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         Sexually Transmitted Diseases:     more books (100)
  1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases CB (Pocket picture guides to clinical medicine) by Bingham, 1984-12-01
  2. The Hidden Epidemic: Confronting Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Committee on Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Institute of Medicine, 1997-04-11
  3. The Encyclopedia of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) by Jennifer, M.D. Shoquist, Diane Stafford, 2003-11
  4. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Health Reference Series)
  5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Aids, 2nd Edition by Vinod Kumar Sharma, 2009-02-15
  6. Sexually Transmitted Disease by King K. Holmes, 1999-12
  7. Encyclopedia of Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Elaine A. Moore <I>with</I> Lisa Marie Moore, 2008-10-30
  8. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Epidemiology, Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment by Kenneth A. Borchardt, Michael A. Noble, 1997-08-06
  9. Molecular and Cell Biology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Molecular and Cell Biology of Human Diseases Series)
  10. Sexual Health Information for Teens: Health Tips about Sexual Development, Human Reproduction, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Teen Health Series) by Deborah A. Stanley, 2003-10-01
  11. It's a Scary World:How to Be Sexually Active WhileStaying Healthy, Safe and Free of Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Alfred Anderson, 2010-07-22
  12. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Vaccines, Prevention, and Control
  13. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Hot Issue (Hot Issues) by Ann Byers, 1999-11
  14. Soap, Water, and Sex: A Lively Guide to the Benefits of Sexual Hygiene and to Coping With Sexually Transmitted Diseases by Jacob Lipman, 1998-01

21. The International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI)
Achievement of international cooperation in the control of sexually transmitted diseases.

22. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) including the common STDs Chlamydia, Genital warts, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis and Syphilis

23. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) The term sexually transmitted disease (STD) is relatively new and has replaced the term venereal disease.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) The term "sexually transmitted disease" (STD) is relatively new and has replaced the term "venereal disease." This shift in terminology serves to expand awareness of a greater number of infectious diseases transmitted through sexual contact. There are more than 20 STDs, including AIDS Chlamydia Herpes , and other organisms and syndromes. Every year millions of STDs are passed from person to person, primarily through sexual contact. Many people feel uncomfortable talking about STDs and try not to think about them, hoping they will go away. Sometimes infections will go away, but usually an STD will return and the infected person will suffer grave consequences of an untreated STD. Transmission of STDS The organisms which cause these diseases (except for crabs and scabies ) usually enter the body through mucous membranes, such as the warm, moist surfaces of the vagina, urethra, anus, and mouth. STDs can be caught through intimate contact with someone who is infected, especially during oral, anal, or vaginal sex. Some infections are also transmitted nonsexually. Sexually active college-age men and women are at the highest risk for contracting STDs. Basically, if you have sexual contact with someone who is infected with an STD, you are likely to develop the infection as well. Lesbians are much less likely than heterosexuals, or bisexual or gay men to get an STD because most STDs are not transmitted easily between women.

24. Genital Herpes Acne Treatment Nail Fungus Stds
Provides information on sexually transmitted disease, HIV, condyloma and genital herpes treatment.
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Unfortunately for western society, healthcare has become a big business. If a company discovers healing hiv properties, venereal dandruff shampoo hiv they cannot patent dandruff venereal shampoo plant nature. How protect themselves genital warts huge profits? Big vaginal drug companies isolate what they symptoms symptoms hiv believe disease effective compound patent aids disease std's symptoms human papillomavirus process symptoms warts dandruff shampoo isolating cosmetics compound. Unfortunately venereal warts consumer, isolation deoderant process vaginal destroys beneficial symptoms effects. The aids symptoms leading sexually makeup hiv prescription medication std's prescribed hpv by Dermatologists venereal for warts, podophyllin, comes from disease the Podophyllum root, std's known. Why acne wart

25. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
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26. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Symptoms & Pictures : Doctor-Reviewed Inform
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by a group of infectious microorganisms that are transmitted mainly through sexual activity. These agents represent a costly
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Sexually Transmitted Diseases Learning Center
Save Print Share Advertisement Sexually Transmitted Diseases Learning Center Topics Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Chlamydia Infections Syphilis Papillomavirus Infections ... Gonorrhea Multimedia Images Videos Health Experts Articles ... HealthMaps Related Topics Infectious Diseases Advertisement
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by a group of infectious microorganisms that are transmitted mainly through sexual activity. These agents represent a costly, burdensome global public health problem. STDs... News
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) AIDS is a frightening diagnosis - like cancer, it used to mean a death sentence.

27. About Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
You've probably heard lots of discouraging news about sexually transmitted diseases. The good news is that STDs can be prevented. Find out how to protect yourself.

