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61. Seventh-day Adventists | Ask.com Encyclopedia The Seventhday Adventist Church (commonly abbreviated SDA, 3 4 5 6 officially abbreviated Adventist 7) is a Christian denomination which is distinguished by its http://www.ask.com/wiki/Seventh-day_Adventists?qsrc=3044 |
62. Truth Or Fables Articles by ex-Seventh-Day Adventist, Robert K. Sanders, about why the teachings of Ellen White and the Adventist church are not in accord with the Bible. http://www.truthorfables.com/ | |
63. Seventh-day Adventist Church South Pacific | Celebrating Christmas Answer Seventhday Adventists do not celebrate Christmas or other religious festivals throughout the calendar year as holy feasts established by God. http://adventist.org.au/about_adventists/faq/faqs/lifestyle/celebrating_christma |
64. LAM Publications, LLC Ministry to former Seventh-day Adventists and questioning Adventists. Excerpts from bimonthly magazine, many links. Exposing the unbiblical teachings and practices of the SDA church. http://www.ratzlaf.com/ | |
65. Welcome To SDA Kinship provides a safe spiritual and social community to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender intersex current and former Seventhday Adventists around the world. http://www.sdakinship.org/ |
66. Home - Sabbatismos Ministries: Finding Our Rest In Christ For Seventh-day Adventists and Christians who want to learn more about Adventist doctrines. Includes testimonies by Joe and Jennifer Rector, articles, and questions and answers section. http://sabbatismos.com/ | |
67. Seventh-Day Adventists - Ohio History Central - A Product Of The Ohio Historical Many SeventhDay Adventists originally were disciples of William Miller. Miller, a farmer from New York, claimed to have discovered when Jesus Christ would return to Earth as http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/entry.php?rec=2092 |
68. Www.sanctuarydoctrine.com [5] Examines whether the Seventh-day Adventist sanctuary doctrine is biblical. http://www.sanctuarydoctrine.com/ |
69. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS AND THE SABBATH SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS AND THE SABBATH. The Seventh Day Adventist Church does not have its foundation in the Bible for it did not come into existence until the mid 1800’s. http://www.tftw2.org/Tracts/sda.htm | |
70. DigitalHymnal.org Based on the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal includes MIDI files, lyrics, and historical notes. http://www.digitalhymnal.org/ |
71. The Seven Faces Of Seventh-day Adventism Legalistic modernday extremist false prophets that deceive Seventh-day Adventists include Walter McGill and David P. Aguilar Jr. of the Creation Seventh-day Adventist http://www.everythingimportant.org/gospel/7faces.htm | |
72. The Sabbath Trail In Washington New Hampshire Virtual walk of one-mile-long trail in the woods adjacent to the Washington NH Seventh-day Adventist Church which tells the story of the history of the Sabbath from creation to the New Earth in granite trail-side markers. http://www.sabbathtrail.org/ | |
73. Corrie Schroder Seventh Day Adventists by Corrie Schroder . Nazi Germany was a horrible place for small denominational churches because there was no religious liberty. http://www.history.ucsb.edu/projects/holocaust/Research/Proseminar/corrieschrode | |
74. TAGnet - Home Web host for numerous Seventh-day Adventist church and lay-member operated ministries, churches, schools, and organizations. http://home.tagnet.info/ |
75. Religions Similar To Jehovah's Witnesses - Seventh-Day Adventists SeventhDay Adventists. For official information on Seventh-day Adventists see www.adventist.org. Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah s Witnesses both originate from the Advent http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/similar-religions/seventh-day-adventist.php |
76. Center For Creative Ministry : Home Privately funded para-church ministry fully recognized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in NAD aims to support local churches in outreach and nurture ministries by providing resources, information, training, and consulting. http://www.creativeministry.org/ |
77. Adherents.com: Seventh-day Adventists Adherents.com presents the Top 10 U.S. States with highest percentage of Seventhday Adventists; and Top 10 States with most Seventh-day Adventists. Counties, too. http://www.adherents.com/largecom/com_sda.html |
78. 1888 Message Study Committee The 1888 Message Study Committee was expressly formed to study the most precious message of Christ and His righteousness. This message was brought to the Seventh-day Adventist church in the year 1888. http://www.1888msc.org/ |
79. Seventh-day Adventists Believe FILE Index.htm Seventhday Adventists Believe . is a Biblical Exposition of 27 Fundamental Doctrines. http://www.sdanet.org/atissue/books/27/index.htm |
80. SDASaints.com Adventist Resources Directory of resources for Adventists and other Christians. Schools, churches, Bible studies, and dietary. http://sdasaints.com/ | |
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