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21. Extended Definitions: Example Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle cell anemia is a congenital hemolytic anemia that occurs primarily but not exclusively in Blacks. The condition results from a defective hemoglobin http://www.io.com/~hcexres/textbook/def_ex.html | |
22. Topic Tracks - Sickle Cell Anemia This guide is an introductory list to help locate research materials at the Rowland Medical Library. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder in which the red blood http://www.library.umc.edu/TopicTracks/tt-sicklecell.html | |
23. Smiles For Miles! - Home Factsheet on sickle cell anemia created by friends of Miles, a high school sophomore with the disease. http://www.smilezfomilez.webs.com | |
24. Sickle Cell Anemia, Signs And Symptoms The signs and symptoms of sickle cell anemia are different in each person. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/Sca/SCA_SignsAndSymptoms.html | |
25. SICKLE CELL ANEMIA ... - Oprah.com Starting this discussion page is going to prove a point, even if only to myself. Nobody Cares About Sickle Cell Disease! Why do I say this? Because when I bring up the topic, most http://www.oprah.com/community/thread/111420 |
26. Carolina Wren Press » New Authors, New Audiences Nonprofit publisher whose Lollipop Power Books specialize in multicultural, bilingual, nonsexist, and nontraditional children s books. Publishes Puzzles, the story of a ten-year-old girl with sickle cell anemia. http://www.carolinawrenpress.org/ | |
27. Sickle Cell Disease Association Of America SCDAA Home Education, advocacy and other initiatives which promote awareness and support for sickle cell programs and patients. http://www.sicklecelldisease.org/ | |
28. Sickle Cell Anemia Overview of sickle cell anemia, an inherited disorder that leads to the production of an abnormal hemoglobin variant, and related tests http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/conditions/sickle-2.html |
29. Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation - Welcome! Organization provides social, emotional, psychological and educational support for families of children with critical illnesses including HIV/AIDS, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, cancer, and immunological and renal diseases. http://nvccf.org/ | |
30. Human Gene Testing - Summary Article by Drs. Stuart Orkin and Gary Felsenfeld describing how basic research led to genetic testing, including how the discoveries of DNA, restriction enzymes, cloning, and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) make tests for diseases like sickle-cell anemia and breast cancer possible. http://www.beyonddiscovery.org/content/view.article.asp?a=239 |
31. Sickle Cell Anemia: Symptoms - MayoClinic.com Sickle cell anemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment of this blood disorder. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/sickle-cell-anemia/DS00324/DSECTION=symptoms |
32. Sickle Cell Anemia (Sickle Cell Disease) Causes, Diagnosis Read about sickle cell anemia (sickle cell disease), a blood disease which shortens life expectancy, is cause by an inherited abnormal hemoglobin. Symptoms may include http://www.medicinenet.com/sickle_cell/article.htm | |
33. What Is Sickle Cell Disease If one parent has Sickle Cell Anemia and the other is Normal, all of the children will have sickle cell trait. If one parent has Sickle Cell Anemia and the other has Sickle Cell http://www.sicklecelldisease.org/about_scd/index.phtml | |
34. Sickle Cell Anemia: EMedicine Hematology Overview Sickle cell disease (SCD) and its variants are genetic disorders of mutant hemoglobins (Hb). The most common form found in North America is homozygous Hb S disease http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/205926-overview |
35. Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle cell anemia — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment of this blood disorder. http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/sickle-cell-anemia/DS00324.html |
36. Sickle Cell Anemia Disease Profile Images of all 24 human chromosomes and different genes that have been mapped to them. Free wall poster available from Web site. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/posters/chromosome/sca.shtml | |
37. Sickle Cell Anemia: EMedicine Pediatrics: General Medicine Overview Sickle cell disease denotes all genotypes that contain at least 1 sickle gene in which hemoglobin (Hb)S makes up at least half of the Hb present. In addition to http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/958614-overview |
38. Sickle Cell Anemia Overview of sickle cell anemia, an inherited disorder that leads to the production of an abnormal hemoglobin variant, and related tests http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/conditions/sickle.html |
39. Sickle Cell Anemia - Information About Sickle Cell Anemia Information about sickle cell anemia including its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. http://rarediseases.about.com/od/rarediseasess/a/sicklecell.htm | |
40. Sickle Cell Anemia: Treatment, Symptoms, Cause, Prevention, Complications, Stati Sickle Cell Anemia treatment, symptoms, cause, prevention, complications, statistics, longterm outlook http://www.mamashealth.com/sickle_cell.asp | |
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