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41. About ASL About American Sign Language by Karen Nakamura accesses since July 13, 1995. This page was last updated on March 28, 2008. Table of Contents http://deaflibrary.org/asl.html | |
42. Nicaraguan Sign Language Projects, Inc. s of study projects, schools at Bluefields and Condega, publications list, and staff resumes....... University of Maine research effort. http://www.unet.maine.edu/courses/NSLP/ |
43. Sign Language Inc. Sign Language information and resources. Welcome to the Sign Language Web site. Here you'll find some useful resources to help you to understand the Sign Language better. http://www.signlanguage.net/ |
44. A Language At Its Genesis Article on the birth of Nicaraguan Sign Language, and researcher Judy Kegl s work to document the process. http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/linguistics/examples.jsp |
45. Sign Language - Learning And Using Sign Language Sign language is a communications tool, an educational tool, and a relationship tool all at once. Sign language helps deaf and hard of hearing people to communicate, deaf and http://deafness.about.com/od/signlanguage/u/signlanguage.htm | |
46. Children’s Contribution To The Birth Of Nicaraguan Sign Language | MITWPL Abstract of PhD thesis by Ann Senghas. http://web.mit.edu/mitwpl/diss/SENG01.html | |
47. Institut Für Deutsche Gebärdensprache Und Kommunikation Gehörloserin Vast sign language directory from the Institute of German Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf at the University of Hamburg. Search according to authors, keyword, classification, perisodicals. Links. http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/bibweb/ | |
48. Welkom Bij Maak Een Gebaar Information about deafness and sign language in the Netherlands for hearing persons who would like to know more about the deaf community including 3D animations of signs. http://www.maakeengebaar.nl/ |
49. Sign Language Visit this section of our website for Handmade Glass Art Beads Resources, Cross Stitch Patterns, Machine Embroidery Patterns, Backgrounds, and other http://www.listen-up.org/sign.htm | |
50. Sign Language Society At Trinity College, University of Dublin. Links and course information. http://sign.csc.tcdlife.ie/ |
51. Sign Language Surfnetkids.com recommends five sign language websites. American Sign Language is a rich language of gestures and hand symbols. Each gesture represents either a concept, a word http://www.surfnetkids.com/signlanguage.htm |
52. Arthur . Print . Sign Design | PBS Kids Hi, there! I'm signing the word hello. Sign language is used by many people who are deaf or hard of hearing. I'll show you how to sign your name, how to ask questions, and more. http://pbskids.org/arthur/print/signdesign/ | |
53. ASLinfo.com - Information And Resources Related To American Sign Language (ASL), Informational topics related to American Sign Language and deaf culture. http://www.aslinfo.com/ |
54. About ASL Article by Karen Nakamura. Includes linguistics of ASL, the status as a foreign language, and warnings against exclusive use of dictonaries to learn ASL. http://www.deaflibrary.org/asl.html | |
55. Basic ASL, 100 First Signs: American Sign Language (ASL) Basic ASL, American Sign Language information and resources. http://lifeprint.com/asl101/pages-layout/concepts.htm | |
56. ASL Linguistic Research Project At Boston University Boston University presents information about publications and the development of software to facilitate linguistic annotation and analysis of video data. http://www.bu.edu/asllrp/ | |
57. Sign Language Sign Language. American Sign Language (ASL) American Sign Language (ASL) is used by most deaf people in the United States and Canada. ASL is different from other sign languages http://library.thinkquest.org/26209/signlang.html | |
58. American Sign Language Is A Foreign Language Jay Paroline presents an annotated review of articles on the topic. http://www.vengefulstapler.com/serious/aslfl.html | |
59. American Sign Language - 101 Basic Signs Interactive SignLanguage 101 Basic Signs turns your computer into your personal American Sign Language tutor. It teaches you key ASL words and lets you learn them at your own pace. http://www.americansignlanguage.com/ | |
60. Dr. Bill Vicars' American Sign Language (ASL) Fingerspelling Practice Site An interactive resource for students, teachers, and parents of deaf children. http://asl.ms | |
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