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81. Dating, Dating For Single Parents, Dating For Parents, UK Single Parent Dating S Dating service for single parents with kids. http://www.kno.org.uk |
82. Parenting Teens: Single Parenting Being a parent is tough. Raising a teen is really tough. Doing it alone can seem impossible. It's easy to worry that you're not up to the task Will my daughter have a healthy http://www.troubledwith.com/ParentingTeens/SingleParenting.cfm |
83. SingleParent.nl - Relatie Website Voor Alleenstaande Vrouwen En Mannen Artikelen voor alleenstaande ouders. Daarnaast columns, forum en chat. http://www.singleparent.nl/ |
84. The Pregnancy Centers Of Central Virginia Offering information about pregnancy, single parenting, and abortion. http://www.virginiapregnancy.org/ | |
85. WPClinic.org : Choices You Can Live With Parenting Topics include fetal development, prenatal health, pregnancy hazards, single parenting, and domestic violence. http://www.wpclinic.org/parenting/ | |
86. Families: Single Parenting And Today's Family Life in a single parent household though common - can be quite stressful for the adult and the children. http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/single-parent.aspx |
87. Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Central MA/Metrowest, Inc. Volunteer mentoring program designed to match children of single parent, guardian or grandparent headed households. http://www.bbbscm.org/ |
88. Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Hampden County Community non-profit organization that matches caring adult volunteers with at-risk children from single-parent homes in a one-to-one mentoring relationship. http://www.bigbrothers-sisters.org/ | |
89. Index.html Flint Chapter 110. Designed for the single parent trying to raise children alone. http://flintpwp.netfirms.com/ | |
90. Ann Arbor Parents Without Partners A non-profit, educational organization devoted to the interests of single parents and their children. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~zimmerc/chapter38.html | |
91. Helping Families With Disabled Children - Henrietta's Dream Information and help with civil rights for the disabled. Includes statistics of single parent families with disabled children. Includes news and donation section. http://www.henriettasdream.org/ | |
92. Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Greater Miami :: Mentoring Resource Center Helping kids from single-parent families with companionship and mentoring. Programs, enrollment, and events. http://www.wementor.org/ | |
93. Allscifi.com Star Trek Classic Fan Club Critical commentary from the original series, such as what the Horta does for single parenting and how Vulcans keep their women in line with finger foreplay. http://www.allscifi.com/Topic.asp?TopicID=19 |
94. Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sister - Welcome To Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters Improves the lives of young people and enables them to become responsible adults by creating one-to-one mentoring relationships between at-risk children from single-parent homes and adult volunteers. http://www.nutmegbigbrothersbigsisters.com/ |
95. Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Frederick County, MD Provides mentors to children from single parent families and offers other specialized programs including service learning opportunities; an after school program and a computer lab. http://www.bbbsfrederick.org/ | |
96. For Stepparents Offers advice and support for different family relationships, single parents, gayfamilies, step and blended families. Houses over 300 articles and reviews of Jull Curtis books. http://www.family2000.org.uk/for stepparents.htm | |
97. The Beauty Of Open Adoption Single parent of two adopted children is hoping to adopt a third child. http://www.angelfire.com/stars/MadisonHunter/ | |
98. Single Adoptive Parents Mailing List A mailing list for single adoptive parents providing discussions of parenting issues and personal experiences specific to single parent adopting. http://www.adopting.com/single-aparents | |
99. Untitled Devoted to the welfare and interest of single parents and their children. http://www.pwp-ftworthtx.8k.com/ | |
100. Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Colchester - Home Helping the community by providing friendship, leadership and guidance to youth from primarily single parent families. This is done by matching a carefully screened adult volunteer with a young person in need. http://www.colchesterkids.ca/ | |
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