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21. Food In The Sierra Leone Culture | EHow.com Food In the Sierra Leone Culture. The story of Sierra Leone is one rife with civil war, terrorism and starvation. Its exotic exports, such as diamonds, suggest a lifestyle that http://www.ehow.com/facts_4809493_food-sierra-leone-culture.html | |
22. Sierra Leone Culture Sierra Leone Local Culture Sierra Leone Home. Sierra Leone Actors, Acting Sierra Leone Agency, Travel http://www.internationaldiscussions.com/country/sierra-leone/sierra-leone-cultur | |
23. Sierra Leone Culture Sierra Leone Culture product listings, information, and resources provided by wwwsierraleone.com. http://wwwsierraleone.com/Sierra-Leone-Culture.html |
24. YouTube - Sierra Leone Culture We call it devil. It's just a human in a costume. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPWtCzInE9k |
25. Sierra Leone Culture At Canadaspace.com Canadian Search Engine, Canadian Online Resources, Local Canadian Searches, Canadian News, Best of Canada on the web, Canadian Weather, Canada Entertainment News, Canadian http://www.canadaspace.com/crwb.php?q=Sierra Leone Culture |
26. Videos Sierra Leone Culture Sierra Leone Now We call it devil. It's just a human in a costume. http://sierraleonenow.com/videos/id_661/title_sierra-leone-culture/ |
27. Sierra Leone Culture Cotton Tree becomes a cultural centre. Freetown's giant cotton tree, national symbol of Sierra Leone and a landmark in the capital, is also the address of http://www.mccreadie.com/sierraleone/pages/life/culture.htm | |
28. AllAfrica.com Sierra Leone Culture Of Forgiveness Presents Hope allAfrica African news and information for a global audience http://allafrica.com/stories/200305190258.html |
29. Sierra Leone: Culture Information resources about culture in Sierra Leone from the United Nations and other International Organizations, compiled by UNjobs Association of Geneva http://unjobs.org/duty_stations/sierra-leone/topics/culture | |
30. Sierra Leone Introduction Sierra Leone is a small country in western Africa with a population of more than 4 million people. Although it has considerable mineral resources, especially diamonds http://library.thinkquest.org/J002335/SierraLeone/sierraleone.html | |
31. Sierra Leone Culture/ Tradition Debt - Sierra Leone Online Club There are those of us who live in Sierra Leone setting/ community that carryout tradition without know the reasons behind it. There those who observe http://www.leoneclub.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15449 |
32. IPPSL, Inc. | SIERRA LEONE CULTURE A concise albeit illustrative history of the Republic of Sierra Leone from its colonization to independence, as well as from its civil conflict to the recent democratic http://ippsl.org/slculture.html | |
33. WorldRover - Culture Of Sierra Leone Features databank of regional policies, institutions, and resources; current publications and research; membership and participation information. Sierra Leone Culture http://www.worldrover.com/culture/Sierra_Leone.html | |
34. STANDARD TIMES PRESS SIERRA LEONE In Canada...SALNAM Dancers Take Sierra Leone C Over the weekend, the Sierra Leone Nationals Association of Manitoba (SALNAM) dancers presented an astounding performance in front of hundreds of people at the http://standardtimespress.net/cgi-bin/artman/publish/article_4096.shtml | |
35. AllAfrica.com Sierra Leone Culture Minister Says Ayatollah allAfrica African news and information for a global audience http://allafrica.com/stories/200806050889.html |
36. Sierra Leone Culture | IExplore Homosexuality is illegal. There is a strong Muslim culture and visitors should be sensitive to religious customs, particularly during the month of Ramadan when eating, drinking http://www.iexplore.co.uk/world_travel/Sierra Leone/Culture |
37. Sierra Leone: Culture - Sharing International Donations. Contributions of any size are greatly appreciated. Click here http://www.sharingonline.org/outreach/sierra/site/culture.php | |
38. Sierra Leone: Culture Of Forgiveness Presents Hope For Healing - Norwegian Counc Sierra Leoneans have decided to go South African way. A Truth and Reconciliation Commission, chaired by a church elder, began sitting in the country mid April. The second of http://www.afrika.no/Detailed/3556.html | |
39. Culture Tours And Vacations In Sierra Leone Culture tours in Sierra Leone We have compiled a list of culture tours in Sierra Leone. If you are interested in any of these culture tours, please contact the operator http://www.infohub.com/travel_packages/culture_journey_sierra_leone_58.html | |
40. The Gullah: Rice, Slavery, And The Sierra Leone-American Connection Mrs. Queen Ellis of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina making a Gullah basket (1976). http://www.yale.edu/glc/gullah/index.htm | |
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