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         Shipwrecks:     more books (112)
  1. Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance by Jennifer Armstrong, 2000-09-12
  2. Shipwreck on the Pirate Islands (Geronimo Stilton, No. 18) by Geronimo Stilton, 2005-04-01
  3. Thrilling narratives of mutiny, murder and piracy: a weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present ... escapes and heart-rending fatalities by Anonymous, 2010-08-08
  4. Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Survivals by William Ratigan, 1960-06
  5. Treasure Hunt: Shipwreck, Diving, and the Quest for Treasure in an Age of Heroes by Peter Earle, 2008-07-08
  6. Narratives of Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy; between 1793 and 1849 by William O. S. Gilly, 2010-07-12
  7. Graveyard of the Atlantic: Shipwrecks of the North Carolina Coast by David Stick, 1989-08-11
  8. Shipwreck (DK Eyewitness Books) by Richard Platt, 2005-04-11
  9. Shipwrecks by Akira Yoshimura, 2000-02-15
  10. Disaster at Sea: Shipwrecks, Storms, and Collisions on the Atlantic by William H. Flayhart, 2005-03-17
  11. Shipwreck (Island, Book 1) by Gordon Korman, 2001-06-01
  12. Encyclopedia of Civil War Shipwrecks by W. Craig Gaines, 2008-04
  13. Thea Stilton and the Ghost of the Shipwreck (Geronimo Stilton Special Edition) by Thea Stilton, 2010-03-01
  14. Shipwrecks: Exploring Sunken Cities Beneath the Sea by Mary M. Cerullo, 2009-12-01

1. State Of California
Articles about California shipwrecks plus pictures of artifacts, underwater video, an online database of California wrecks, and a list of shipwreck links from the California State Lands Commission.
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2. Shipwrecks - Baja Surfing
shipwrecks is a fast, sometimes very long right point break. shipwrecks is a kind of mushy wave that when good can peel for over a 100 yards. This is the best place for surfing in

3. Shipwrecks - Time Capsules Of Human Civilization
Interactive weblog devoted to discussions regarding ships, shipwrecks and nautical archaeology.
Shipwrecks - Time Capsules of Human Civilization
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July 2006
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Titanic Shipwreck Photographic Series
  • In the course of this ten-part Titanic Photometric Series, we have explored the entire length of the Titanic from bow to stern giving you selected highlights of this beautiful shipwreck. To access these new photographs, as well as other Titanic photographs, scientific research paper and accompanying PowerPoint presentation go to our corporate website at and within the text of this home page select the link entitled Educational Services. This will bring you to our educational page where all this valuable information can be viewed and downloaded for personal use only. Many thanks for taking this exciting adventure with Nautical Research Group and making this web log the most viewed shipwreck informational blog on the Internet.
Titanic News Articles About My Expeditions

4. American & Foreign Shipwrecks, Commercial Diving Schools, Sea Research Society &
American Foreign shipwrecks, Commercial Diving Schools, Sea Research Society and International Diving Institute, which is a member of both the American Welding Society and Sea Research Society
"Knowledge Through Exploration and Research" Founded has been a source of valuable shipwreck and diving information on the Web for well over a decade. It is the official website of the Sea Research Society. The Society was chartered in 1972 as a non-profit organization for educational and research purposes and is tax-exempt under IRS regulation 501-C-3. The president of Sea Research Society is Dr. E. Lee Spence, a pioneer in underwater archaeology and discover of numerous shipwrecks including the Civil War submarine Hunley , which he donated to the state of South Carolina in 1995 at the official request of the South Carolina Hunley Commission. Dr. Spence's Hunley Read the transcript to see Judge Blatt's interesting comments Looking to buy an authentic pirate cannon? Check out: Spanish 3-Pounder Bronze Cannon - SRS Store Did you know that Dr. Spence is a gourmet cook? Shipwrecks Inc. is a South Carolina corporation that distributes Murder Mustard� Honey Fire Mustard � and other hot, spicy condiments made to Dr. Spence's unique recipes. You can order his sauces at:

