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21. XML.com: Tallying From The Show Floor input to generate structured text and style sheets as output; a standalone style sheet editor from Enigma; an interactive HTML style sheet editor for SGML Web publishing from AIS http://www.xml.com/lpt/a/211 | |
22. EBooks - A CompInfo Directory Desktop Publishing DHTML - E-Books - Electronic Publishing - Fonts - Forms Processing - HTML - Java - JavaScript - PDF - PHP Script - PostScript - PrePress - SGML - Web Publishing - XML http://www.compinfo.co.uk/epub/ebooks.htm | |
23. IT Books: Name Your Price!, Most Are Free!! - English Forum Switzerland HTML, JAVA, CGI, VRML, SGML, Web Publishing unleashed, 1996 Lan Times Guide to SQL, Groff, Weinberg See also the more UPTO-DATE BOOKS for sale thread http://www.englishforum.ch/free-stuff/8038-books-name-your-price-most-free.html | |
24. Java \ Research \ David Wallace Croft \ Croft Press HTML, Java, CGI, VRML, SGML Web Publishing Unleashed 1996; William Robert Stanek; Sams.net Java in a Nutshell 1996; David Flanagan; O'Reilly Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days http://www.croftpress.com/david/research/java/ | |
25. ROMifications Publishing Inc. | Ottawa, Canada | Company Profile, Research, News Manufacturing ROMifications provides a range of electronic publishing services, specialising in Adobe Acrobat design and conversion, Folio VIEWS and SGML Web publishing. http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/product-compint-0001035636-page.html |
26. Microsoft: Visual J++ - Visual Studio 6.0 I have a copy of sam.net html, java, cgi, vrml, sgml web publishing unleashed, circa 1996 (ancient history in computer time). I would greatly appreciate any suggestions in this http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=261066&page=3 |
27. W5GRG.Net!, W5GRG.Net The Best In Used Ham Gear,Electronics And More HTML JAVA CGI VRML SGML Web Publishing Unleashed $28.35 W5GRG.net 505 River Oaks Rd. Comfort, Texas 78013 http://www.w5grg.net/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=116 |
28. Lesson 1 (1996) HTML, JAVA, CGI, VRML, SGML web publishing. Sams.net; Indiana. Electronic Resources . HTML Clinic Online URL http//www.htmlclinic.com http://www.unesco.org/webworld/publications/ictlip6/students/reference.doc | |