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1. Shamanism:: Foundation For Shamanic Studies Founded By Michael Harner A nonprofit educational organization founded by Michael Harner, FSS offers the Way of the Shaman Basic Workshop, Advanced Shamanic Training, Books, CDs and DVDs on shamanism http://www.shamanism.org/ | |
2. Shamanism A general overview of shamanism plus newsgroup FAQs. Includes information on ayahuasca and other shamanic hallucinogens. http://deoxy.org/shaman.htm | |
3. Shamanism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia shamanism is an anthropological term referencing a range of beliefs and practices regarding communication with the spiritual world. A practitioner of shamanism is known as a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamanism | |
4. Shamanism - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At Questia shamanism Scholarly books, journals and articles shamanism at Questia, world's largest online library and research service. Subscribe now and do better research, faster with http://www.questia.com/library/religion/other-practices/shamanism.jsp |
5. Shamanism Index A collection of FAQs regarding shamanism. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/shamanism |
6. Shamanism - Tribe.net A tribe for students, shamans, and those interested in shamanic practice. Please read our Guidelines 1. Advertising of any kind is not accepted in the http://shamanism.tribe.net/ | |
7. International School Of Shamanism Information on shamanism; also group meeting and instruction details. Based in Atlanta, Georgia. http://shamanic-path.com/ | |
8. SHAMANISM - Shamanism Concepts, Practices, Shamanic Journey, Power What Is shamanism? Shamanic Arts Studio offers shamanism educational resources, authentic shaman drums, rattles, shamanic jewelry, talismans, workshops http://www.shamanicartsstudio.com/Shamanism.htm | |
9. Shamanism Ireland | Celtic Shamanism's Healing Journey shamanism Ireland offers training courses in the healing journey of Celtic shamanic practice. http://www.shamanismireland.com/ | |
10. Shamanism - Crystalinks A shaman is a medicine man or woman. Shaman are spiritual beings with the ability to heal, work with energies and 'see' visions. The essential characteristics of shaman are http://www.crystalinks.com/shamanism.html | |
11. Urban Shamanism And Shamanic Healing With David Lang A site to educate people about modern shamanism, its power to heal and guide, and its relevance to our modern lives. http://urbanshamanism.com/ | |
12. Sacred-texts: Shamanism shamanism at sacredtexts.com This section has texts about shamanism and Animism. These are traditional belief systems which consider the entire universe to be alive and http://www.sacred-texts.com/sha/index.htm | |
13. Shamanism, Shamanism Workshops, Healing, Training, Shamanism Courses shamanism and ayahuasca retreats, shamanism workshops, healing, training, courses, trance dance events and sweatlodges http://www.shamanism.co.uk/index.html | |
14. Shamanism - History And Overview Near Sedona Arizona Shamanic counseling for Emotional healing and soul retrieval. Reclaim your truth and radiance and be here NOW! http://www.arizonahealingtours.com/shamanic/SJ2.html | |
15. Shamanism - Definition shamanism is a range of traditional beliefs and practices that involve the ability to diagnose, cure, and sometimes cause human suffering because of a special relationship with, or http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Shamanism | |
16. Shamanism History Definition A complex pattern of diverse rites and beliefs, shamanism is a tribal religion in societies without literary tradition. Healing is one function of the shaman http://www.angelicinspirations.com/page313.htm | |
17. Shamanism history, meanings and origins of shamanism. It is believed that shamanism predates all organized religions. http://www.paralumun.com/shamanism.htm | |
18. Shaman Links - Information On Shamanism, Links To Shamanic Teachers And Shaman H Provides educational information and links to information on shamanism. Also links to shamanic practitioners, teachers, and teaching organizations listed by city and state or country. http://www.shamanlinks.net | |
19. Important.ca The History Of Shamanism, Shaman Practices shamanism and the shamanic history in the world of religion. Shaman beliefs, practices and more. http://www.important.ca/shamanism_history.html | |
20. Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) From deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards) Newsgroups soc.religion.shamanism, sci.anthropology, alt.outof-body, alt.dreams.lucid, alt.pagan, alt.consciousness.mysticism, soc http://www.faqs.org/faqs/shamanism/overview/ |
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