5. Tobermory Welcomes You! At The Tip Of The Bruce Peninsula In Ontario, Canada
Fathom Five National Marine Park offers some of the best freshwater diving opportunities in Canada. Clear, clean water, submerged geological formations (cliffs, caves, overhangs
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      Fathom Five National Marine Park offers some of the best freshwater diving opportunities in Canada. Clear, clean water, submerged geological formations (cliffs, caves, overhangs) and over 20 historic shipwrecks offer a variety of underwater experiences. Everyone, from the novice snorkeller to the most advanced diving enthusiast, can find lots to explore and enjoy within the park. Harbour Area Sites: Except for the white, numbered areas shown on the map, diving is prohibited in the Tobermory harbours. Divers are asked to respect the rights of private property owners near dive sites. Extreme care should be taken at all times, since considerable vessel traffic may be encountered. All divers must be within 30m (100 ft) of a displayed dive flag. Vessel operators are requested to use extreme caution when piloting a boat in the area of diving activities. Tour boats do enter the Big Tub shipwreck area. Divers must follow the special operational policies for this site. A controlled access schedule is in effect for this site from the last Friday in June to the end of Labour Day Monday in September. 1 - SWEEPSTAKES (,schooner)

6. List Of Shipwrecks - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
See also List of maritime disasters and List of missing ships. This list of shipwrecks is a list of those sunken or grounded ships whose remains have been located.
List of shipwrecks
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search

7. South Bay Shipwrecks - The Daily Breeze
shipwrecks ship wrecks Torrance Rancho Palos Verdes Redondo Beach Long Beach San Pedro Daily Breeze
MNGiRegistrationLoginStatus = "out"; MNGiRegistrationUserName = ""; MNGiRegistrationEmail = ""; MNGiRegistrationLoginUrl = ""; MNGiRegistrationUrl = ""; MNGiIDCookieName = "MNGID"; Home News Blogs Local News ... Place an Ad //Required ctxt_ad_interface = ''; ctxt_ad_config = '2554942840'; ctxt_ad_width = 728; //Determined per layout ctxt_ad_height = 90; //Determined per layout ctxt_ad_source = 'npc_mng_dailybreeze_t2_ctxt'; //Determined per site/category tier/test? //Query Context ctxt_ad_id = 'misc'; //Context ID (t1/t2 category name) ctxt_ad_url = window.location.href; //Page URL //Reporting ctxt_ad_type = 'misc'; //Used in business reporting
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8. Ghost Ships Festival 2011 | Milwaukee, WI
Promotes conservation, study and responsible enjoyment (by divers) of historic shipwrecks. Shipwreck databases, details of special events, and links.
A Wisconsin 501 (C)(3) corporation organized for the purpose of furthering public awareness of our Great Lakes marine heritage through education and research. Join Our Mailing List Contact Us Home About the Festival ... Contact Us Video Highlights Ghost Ships Promo M.H. Stuart Shipwreck SS Republic Shipwreck Site HMS Sussex Shipwreck Site 2010 Festival Sponsors Download the printable 2011 Festival Map Download the printable 2011 Schedule 11th Annual Festival a Success!
March 5-6, 2010 - Milwaukee, WI
We would like to thank everyone who participated in making the 11th Annual Ghost Ships Festival one of the most successful shows to date! With the enthusiasm seen on the faces of our attendees, the diving season in 2010 is shaping up to be one of the most memorable yet. A special thanks goes out to our numerous sponsors, exhibitors, and presenters who have truly made the Ghost Ships Festival one of the region’s top shipwreck shows! It is our wish to convey to the public what a wonderful and adventurous diving destination this region is and how the Great Lakes truly is the wreck diving capital of the world!

9. Wisconsin's Great Lakes Shipwrecks
Photos and video of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior wrecks, diving history, information on local underwater archaeology and research.

