The Seventh-day Adventist Church Follow the Atlantic Union Conference of the Seventhday Adventists on Facebook. Editorial October 2010 – He Is Able – By Leon D. Thomassian http://www.atlantic-union.org/ |
56. Nevada-Utah Conference - Home Provides administrative support to forty-four Seventh-day Adventist churches and companies and 10 schools throughout the states of Nevada, Utah and portions of California. http://www.nevadautah.org/ | |
57. What Is Seventh-day Adventism (SDA) And What Do Seventh-day Adventists Believe? What is Seventhday Adventism (SDA) and what do Seventh-day Adventists believe? What are the disagreements between Seventh Day Adventists and other Christians? http://www.gotquestions.org/Seventh-Day-Adventism.html | |
58. Southern California Conference Home - Home Information about the 145 multi-lingual Seventh-day Adventist churches in Greater Los Angeles, and related resources. Headquarters in Glendale, CA. http://scc.adventistfaith.org/ |
59. Home Page - Www.interamerica.org Headquartered in Miami, USA. Miami. Includes 46 nations including Mexico and four countries on the north rim of South America, and the Caribbean Islands. http://www.interamerica.org/users/ | |
60. South Atlantic Conference - GA, SC, NC: HOME Representing over 27,000 members of North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Posed to reach, teach and preach the Gospel. Corporate office of the South Atlantic Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Atlanta, GA http://www.southatlantic.org/ | |
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