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1. Sign Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A sign language (also signed language) is a language which, instead of acoustically conveyed sound patterns, uses visually transmitted sign patterns (manual communication, body http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_language | |
2. Sign Language Contact SqoolTechs, LLC, 331 Fairview Drive, Union, MO 63084 Phone 800516-0544, Fax 888-467-8241, Email admin@sqooltechs.com http://www.gamequarium.org/dir/SqoolTube_Videos/Reading_and_Communication_Arts/S | |
3. British Sign Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Everything related to sign language, including basics of sign language, using it with babies, and learning, teaching, and having fun with it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Sign_Language | |
4. Sign Language - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Sign language is a system of communication in which gestures are substituted for speech, used especially by the deaf. Most different countries have their own sign language. http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_language | |
5. Sign Language: Printables Printable cards for display. American Sign Language, Finger spelling. http://abcteach.com/directory/basics/sign_language/ | |
6. Sign Language | DCAL Internet Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure Internet website Both British Sign Language (BSL) and Irish Sign Language (ISL) were embraced within the Belfast/Good Friday http://www.dcalni.gov.uk/index/languages/sign_language.htm | |
7. • ASL • American Sign Language Sign Language (ASL), free lesson plans, dictionary and resources. Information on Deaf culture, baby signing, phrases, and vocab like hello, thank you, I love you, etc. by Dr http://www.lifeprint.com/ | |
8. ASL Browser Welcome to the online version of the Personal Communicator. This is an online version of an American Sign Language Dictionary, which allows user to see what particular signs look. http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/ | |
9. Sign Language Provides articles and information about American sign language. http://www.learnsignlanguage.us | |
10. American Sign Language - ASL HandSpeak is the leading sign language online, offering the highest quality ASL dictionary online, grammar, lessons, fingerspelling, Baby Sign, and storytelling. Developed by http://handspeak.com/ |
11. Signing With Your Baby This site was born in the year 2000 so you can learn more about using sign language with babies, toddlers and children. http://signingbaby.com/main/ | |
12. Cross-indexed LSM Sign Language Translator CD-rom with over 575 words cross-indexed in Spanish, English, Mexican Sign Language and American Sign Language. http://www.idrt.com/ProductInfo.php?ID=46&u=4 |
13. HowStuffWorks "How Sign Language Works" Sign language has been used for centuries as a way to communicate with the deaf. Learn about sign language and see pictures of the sign language alphabet. http://people.howstuffworks.com/sign-language.htm | |
14. SignBankSite: SignWriting Software For Sign Languages Sign language databases in Sutton signwriting. http://www.signbank.org/ | |
15. Home S i g n L a n g u a g e… Your first choice in Minnesota for a . yard sign to announce a birthday, a new baby, graduation, anniversary or any occasion. We provide the most attractive and unique http://signlanguageofminnesota.com/ | |
16. Sign Language Dictionaries - Sign Language Dictionaries Online Reviews of several sites which feature American Sign Language dictionaries. From about.com. Links. http://deafness.about.com/cs/signfeats2/a/signdictionary.htm | |
17. ASL Browser Instructions. 1. Click on desired letter below to open an index of words that begin with that letter to the right. 2. Then click on a word to the right to obtain its sign in this area http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/aslweb/browser.htm |
18. Home - English Overview on different sign language assessments and provides information on test development and testing. http://www.signlang-assessment.info/ | |
19. Sign Language: Definition From Answers.com n. A language that uses a system of manual, facial, and other body movements as the means of communication, especially among deaf people. A method of communication, as between http://www.answers.com/topic/sign-language |
20. Baby Sign Language Signs - Teach Your Infant Or Toddler Signing | Babies And Sig Lessen frustration by teaching your baby sign language to clearly communicate specific thoughts, wants, needs before speech. Free infant signing tips, baby sign glossary http://www.babies-and-sign-language.com/ | |
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