10. Shipwrecks Of The Great Lakes - Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society
There are over 6,000 shipwrecks in the Great Lakes, having caused an estimate loss of 30,000 mariners’ lives. It is estimated that there are about 550 wrecks in Lake Superior
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Underwater Exploration
Crew's Quarters Online Reservations ... Underwater Exploration
Stern of the Cyprus lying at 460 feet off Deer Park, Lake Superior
, a treacherous 80- stretch of shoreline with no safe harbor between Munising, Michigan, and Whitefish Point. The famous Edmund Fitzgerald lies just 15 miles to the northwest of Whitefish Point.
Cyprus R.V. David Boyd conducted preliminary documentation of this wreck in August 2007.
Limited Edition Print signed by Gordon Lightfoot, unframed: Special! Get a Passage in Moonlight print for half-price with purchase! Administrative:
US Weather Bureau Building
400 W. Portage Avenue, Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum - Whitefish Point
18335 N. Whitefish Point Road, Paradise, MI 49768
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Gaslight Media

11. Minnesota's Historic Shipwrecks - Lake Superior And Inland Waters
Minnesota Historical Society information on Lake Superior and inland lake and river shipwrecks. Includes history and development of Great Lakes watercraft.
Sitemap Membership eCards Shop Minnesota's Historic Shipwrecks
The cold fresh water of Minnesota�s lakes and rivers have preserved an important part of our history - in shipwrecks! Each one is a unique and integral part of the fabric of America's maritime heritage. Together, they provide physical contact with and offer an exciting opportunity to explore the past. Because they represent a valuable but finite and nonrenewable resource, we must provide for their protection and preservation. If we don't, the first generation to have ready access to shipwrecks will be the last to enjoy them. In the interest of preserving Minnesota's Lake Superior shipwrecks and other underwater archaeological sites in Minnesota�s lakes and rivers, the State Historic Preservation Office of the Minnesota Historical Society has initiated a program of submerged cultural resource management. The Society hopes you will join its effort to preserve our maritime heritage.
Updated: 07/08/97
Shipwreck Map
Shipwreck Exhibit

Thomas Wilson



Samuel P. Ely

Historical and current Information including links to period related articles on some of histories most famous shipwrecks.
ShipwreckExpo FAMOUS SHIPWRECKS WORLDWIDE Historical and current Information including links to period related articles on some of histories most famous shipwrecks. Capt. Dan Berg's Wreck Valley Collection The Shipwreck Diving E-Book Instant Downloadable E-Book Shipwreck Diving, by Capt. Dan Berg is a complete how to book about the sport of wreck diving. This book is packed with information and heavily illustrated with over 80 sensational color photographs. Titanic
The Titanic is the world's most famous shipwreck. The White Star Line steamer sank on her maiden voyage in 1912. The Titanic boasted a gymnasium, swimming pools, a squash court and Turkish baths. At 11.40pm on 14 April 1912, the Titanic�s lookout rang the bell three times and said, �Iceberg right ahead�. The Titanic's remains were discovered after a long search in 1985, since then several expeditions have returned to the site and explored the wreck. Below are links to original New York Times articles and links to other Titanic related sites.
New York Times Article Titanic Sinking.pdf

13. Underwater Photography Wreck Diving Shipwrecks Brad Sheard
DeepSea Photography Underwater images of shipwrecks and marine life spanning the globe
DeepSea Photography Underwater images of shipwrecks and marine life spanning the globe Home Shipwrecks Marine Life Landscapes ... Email Lost Voyages: Two Centuries of Shipwrecks in the Approaches to New York by Bradley Sheard Available from: Aqua Quest Amazon Beyond Sportdiving: Exploring the Deepwater Shipwrecks of the Atlantic by Bradley Sheard Currently out of print, but available used from: Amazon
"Shipwrecks are my life. I live, dream, think, and breathe shipwrecks. I have come to love them, and exploring their often tattered and broken bones has become my passion. But I am not alone. There are a handful of men and women who share my obsession, and collectively we explore their captivating remains and attempt to uncover their fascinating stories." Sheard, Bradley, Beyond Sportdiving : Birmingham: Menasha Ridge Press, 1991
Shipwreck Galleries
click on the images below to see a gallery of photographs Shipwrecks along the US East Coast Wrecks from the Battle of Jutland in the North Sea WWII wrecks of Chuuk Lagoon (Truk) The atomic wrecks of Bikini Atoll Diving Iron Bottom Sound US East Coast Jutland, Denmark

14. Archaeology - Division Of Historical Resources
Discovered in 1992 by a team from the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research during a survey of Pensacola Bay. virtual tour of the shipwreck and investigation.

