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21. BSLworks Offers BSL education in London and throughout the southeast. http://www.bslworks.com/ |
22. ASLPro.com Home ASL Pro is a completely free online ASL educational resource website featuring over 11,000 ASL Signs http://aslpro.com/ |
23. Sign Language - Definition Of Sign Language By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesa He thought of himself performing feats with the sign language and chance linguistics amidst a circle of admiring rustics. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sign language |
24. SignWriting In Nicaragua Directory Covers the written representation of the signed language, the spread of literacy, and first-person reports from those teaching deaf children to read and write their native signed language. http://www.signwriting.org/nicaragua/nicaragua.html | |
25. Sign Language The entry page to the Sign Language Web site. Sign Language contains images and clipped images about humorous, bizzare and confusing road signs. http://www.signslanguage.com/ | |
26. Sign Language It can be considered that the hands are the most expressive parts of the body. Like eyes, the hands can do a number of actions including signaling, gesturing, reading Braille http://soc302.tripod.com/soc_302rocks/id9.html | |
27. A Linguistic Big Bang A journalist interviews some of the deaf Nicaraguan school children who use a new sign language they invented on their own. From the New York Times Magazine. http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/19991024mag-sign-language.html | |
28. A Basic Guide To ASL 'A Basic Guide to ASL' has been created to help you more easily communicate with people who cannot hear. This resource is the first American Sign Language Dictionary made http://www.masterstech-home.com/ASLDict.html |
29. The Sign Language Company | Provider Of Deaf Culture Connections The Sign Language Company offers interpreting, consulting and tutoring of American Sign Language to the entertainment industry, corporations, businesses and individuals. http://signlanguagecompany.com/ | |
30. Start American Sign Language (ASL) Provides free lessons, alphabet graphics, dictionary, and information on deaf history and culture. http://www.start-american-sign-language.com | |
31. American Sign Language On this page What is American Sign Language? Is sign language the same around the globe? Where did ASL originate? How does ASL compare with spoken language? http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/hearing/asl.asp |
32. Sign Language - Seattle - Seattle Weekly Scorpio (Oct. 23Nov. 21)The news today had a story about seven major cities that are in imminent danger of sinking, including Bangkok, New More http://www.seattleweekly.com/columns/view/160457/ | |
33. Institutionen För Lingvistik Information on Swedish Sign Language, or Svenskt Teckenspr k. In Swedish and English. http://www.ling.su.se/tsp/ |
34. Sign Language - Image Creators. Sign Makers Based In Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Sign Language Image Creators. Sign makers based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. We design and manufacture all types of internal and external signage and display materials http://www.sign-language.co.uk/ | |
35. SASLI : Welcome To SASLI's Homepage Scottish body for training and qualifying British Sign Language interpreters. http://www.sasli.co.uk |
36. Home - ASLI A professional association encouraging good practice in Sign Language interpreting, and representing the profession in the UK. Includes information on membership, events, and professional development activities. http://www.asli.org.uk/ | |
37. Sign Language Sign Language is quickly becoming Southeast Michigan's most affordable and flexible sign company. We strive to provide high quality products for businesses on http://www.mustbeasign.com/ | |
38. Deaf Umbrella EAST Ltd. Provide British Sign Language short notice interpreters, communication support workers, note takers, teacher of the deaf. Deaf Awareness Courses and Sign Language Education. Dedicated Job Club and Work Prep Programme. http://www.deafumbrella.com |
39. Asl Pro A completely free online dictionary of over 7,200 ASL Signs http://www.aslpro.com/cgi-bin/aslpro/aslpro.cgi |
40. American Sign Language - ASL Sign-language website, consisting of a dictionary and grammar for American Sign Language, fingerspelling, sign language in art, literature and for other purposes. Subscription required for the dictionary and grammar. http://www.handspeak.com/ |
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