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61. Shamanism | Apologetics Index shamanism is an animistic religion in which mediation between the visible and spirit worlds is effected by shamans http://www.apologeticsindex.org/171-shamanism | |
62. Tony Samara - The Path Of The Heart Tony Samara is a Shaman and Ceremonial Leader in the Huachuma Tradition of the South American Andes. Provides a brief overview on shamanism, herbal products and workshops in Portugal. http://www.samarafoundation.com | |
63. Shamanism The word shaman in the original Tungus language refers to a person who makes journeys to nonordinary reality in an http://www.meta-religion.com/Spiritualism/Shamanism/shamanism.htm |
64. One Year Program In Advanced Shamanism A training program in Advanced shamanism beginning March 1, 2002. Topics covered include different techniques for entering non-ordinary reality, healing techniques, mask making and drum making. http://zenmind.org/shaman-training.html | |
65. Shamanism Ireland | Courses And Workshops In Celtic Shamanism shamanism Ireland gives training courses in the healing journey of celtic shamanic practice http://www.shamanismireland.com/workshops.htm | |
66. El Mundo Magico - The Magical Earth - Ayahuasca, Ayahuasca Journey, Ayahuasca Sh Ayahuasca ceremonies, shamanism, and sacred plant medicine in the Peruvian Amazon, with Sachamama and Don Agustin Rivas. http://www.ayahuasca-shamanism.co.uk | |
67. Shamanism | Taking Charge Of Your Health shamanism What is shamanism? Because it is not an organized religion as such, but rather a spiritual practice, shamanism cuts across all faiths and creeds, reaching deep levels of http://takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/explore-healing-practices/shamanism | |
68. Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society - Ceremonies, Wheels And Keys Of The Sweet Med A metis organization, DTMMS offers opportunities for ceremony, healing and the study of shamanism through books, tapes, workshops and articles related to the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. http://www.dtmms.org/ | |
69. Shamanism - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com From Abracadabra to Zombies View All. a; b; c; d; e; f; g; h; i; j; k; l; m; n; o; p; q; r; s; t; u; v; w; x; y; z; shamanism. shamanism is an ancient religion that includes belief in animism, deities, and demons. http://www.skepdic.com/shamanism.html | |
70. Native Pathways Church A religious organization founded holistic tribal systems of worship and contemporary shamanism. Membership packets available. http://www.orgsites.com/ca/nativepathways/index.html |
71. Woodfish Institute A non-profit organization devoted to education about shamanism and to the creation of innovative projects aimed at the preservation of indigenous healing methods. http://www.woodfish.org | |
72. True Nature - Standing In Spirit Offers shamanism training, soul retrieval, workshops, spiritual healing, drum and rattle making, wilderness programs, and vision quests. http://www.truenature.info | |
73. Sacred Hoop Magazine Shamanism Healing Myths Ceremonies Sacred Living List of contents of this UK magazine on shamanism, Animism, earth wisdom, native spirituality and ecology, with some material online. Also shopping. http://www.sacredhoop.org | |
74. Of Wolf And Man...Welcome To The World Of ZaWolfSpirit Dedicated to shamanism in all its aspects, with a penchant towards Wolf. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/ofwolfandman/ | |
75. Shamanism At The Edge, Shamanism Retreat Centre, Near Toronto, Ontario - Canada Offers workshops, retreats and adventures in a beautiful natural setting on the Edge of Algonquin Park. http://www.shamanismcanada.com | |
76. Haines Brown, Korean Shamanism A concise historical introduction by Haines Brown. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/55a/092.html | |
77. Shamanism General-Overview Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) A compendium of distilled Usenet knowledge of shamanism. http://www.deoxy.org/shaover.htm | |
78. Celtic Shaman And Society Of Celtic Shamans Dedicated to reconstructing the shamanic practices of the Celts. http://www.faeryshaman.org | |
79. Circle Of The Living Earth A shamanic educational and healing congregation. http://www.circlelivingearth.org |
80. Melinda Rodriguez, Certified Spiritual Counselor, Shamanic Wisdom Keeper & Passi Spiritual counselor and shamanic practitioner. Offers certification courses and one-on-one mentoring. http://www.melindarodriguez.com/ | |
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