28. Electronic Textbook Of Dermatology, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Syphilisthe great imitator. Once the single most important disease in dermatology, mid-20th century antibiotics nearly wipe out this spirochete disease.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES Rhett J. Drugge, MD Internet Dermatology Society Stamford, Connecticut Syphilis Chancroid Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Lymphogranuloma Venereum ... Prevention of STD's
Syphilis -the great imitator
Once the single most important disease in dermatology, mid-20th century antibiotics nearly wipe out this spirochete disease. However, the reported incidence of all stages of syphilis increased dramatically from 1985 (28.5 cases per 100,000 population) to 1990 (54.3 per 100,000). It then decreased to 45.3 cases per 100,000 in 1992. Congenital syphilis increased from 1985 (7 per 100,000 live births) to 1990 (91.8 per 100,000 live births), peaked in 1991 (107.2 per 100,000 live births), and then decreased in 1992 (94.3 per 100,000 live births). Over 30,000 new cases of primary and secondary syphilis occur annually, and the prevalence of HIV infection among syphilis-infected individuals increasing. While the Oslo study by Bruusgaard indicated that 60-70% of untreated patients went through life with little or no inconvenience, still, 30-40% suffered serious inconvenience, so that the diagnosis and treatment are very worthwhile. There are essentially three stages in syphilis: the primary (chancre),the secondary (florid rash and dissemination), and the late (gumma

29. Sexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs And Women's Health Issues
Symptoms, treatments, and prevention details. From
zWASL=1 zGL='0';zGR='ca-about-radlink'; zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0
  • Home Health Women's Health
  • Women's Health
    Filed In:
  • Sexual Health
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Infections - Venereal Diseases
    Once known as venereal diseases or VD and now called sexually transmitted diseases or STDs and sometimes sexually transmitted infections or STIs discussed in clear language. Be prepared to protect yourself from the many sexually transmitted diseases in the world today. Discover the facts about STDs from causes, symptoms, and diagnosis, to treatments and prevention..
  • AIDS/HIV (3) Chlamydia (4) Gonorrhea (9) HPV - Human Papillomavirus (9) ...
  • What Is Trichomoniasis?
    Trichomoniasis facts. Learn about trichomoniasis symptoms, diagnosis, treaments, and prevention. zSB(3,3)
    Chlamydia - The Silent Epidemic
    Chlamydia is the most common STD affecting over four million annually in the United States. Learn about the symptoms of chlamydia, as well as treatments and how to prevent chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDS).
    8 Myths and Misconceptions About Sexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs
    Myths and misconceptions about sexually transmitted diseases or STDs are abundant. Discover the truth about STD myths and learn how to protect yourself from the potential long-term effects of sexually transmitted diseases.

    30. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments And Causes - Wrong
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes, patient stories, videos, forums, prevention, and prognosis.

    31. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases The likelihood of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is very high today when one engages in illicit sex.
    @import "../css/layout.css"; Home Lecture Notes Print This Page Sexually Transmitted Diseases The likelihood of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is very high today when one engages in illicit sex. This fact must be seriously considered when a partner or one preparing for marriage has engaged in sexual sin, especially in its effect on the spouse or sexual partner. Fear rests in the hearts of many, especially women over this major current issue. Each succeeding disease seems worse that the last. -It the past it was mainly Syphilis and Gonorrhoea.
    -The Herpes virus began terrorising people in 1976.
    -Chlamydia began making headlines in the early 80s and is now one of the most common STD.
    -Then came the HPV virus causing genital warts, which is now spreading faster than the others.
    Finally, the vicious plague of AIDS. This is the result of the sexual revolution which began in the 50s. How true the scriptural statements are, "The way of transgressors is hard" (Proverbs 13:15) and, "There is no peace, says the Lord, for the wicked" (Isaiah 48:22). The trouble is, though, many innocent persons become unjustly infected, such as a virgin who marries an infected husband, or an innocent wife who becomes infected from an unfaithful husband. It is obvious therefore that infection with STD or possible infection with STD and the fear associated with it, with both the offender and his spouse, has to be considered in the healing process.

    32. Child Abuse Educational Presentations, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Ce
    Download the Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Children slide presentation created by Cincinnati Children s Hospital Child Abuse and Neglect Team staff.
    Child Abuse Identification Toolkit for Professionals
    Child Abuse Slide Presentations for Health Professionals and Educators
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    For more information, please contact Robert Shapiro, MD Print This Page Email This Page
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    Child Abuse Team / Mayerson Center
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    Donate to Cincinnati Children's ...
    Learn about our residencies, fellowships and more. As a not-for-profit hospital and research center, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is dedicated to bringing the world the joy of healthier kids. ©1999-2010, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229-3039

    33. Division For Vital Records & Health Statistics
    Mortality, natality, infant death, cancer, hospitalization, longterm care, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), marriage, divorce and population statistical tables produced

    34. CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN)- HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD An
    CDC s service for distributing HIV/AIDS, STD and TB information.

