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21. Welcome To Shamans-circle.com - Another Doteasy.com Hosted Website. Information is offered on aspects of shamanism in Ireland, along with articles, notes on some practitioners and links. http://www.shamans-circle.com/ | |
22. Shaman's Drum - A Journal Of Experiential Shamanism Shaman's Drum magazine, published by the nonprofit CrossCultural shamanism Network, has explored traditional and contemporary shamanic practices, entheogenic sacraments, and http://shamansdrum.org/ | |
23. FUSION Anomaly. Shamanism Telex External Link Internal Link Inventory Cache shamanism. This nOde last updated June 4th, 2005 and is permanently morphing (3 Ak'bal (Night) / 1 Zots 3/260 - http://fusionanomaly.net/shamanism.html | |
24. Christianity And Shamanism: First International Consultation Introduction and seven chapters about shamanism and Christianity. Focuses on the relation between Christian doctrine and shamanism in Korean and Yakut cultures. http://www.oxfordu.net/seoul/ | |
25. Sacred Hoop Magazine Shamanism Healing Myths Ceremonies Sacred Living Website for Sacred Hoop Magazine, a leading international magazine about shamanism, shamans and shamanic spirituality. http://sacredhoop.org/ | |
26. Shamanism shamanism is the term given by anthropologists to the most basic and universal form of religion the ritual specialist or shaman. http://archaeology.about.com/od/sterms/g/shamanism.htm | |
27. Face Of The Koreans Short article discussing Korean shamans visual depictions of deities. http://www.sac.or.kr/eng/face/shamanism.html | |
28. Mindjack Magazine - Techno-Shamanism And Animal Powers Information Technology Meets Global Ecology Technoshamanism and Animal Powers by Cate Gable http://www.mindjack.com/gable/shaman.html | |
29. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Shamanism A vague term used by explorers of Siberia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to designate not a specific religion but a form of savage magic or science, by which http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13750a.htm | |
30. The Four Winds Society - Healing The Light Body School And Peru Expeditions Classes and in-depth training programs in Inka shamanism. http://www.thefourwinds.com |
31. FoxFire Institute Of Shamanic Studies, School Of Experiential Shamanism & School School of experiential shamanism, healing arts and traditional medicine. Articles, links and a mailing list. http://www.shamanism.info |
32. Shamanism - Psychology Wiki shamanism comprises a range of traditional beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit world. It is a prominent term in anthropological research.2 A http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Shamanism | |
33. Home Page - Shamanism At ShamansCave An interesting collection of stories and articles on the nature of shamanism and its practice in the contemporary world. http://www.shamanscave.com/ | |
34. SHAMANISM PAGAN TOP 100 shamanism Celtic shamanism The mystical practice of the Celts Tutorials in meditation vision quests spirits overview of Shamanic beliefs shamanic tools healing animal spirits gods http://shamanism.gotop100.com/ |
35. Shamanism - Oldest Healing Tradition In The World shamanism is the spiritual practices of ancient civilizations and cultures. shamanism is the oldest healing tradition in the world. The Shaman in history served as the http://healing.about.com/od/shamanism/Shamanism.htm | |
36. Shamanism - How To Information | EHow.com shamanism how to articles and videos including How Do Psychedelics Work?, What Is Psychic Surgery?, Morning Glory Seed Effects … and much more! http://www.ehow.com/articles_3842-shamanism.html | |
37. The Hollow Bone: Workshops Workshops about shamanism in Wisconsin, beginner to advanced levels. http://www.thehollowbone.com/workshops.html | |
38. Shamanism, Power Animals And Animal Wisdom. Information and discussions on shamanism. How to live in harmony and balance with the Earth, Nature and all that exists through alternative spiritual beliefs. http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wyldkat/shmnindex.htm | |
39. Shamanism Retreats & Seminars | Dance Of The Deer Foundation Explore shamanism on a spiritual retreat to one of many places of shamanic power with Huichol Indian Shaman Brant Secunda and the Dance of the Deer Foundation. http://danceofthedeer.com/ | |
40. Shamanism, Shamanism Workshops, Healing, Training, Shamanism Courses With Leo Rutherford and Howard G. Charing, features articles, workshop and course listings, and links to other sites. Eagle s Wing is one of the leading centres of Contemporary shamanism in Europe. http://www.shamanism.co.uk/ | |
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