15. Shipwrecks In The Great Lakes Region
General Resources Great Lakes Shipwreck File Includes a database of documented Great Lakes shipwrecks from 1679 to the present, along with detailed information about each wreck.



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... Shipwrecks Circle Tour Overview Lake Superior Lake Michigan Lake Huron ... Lake Ontario References Tourism Maps Traffic and Construction Weather and Climate Shipwrecks in the Great Lakes Region What's New General Resources Related Resources What's New Extreme Wave Research The intense wind storm and high waves the Great Lakes states experienced in late October is thought to be the same kind of storm that caused the Edmund Fitzgerald shipwreck. A University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute-funded researcher is studying extreme waves in hopes of preventing future tragedies. RIVER ROUGE: Family reflects on Edmund Fitzgerald The News-Herald (11/15) As the long, deep tones of horns sounded into the night from freighters passing Belanger Park, a teary-eyed Pamela Johnson said it was an exciting time. 35th Anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald Nov. 10, 2010, marks the 35th anniverary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald . The Detroit Free Press offers a new online collection of Edmund Fitzgerald photos, many of which have never been published before.

16. MSRA - Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates
Explore Great Lakes shipwrecks with Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates

17. Graveyard Of The Pacific / Le Cimeti�re Du Pacifique
Features ten stories of shipwrecks along the Vancouver Island coast, maritime hazards, rescue and salvage work, and a bibliography. English and French

18. Historic Shipwrecks In The Gulf Of Mexico
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. BOEMRE
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Public Affairs
Historic Shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico
Part of the mission of the MMS is to ensure that significant archaeological sites are not adversely affected by oil and gas exploration and development. This responsibility often includes the protection of historic shipwrecks. Historical research conducted for MMS studies 89-0023, 89-0024, and 89-0025 indicates that over 400 ships have sunk on the Federal OCS dating from 1625 to 1951; thousands more have sunk closer to shore in state waters during the same period. Only a handful of these have been scientifically excavated by archaeologists for the benefit of generations to come. In several cases, the MMS has partnered with state and Federal agencies conducting this research. The work conducted by the MMS and other scientists in the Gulf of Mexico contributes to our understanding of how our Nation developed by studying the technology that fostered the growth of the United States. Ships of Exploration 19th Century Steamships Civil War Shipwrecks World War II Shipwrecks ... DOI.GOV

19. Shipwrecks | The Out Islands Of The Bahamas
Every shipwreck has a tale to tell, and the crystalclear waters of the Out Islands of the Bahamas are the ideal place for divers to learn those captivating stories.

20. Deep Dive
Information on shipwrecks.
var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "20030315";
Deep Dive
Friday, April 18, 2008
Lost hero of Gallipoli
The Australian By Michael White
April 18, 2008
AS the terrible tragedy of the Anzacs was being played out on the beach and hills of the Gallipoli peninsula in April 1915, an enthralling story of Australian daring and success was taking place in the narrows behind the peninsula in the Sea of Marmora involving the AE2 submarine.
It was Winston Churchill's plan to damage the German war effort with a surprise attack on the eastern front with Russia through Germany's Ottoman ally, Turkey. He proposed that the joint British and French fleets attack the Ottoman forts on the shores of the Dardanelles, steam up the Sea of Marmora and harass Constantinople (now Istanbul).
This did not go according to plan. The forts proved resistant to naval bombardment and the decision was made to land the army on the peninsula while the fleet stood well off. While that was happening, the AE2, under the command of Hugh Stoker, penetrated the narrows on the morning of April 25, 1915, harassed the Turkish naval vessels attacking the allied landings and secured a respite from the shelling.
It remained a little-known Gallipoli success story until the publication of Fred and Elizabeth Brenchley's book Stoker's Submarine in 2001.

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