    35. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Including Common STD Symptoms
    An introduction to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections (STIs) including STD symptoms, testing and treatment.
    Sexually transmitted diseases and STD symptoms
    What are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?
    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are diseases that are mainly passed from one person to another during sex. There are at least 25 different sexually transmitted diseases with a range of different symptoms. These diseases may be spread through vaginal, anal and oral sex. Most sexually transmitted diseases will only affect you if you have sexual contact with someone who has an STD. However there are some infections, for example scabies, which are referred to as STDs because they are most commonly transmitted sexually, but which can also be passed on in other ways.
    What are sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?
    Sexually transmitted infection (STI) is another name for sexually transmitted disease (STD). The name STI is often preferred because there are a few STDs, such as chlamydia, that can infect a person without causing any actual disease (i.e. unpleasant symptoms). Someone without symptoms may not think of themselves as having a disease, but they may still have an infection that needs treating.
    How can you tell if you have a sexually transmitted disease?

    36. STD World Of Resources Network
    Welcome to the most complete STD World of Resources Network. Everything from the latest clinical trials to Free Valtrex.
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    37. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Overview, Incidence Of STDs - STDs - Urology
    Outlines symptoms, transmission methods, diagnosis and treatment.

    Health Topics Health Reports Learning Centers ... STDs Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Overview, Incidence of STDs Share: Send to a Friend Print
    Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Overview, Incidence of STDs
    Overview of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
    A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is a disease caused by a pathogen (e.g., virus, bacterium, parasite, fungus) that is spread from person to person primarily through sexual contact. STDs can be painful, irritating, debilitating, and life threatening. More than twenty sexually transmitted diseases have been identified. Questions to Ask Your Doctor about STDs
    (Free Handout) Article Continues Below
    Incidence and Prevalence of STDs
    According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in the United States more than 13 million people are infected each year and more than 65 million have an incurable STD. Generally, STD incidence has declined in the United States over the past 15 years, although rates among certain populations, including men who have sex with men, have increased. In January 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported increased rates of the sexually transmitted diseases chlamydia and syphilis in the United States. According to the CDC, rates of gonorrhea infection have remained stable in recent years. In 2007, more than 1 million new cases of chlamydia, about 356,000 new cases of gonorrhea, and more than 11,000 new cases of syphilis were reported. Chlamydia often is asymptomatic (i.e., does not cause symptoms) and it is estimated that as many as 2.8 million people are infected with this disease each year in the United States. Improvements in STD screening are believed to be responsible for the recent increase in reported STD infection.

    38. Sexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs - STI - Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs or STIs) complicate the treatment of an already complicated illness. STDs can increase your risk of HIV and can even be fatal if not treated.
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  • Home Health AIDS / HIV
  • AIDS / HIV
    Infections That Complicate the Treatment of HIV
    By Mark Cichocki, R.N. , Guide Updated August 09, 2007 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board
    See More About:
    zSB(3,3) Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs or STIs) affect industrialized as well as developing countries. In some parts of the world increasing STD rates are stressing public health resources. There are some STDs that can actually increase the risk of HIV infection. All STDs complicate the treatment of HIV. The following is important information about the most common STD's:

    39. Lymphogranuloma (LGV) - STDs - Urology Channel
    Short overview suitable for the layman.

    Health Topics Health Reports Learning Centers ... STDs Lymphogranuloma (LGV) Share: Send to a Friend Print
    Lymphogranuloma (LGV)
    Lymphogranuloma Overview
    Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), also known as lymphogranuloma inguinale, tropical bubo, Nicholas-Favre disease, and sixth venereal disease, is an infection caused by a variety of the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis It primarily causes painful swelling of the lymph nodes located closest to the site of infection. If left untreated, it can cause serious tissue damage, scarring, rectal or intestinal blockages, and extreme swelling of the genitals (elephantiasis). In severe cases, it attacks the central nervous system. Questions to Ask Your Doctor about STDs
    (Free Handout)
    Incidence and Prevalence of Lymphogranuloma
    LGV is relatively rare in the United States and most industrialized countries, where it infects an average of 250 to 400 people a year, mostly men, between the ages of 15 and 24. Prevalence is highest in Southeast Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and the Caribbean, hence "tropical bubo."
    Causes of Lymphogranuloma
    LGV is spread by direct sexual contact with the genitals, rectum, or mouth. Once in the body, bacteria reproduce in the lymph nodes. It may be most closely associated with anal sex and men who have sex with men. Newborns can contract the disease from infected mothers during birth.

    40. Sexually Transmitted Diseases The Leading Resource and Best Site Available for advertising your company, product, medical practice or medical research relating to

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    The Leading Resource and Best Site Available
    for advertising your company, product, medical practice
    or medical research relating to Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    To advertise on this site, call or email Healthcare Marketing Services
    What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    Sexually Transmitted Diseases, also called: Sexually transmitted infections, STDs, Venereal disease, are infections that you can get from having sex with someone who has the infection. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites and viruses. There are more than 20 types of STDs, including:
    • Chlamydia Gonorrhea Herpes Simplex HIV/AIDS HPV Syphilis Trichomoniasis
    Most STDs affect both men and women, but in many cases the health problems they cause can be more severe for women. If a pregnant woman has an STD, it can cause serious health problems for the baby.
    If you have an STD caused by bacteria or parasites, your health care provider can treat it with antibiotics or other medicines. If you have an STD caused by a virus, there is no cure. Sometimes medicines can keep the disease under control. Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading STDs. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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