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81. RNID.org.uk The UK s largest Deaf organisation, and provider of Sign Language interpreting services and training. http://www.rnid.org.uk/ |
82. Deafsign.com Information, links and resources on British Sign Language (BSL) and deafness. Regularly updated news, notice board, and guest book with personal responses. fingerspelling keyboard, illustrated signs and section for schools. http://www.deafsign.com/ |
83. Home - Nationally Recognised Sign Language And Deaf Communication Qualifications Promotes communication between deaf and hearing people, by offering nationally recognised assessments and accreditation in British Sign Language and other forms of communication used by deaf people. http://www.signature.org.uk/ |
84. Remark! Access - Your Perfect BSL Solution. Learn BSL (British Sign Language) In Offers a range of translation, interpretation and training services for service providers, to facilitate access for speakers of British Sign Language. http://www.remarkaccess.co.uk/ |
85. Forest Books: Sign Language And Deaf Issues Specialist UK bookshop specialising in sign language and Deaf issues and products. http://www.forestbooks.com/ | |
86. Learn British Sign Language | BSL Courses | Signing Dictionary :: BSL Resources BSL dictionary, fingerspelling generator, discussion forum and links. http://www.british-sign.co.uk/ | |
87. Ethnologue 14 Report For Language Code:BHO Information on British Sign Language. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=BHO |
88. Index Dictionary of Christian BSL vocabulary seldom found in sign language manuals, or CD-ROMs. http://www.jireh.demon.co.uk/ | |
89. BSL Alphabet An animated, finger spelling alphabet of British Sign Language. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian.barnsley/bslsite/bslindex.html | |
90. Rods Website Dedicated to the promotion of the use of British Sign Language (BSL). Teaching pages with finger spelling, vocabulary, Multi channel signs. Also contains pages on deaf aware, deaf aids, and deaf poems. http://rod-parrott.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk | |
91. Learn Sign Language Home study course includes videos that teach BSL. http://www.learnsignlanguage.co.uk | |
92. Portal De Libras Offers a videotape and workbook to assist with learning Brazilian Sign Language at a beginning level. http://www.libras.org.br/ |
93. Brazilian Sign Language Dictionary Two-volume set available for purchase. http://www.signwriting.org/brazil/brazil21.html | |
94. Sign Language Software By SignGenius Interactive software for learning South African Sign Language. http://www.signgenius.com | |
95. A Nice Gesture Stories of gestures and sign language about perception, semiotics, and technology. http://jeroenarendsen.nl/ | |
96. Austin Sign Language School American Sign Language Classes ASLS Austin Sign Language School (ASLS) is a non-profit organization offering quality sign language instruction for students, ages 16 and above, in the Austin, Texas and surrounding areas. http://www.aslschool.org/ | |
97. Machine Gesture And Sign Language Recognition Resources about using computers to capture and decipher sign languages. http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~waleed/gsl-rec/ | |
98. Invalid Id Index of world signed languages from Ethnologue Languages of the World, Joseph E. Grimes and Barbara F. Grimes, Editors, 14th Edition 2002. http://www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=90008 |
99. Language Myths Hugh Young from New Zealand dispels universal myths about sign languages, as well as about Pidgin as Maori. http://www.top.net.nz/~hugh/Vanity/Personal/LanguageMyths.html | |
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